June, 2017

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10 Facts PR Influencers Know to Be True


Earlier this month, AirPR Chief Strategy Officer Rebekah Iliff joined Nasdaq for its #PRInfluencers series on Facebook Live. Hosted by Deirdre Breakenridge of Pure Performance Communications, and joined by fellow panelists Shonali Burke and Shannon Furey, the panel covered emerging PR trends including how corporate storytelling has changed in recent years and what PR professionals […].

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Reflect and Project: How has Your #PR education Prepared You for Your Career?

Deirdre Breakenridge

A Guest Post Announcement by Ai Zhang, Professor, Stockton University. Spring semester has ended. Graduates have begun a new chapter in their lives. During times of transition, I love to reflect on the past and project into the future. As an educator, I’m constantly asking myself how teachers can better prepare students to excel in their careers; and more importantly, how can they create an impact in our society?

Education 322

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How to Boost Your Reputation on Google


When you are heading to a meeting or have a call with a potential client or customer, what’s the first thing you do? You Google them. Guess what happens when someone is going to meet you? They Google you. But, did you know that what people see when they Google you is within your control? Dictate Your Digital Footprint Destiny. Two years ago, if you typed “Christina Daves” (my name) into Google, the singer Christina Aguilera would be at the top of search results.

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Avoid These 7 PR “Surprises”

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Surprises? Great for parties and gifts, but not so great for public relations. Like many client service businesses, ours works best when it’s predictable and reliable. This means attention to staffing, budgets, deadlines and prep work to ensure successful outcomes. Our informal poll elicited some interesting – yet undesirable – surprises we all strive to avoid in public relations work.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Tricks of the PR Trade for Social Media

Ronn Torossian

Eons ago, public relations was largely focused on building relationships with journalists and the media. Today that focus continues, but it has become only a part of what PR agencies do to help their clients build their brands. A large focus of PR today is to strengthen brands by building influencer status on social media. Here are tried and true tricks of the PR trade, and tips for how to use them on social platforms.

More Trending

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10 Facts PR Influencers Know to Be True


Earlier this month, AirPR Chief Strategy Officer Rebekah Iliff joined Nasdaq for its #PRInfluencers series on Facebook Live. Hosted by Deirdre Breakenridge of Pure Performance Communications , and joined by fellow panelists Shonali Burke and Shannon Furey , the panel covered emerging PR trends including how corporate storytelling has changed in recent years and what PR professionals must learn to sustain their careers.

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Business Wire Releases New White Paper: Is Your IR Site a Security Liability?

Business Wire

The modern IRO has many areas of responsibilities. At the top of that list should be the creation and maintenance of an investor relations site, a beneficial communications tool that makes it easy for analysts, shareholders and the media to find essential financial documents and material news. A platform offering important financial news, requiring stringent security measures, might seem like cause for stress, but the good news for IR professionals is that Business Wire just released a new white

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Cision Goes Public: Ringing in the new age of Earned Media and Communications in the Cloud at the NYSE


Around here, “change,” “transformation” and “taking it to the next level” are terms used daily — and we’re embodying these ourselves as a company with the help of a fresh new look and an official NYSE ticker symbol. This morning, we rang the bell to open trading on the New York Stock Exchange, where as of today, Cision is publicly listed as CISN, signaling the completion of our merger with Capitol Acquisition Corp.

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PR Tips To Ace Your Next Speaking Gig

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Those of us in public relations spend a lot of time helping clients speak effectively in front of strangers, but what about our own speaking skills? Last week some of us addressed a client conference on best practices in PR and social media, which was an opportunity to put those skills to use. The crowd was engaged, and post-event evaluations were positive.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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IBM reduces telecommuting options

Ronn Torossian

A decade or two ago, thanks to the fast spread of WiFi and more disconnected work environments, telecommuting was all the rage. But, just as quickly as it began, one major American company has decided enough is enough. Working in your PJs is no longer okay with IBM, at least for a significant number of the company’s employees. As of last week, it was announced that IBM plans to bring the majority of its current telecommuting workforce – roughly 40 percent of the … READ MORE ».

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These 4 Growth Hacking Techniques Work Like Magic for Start-Ups


Have you ever wondered how is it that some startups grow into massive multinational corporations while others keep struggling throughout their lives? The secret to business success lies in ‘growth hacking.’. The post These 4 Growth Hacking Techniques Work Like Magic for Start-Ups appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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How to Care for Your Key Customer: The Journalist


If you own a local clothing store, listen to your customers: What do they want more of? What inventory do they overlook? How can you better delight and entice them to return week after week to see what’s new? If you’re a public relations professional, listen to journalists: What do they want more of? Which […].

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How New Journalistic Practices Are Influencing The News Release

Business Wire

By Agnes Deleuse, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager Recent studies published coincidentally by The New York Times , Reuters Institute and Business Wire Media Survey are highlighting how journalism is changing in order to survive. New technology brought in new challenges and revolutionized our relationship to media consumption. The smartphone is our connection to the world. 51% of consumers are getting their news from their mobile device and the trend is going upwards.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Behind the Headlines with Eliot Harrison


Eliot Harrison first joined MCS Healthcare Public Relations in 2005. Since then, his work at MCS has included the successful implementation of PR activities through the many stages of a drug’s lifecycle including early clinical trial data, FDA approval, direct-to-consumer and reinvigorating older brands. His understanding of clinical data in a range of therapeutic areas has allowed him to manage and build the relationships between the brand team, the media and nationally recognized KOL’s.

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When A Small Business Has A Big (PR) Advantage

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Some PR agencies fall into a trap of chasing only only large, brand-name clients. This is in part because like attracts like; large brands can bring more of the same, they reason. A PR firm may also think that doing media relations for well known brands can be easier than work for unknowns, because journalists are eager to cover them. The truth is actually a bit more complicated — very large clients can bring challenges of their own — and in my experience, it’s good to have a h

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Jennifer Johnson Schools on PR and Positioning at NYETM

Flack's Revenge

I attended and really enjoyed last week’s NY Enterprise Tech Meetup , which focused on marketing. Jennifer Johnson , the keynote speaker, was a real dynamo. Her bio on the NYETM agenda said: Jennifer is CMO of Tenable, was formerly CMO of Tanium, a Partner at a16z, and CMO of Coverity, so she’s got very legit enterprise marketing chops!

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Q&A with a High Performance Coach Cameron Brown: “A Place Called Earth”

Deirdre Breakenridge

We all want to create impact for our businesses, but what about the opportunity to make an impact for ourselves and for others around us? I’ve been interviewing the most interesting professionals on my podcast Women Worldwide. Among them is Cameron Brown, a high-performance coach, and philanthropist, who is clearly making a difference on a few different levels.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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Here Are the 6 Facets of Effective PR and Marketing Reporting


Monstrous file sizes, misguided statistics, focusing on tactics instead of outcomes and insights… The ways in which we can deplete the quality of our work when sharing PR and marketing results are vast. And for busy C-suite executives, reviewing a 10-page report as opposed to flipping through three top-line slides is often the difference between whether […].

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How to Stop Spam Backlinks from Ruining Your Google Reputation


How to Stop Spam Backlinks from Ruining Your Google Reputation. Let’s play word association! What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “penguin”? If you’re thinking about a cute, flightless bird, then there’s nothing wrong with you, congratulations. But if you immediately thought of link schemes, spam backlinks, and Google penalties, The post How to Stop Spam Backlinks from Ruining Your Google Reputation appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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Behind the Headlines with Ben Wyskida


Known as a progressive communications strategist, Ben Wyskida recently joined the ranks of Fenton PR as the new CEO. With 20 years of experience in communications and social change spaces, Ben took the helm on May 15, 2017. His background includes expertise in criminal justice reform, sustainability, human rights and public interest law. He has also led “media for media” communications for investigative journalism non-profits.

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A Summer PR Playlist

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Summer in public relations includes outdoor meetings, shorts and flip-flops (if your office works that way), Summer Fridays, and an all-around happier work environment. But it doesn’t mean we strive any less to keep clients happy and implement great new campaigns. If you find yourself needing any more motivation, music is always key and we have tapped the Crenshaw crew to come up with some perfect tunes to power your team through tough times and celebrate PR wins.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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Content, Links & Influencers

The Proactive Report

Creating content is one thing, getting it seen is another. It’s that ‘tree in the forest’ question: If you create the perfect piece of content and nobody sees it, does it matter? Distribution and amplification of your content is a vital part of your content strategy. One of the places you need visibility is in the search engines – Google in particular.

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GDPR Primer for Marketing and Public Relations

Shift Communications

Marketers, advertisers, and public relations professionals are ill-informed and ill-equipped to manage the largest change in data and privacy in the last 20 years: GDPR. What is GDPR? GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation, is an EU regulation which strengthens data protection and privacy for EU citizens and the companies they do business with.

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What Happens When PR and Marketing Mesh


In a perfect world, public relations and marketing teams would work together more often to achieve common goals. But let’s be honest: we’re all fighting an uphill battle in reducing organizational drag, and not everyone needs to be in your weekly marketing meeting. I, however, believe marketing teams would benefit from inviting at least one person […].

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Stories We Tell — Why Can Storytelling Be A Secret Weapon For Startups?


Set up a story-driven marketing strategy and make your business gain a competitive advantage. By crafting a compelling story, you can help your company get the attention it deserves. The post Stories We Tell — Why Can Storytelling Be A Secret Weapon For Startups? appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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Discover the Actionable Habits of the World’s Best Strategic Communicators

Communication professionals can sometimes face difficult questions from internal stakeholders about the impact of their PR marketing initiatives. We know that nearly half of these professional say they need help with turning their PR data into actionable insights; and at least 20% don’t think they can measure their campaigns at all—but what if we told you all these obstacles can be easily combatted if you implement a few key habits.

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Behind the Headlines with Yvonne Lorie


Yvonne Lorie, the founder of ReFresh PR and a recipient of the 2013 HPRA Premio PR Achievement Award, has been elected president of the Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) national board for 2017. Lorie has been with the organization since 2014 and is thrilled to lead this group of the foremost Hispanic public relations practitioners in the U.S.

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Smart PR Helps Spread Good News

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Last week we shared best practices for delivering bad news, but sound public relations techniques are also effective for amplifying good tidings. In fact, happy news is a main driver for social media sharing. Emotions layered with happiness make up the majority of top drivers of viral content. Crenshaw client Brainjolt knows this; it delivers feel-good content that engages 100mm people each month.

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Influencer Marketing – Owned or Earned?

The Proactive Report

Influencer marketing is no longer some edgy new technique.According to an eMarketer study 86 percent of marketers used this strategy in the last year and most marketers are looking to double their investment in 2017. That’s because they see results. 71 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference. (Source).

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