April, 2015

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The State of Digital Video: A PRStudChat Session Recap

Deirdre Breakenridge

On April 28, 2015, the #PRStudChat community gathered to discuss the State of Digital Video. Our special guest that night was Sarah Katz from D S Simon. Sarah and our community shared many video insights in a fast paced, dynamic chat session. Here are some of the highlights of the conversation regarding PR and the use of video in 2015. The post The State of Digital Video: A PRStudChat Session Recap appeared first on Deirdre Breakenridge.

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PR’s Past, Present and Future as told by Sally Falkow


When it comes to PR prowess and expertise, there are not many individuals who possess both in droves like Sally Falkow. As president of PRESSfeed and one of the industry’s leading minds on new technology and digital PR, Ms. Falkow … Continued.


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Three Ways to Elevate your Game Now

Ronn Torossian

Listen long enough and every self-help guru and business “coach” in the world will eventually tell you to “be you” or “do you” and you will find success. That’s crap. Don’t buy into it. First, you don’t “find” success. It’s not lost, and you don’t have to go looking for it. Success is [.]. The post Three Ways to Elevate your Game Now appeared first on Ronn Torossian 5WPR Founder Blog.

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TCIP #045 – The American Red Cross’s Social Media Command Center with Curtis Midkiff

Melissa Agnes

Welcome to episode #045 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Curtis Midkiff. The American Red Cross is known for their amazing, life saving emergency management and humanitarian work. A big part of their success is due to their evolutionary mindset and corporate culture that empowers them to change and adapt with the times. What has always fascinated me are their extreme capabilities in the use of social media for real-time emergency management.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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What PR Can Communicate About Philanthropy


Giving back has been the gateway to several effective PR campaigns. Whether you are starting from scratch or seeking to grow an established gift-gifting initiative, public relations gives you the power to reach your target audience through highly credible, third-party sources. While there are dozens of ways to kick off a successful PR campaign, many organizations still overlook the most obvious path that is fully dedicated to supporting communities: philanthropy.

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Join #PRStudChat on April 28th for a State of Digital Video Tweet Chat

Deirdre Breakenridge

'On Tuesday, April 28th at 8:30 p.m. ET, the #PRStudChat community will gather to discuss the state of video communications in 2015. Today, professionals are using video as a part of the communication campaigns and programs, whether it is on the fly, raw footage from a smartphone or professionally recorded and produced video segments. When you’re in PR, you’re very familiar with video, having used videos over the years for B-Roll footage, Satellite Media Tours (SMTs), and video to enhance your n

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How to Avoid the 7 Deadly Business Sins of the 21st Century


'As an entrepreneur, it is both a privilege and a tremendous responsibility to build a company–often from mere ideation all the way to IPO. A successful and fulfilling life, much like a business, offers many roads by which to travel. … Continued.

Travel 232
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Getting in with the New In Crowd: Developers

Flack's Revenge

'Many PR and marketing teams target the usual suspects. They launch campaigns to get customers, recruit employees and channel partners, and cozy up to investors and local communities. But if you are in tech, there is an increasingly important audience that may be getting short shrift. The software developer is becoming the linchpin in more and more business plans.

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TCIP #044 – Organization Fined $1.1 Million for Emailing Canadians (CASL) with Maanit Zemel

Melissa Agnes

Welcome to episode #044 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Maanit Zemel. Does your organization email Canadian stakeholders? If so, have you developed a CASL Compliance Policy? If you haven’t, you may be in store for some serious repercussions. Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation (CASL) came into effect in July of 2014 and it seems that since it came into effect, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has been out for blood.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Dissecting Publicity’s Impact on Pharma Companies


Pharma falls into that unenviable category of, ‘we love to hate them.’ These are companies making life saving and pain relieving drugs that cost millions to research and require years of willpower to navigate process and safety requirements to get drugs on the market. Yet, when an article like The Wall Street Journal’s Pharmaceutical Companies Buy Rivals’ Drugs, Then Jack Up the Prices by Jonathan D.

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The Guru With Ovaries: Be A GLORYHOUND


'If you’re anything like me then you know that life is difficult and less satisfying than a dog’s breakfast. Unless, of course, you happen to be a Giant Schnauzer; in which case a dog’s breakfast is a healthy way to start the day. That said, the harsh truth is that Giant Schnauzers can’t read. And even if they could they wouldn’t be reading this article, they’d be outside catching rats… Because that’s what they’re bred to do.

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Guest Post: When PR Opportunity Knocks…

Deirdre Breakenridge

'A Guest Post By Sally Falkow, President and Co-developer of PRESSfeed. There’s an old saying – when opportunity knocks don’t stand with your hands in your pockets. Fling open the door. Grab it with both hands. Or before you know it, someone savvier will have scooped it up and it’ll be gone. Right now there’s an opportunity that’s not just knocking on the PR door – it’s banging and demanding to be let in.

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3 Reasons CEOs Should Ditch Individualistic Bravado


'In my opinion, nothing is more unappealing than ego-driven anything. When arrogance and bravado are the core principles of a leadership team, the result is often one of three things, if not all of them: 1. Your employees will despise … Continued.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Video: My Upcoming Book

Rock the Status Quo

Wondering what my new book, Above The Noise, is about? Here is a short video where I introduce a little detail about it. Related Posts You Might Like: F8 Update: Two Upcoming Facebook Changes PR Pros Should Care About Video: What You Need To Know About Using Purchased Vector Art Video: Using LinkedIn Company & Showcase Pages for PR This post appeared first on Rock The Status Quo and is written by Carrie Morgan.

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Should We be Storytelling or Story Making?

The Proactive Report

Every PR practitioner has had it drummed into them that we should be telling our brand’s story. David Berkowitz, CMO of the digital agency MRY in New York City, has a different idea: he sees storytelling as just another broadcast activity, when in fact, the power of story lies in the response you evoke in the audience. Writers know that. Movie makers know that.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing


No content, no forward motion. Bad content is just like bad fuel. Your engine doesn’t perform well, it’s sluggish, and doesn’t get the mileage you expect. Given what we’ve been hearing about Mark Schaefer’s content shock — people consume 10 hours of content per day, which won’t change, but the Internet is expected to grow 600 percent by the year 2020 — your engine needs some high octane content just to be able to stay ahead of the increased supply.

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What Values-Driven Companies Really Look Like


'Can you believe it? Gravity CEO Dan Price was spending time with a friend who talked about how hard it was to make rent on what she was being paid. In that moment, Income Inequality became a very real thing for him. He realized he was part of the problem. So he took a $930,000 salary cut setting his wage at $70,000 a year. But he didn’t stop there.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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TCIP #046 – Crisis Management for Global Events with Roman Gaponenko (Part 1)

Melissa Agnes

Welcome to episode #046 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Roman Gaponenko. Global events, from the Olympics to the Oscars to a global crisis that impacts the world at large, present unique challenges when it comes to crisis preparedness and crisis management. Roman Gaponenko, a digital strategist who has worked for global agencies, had the opportunity to be a part of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics team tasked with social media and content strategy for the world event.

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How every startup needs to think about PR


'When you’re a part of young company, ‘the grind’ shifts from doing the same thing day in and day out to constantly being asked to do a different (and often seemingly impossible) things day in and day out. As those … Continued.

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Brand Ambassadors, Brand Advocates: These Programs Aren’t Easy!

Rock the Status Quo

'Don’t Let The Plethora of Blog Posts Fool You It’s easy to tout the benefits of brand advocate programs – of which there are many – but there isn’t enough discussion around just how difficult it is to create and sustain one. What is the difference between a brand ambassadors, brand advocates and just an online community?

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Storytelling vs Story Making: Interview with David Berkowitz

The Proactive Report

REGISTER HERE. Don’t miss tomorrow’s Proactive Report interview with David Berkowitz, AdAge columnist and CMO of MRY. Here’s a sneak peek – I’ll be asking him questions about storytelling and why brands should rather be doing what he calls story making with customers. Follow me on Twitter.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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What’s the One Thing?


PR has always been in the business of writing, sharing and promoting messages. Rightfully so. The message is the bulk of the work. Without it, nothing can be shared or promoted. A case in point: two recent labor strikes at two New Hampshire-based companies. One received a lot of attention in the media; the other had little. Why? It’s a matter of the message.

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Your Origin Story. Got one? You should.


'Wes Moore: Wes Moore was a troubled youth whose father dropped dead in front of him when he was 4 years old. It was the 80’s in the Bronx , where drugs were plentiful and relations between police and the Black community were further complicated all too easy to access guns. After vandalizing some buildings, Wes found himself in the back of a police cruiser.

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PowerPoint Presentation Tips from 7 Stellar SlideShare Decks


'With few exceptions, almost everyone is at least a little anxious about public speaking. Whether you’re gearing up for an important marketing presentation to the board—or making the toast at your brother’s wedding—you likely struggle to get those butterflies flying in formation. PowerPoint decks present their own unique challenges. Is your font large enough for the audience to see from the back of the room?

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AirPR Fights for “Title Equality”


'Company Institutes Mandatory “CSO” Position For All In an effort to fight for one of the most controversial equality issues of modern day tech culture, Title Equality, technology company AirPR has announced it will change all employee titles to CSO. … Continued.

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Discover the Actionable Habits of the World’s Best Strategic Communicators

Communication professionals can sometimes face difficult questions from internal stakeholders about the impact of their PR marketing initiatives. We know that nearly half of these professional say they need help with turning their PR data into actionable insights; and at least 20% don’t think they can measure their campaigns at all—but what if we told you all these obstacles can be easily combatted if you implement a few key habits.

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Is The Name of Your Business Costing You A Fortune In Wasted PR & Marketing?

Rock the Status Quo

'New client relationships usually start off all rosy and pink-cheeked, like a new bride walking down the isle, full of joy and excitement about what lies ahead once she slips that ring on her finger. Then, like a couple married in Vegas by an Elvis wanna-be, sometimes the ink isn’t even dry on the certificate before those emotions turn into something darker.

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Why SEO is a Vital PR Skill

The Proactive Report

'After 10 years the majority of companies and organizations still aren’t offering the media the content they need and want. “SEO is the most underused skill and strategy in the PR industry.” Lisa Buyer, author of Social PR Secrets. DOWNLOAD THE GOOGLE QUALITY CHECKLIST HERE. Google checklist (1).

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How Google Analytics Can Improve Your PR Metrics


I started writing this piece with the intention of sharing “best practices” for using Google Analytics to measure PR. It might of been a pretty helpful post for some people, but it could have been very counterproductive for some as well. If you’re using a physical tool (a hammer for example), you would probably decide to use it when you had a nail to drive.

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