Sat.Jan 21, 2017 - Fri.Jan 27, 2017

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What You Need to Know About LinkedIn’s New Changes


LinkedIn recently announced significant changes to its desktop and its search functions. Perhaps a little counterintuitive to the “mobile first” ethos, the new LinkedIn desktop looks great and has some cool features that will appeal to communications and marketing professionals on the platform. LinkedIn says that these changes are scheduled to roll out to all users “in the coming weeks.” In preparation, I’d like to highlight five of the significant changes and demon

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PR Reporting for People Who Care About Data


The thing about PR reporting is that it’s really fun when you have positive results to share and the opposite when you don’t. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Even when a campaign doesn’t work out the way you’d hoped it would, valuable learnings always lie between the lines. That’s why this week, we’re sharing […].

Report 190

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Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em

Ronn Torossian

Fewer people trust the media these days, and those that do, tend to trust them – especially the TV and internet news – a lot less than they did. Now, we could take the time to argue for or against those positions, or we could parse out the “whys” and the “hows” of all of it, but that’s not what this is about. This article is about what came out of that growing distrust, a hyper-partisan form of media, mostly on the web, that … READ MORE ».

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How To Gain The Benefit Of The Doubt In A Crisis

Melissa Agnes

When crisis strikes, you have mere moments to begin to gain (a semblance of) control over the narrative of the story. But what if, in those mere moments, your key stakeholders gave you the advantage of having the benefit of the doubt? Wouldn’t that be an ideal opportunity to help you reach the hearts and minds of those who matter most to your company?

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Prove Press Release Success With These 3 Key Factors


Press releases have been a primary tool in PR professionals’ arsenal for years. But most still don’t know how much their press releases are worth. With the right strategy, you can measure your press releases’ success more effectively and prove how valuable they are to your business. PRWeb’s latest tip sheet, “ 3 Steps to Measuring Press Releases’ Effectiveness ” outlines the steps you need to take to prove the true value of your press release.

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PR Leaders Agree: It’s OK to Be a Bad-Ass

PR News

Coming just days after the Women’s March, PR News’ Top Women in PR awards luncheon in NYC was an ebullient event that brought the PR industry together to celebrate female leadership and the individuals who’ve moved the communications needle in the past 12 months. If the on-stage commentary from the honorees is any indication, however,… Continued.

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What is Data-Driven PR, Part 8: Crafting the Pitch

Shift Communications

We’ve used the expression data-driven PR for quite some time now, but haven’t clearly defined it. What does data-driven PR mean? How do you know whether your public relations efforts are data-driven or not? To be data-driven is to make decisions with data first and foremost. In this series, we’ll examine how to become a more data-driven PR professional.

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3 PR Lessons From The Alternative Facts Debacle

The Stalwart Blog

Politics aside, companies should use the incident as guidance for what NOT to do. Watch this piece to see what the 3 lessons are.

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Instagram Announces ‘Stories’ Ads, Business Analytics


Brand managers looking to reach consumers online—especially elusive younger crowds—are turning to apps such as Instagram. Instagram stories have grown to 150 million users (from 100 million) in the last few months, and engagement numbers are high. Soon, brand managers will be able to reach those users with full-screen ads. On Wednesday, the company wrote in a blog post : In the five months since it launched, stories has grown considerably.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Spicer must let truth get in the way of a good story

Steve Barrett on PR

PR pros were outraged by White House press secretary Sean Spicer's demonstration of the communications art on Saturday, but he went some way to redeeming himself Monday with a more measured performance.

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The Latest Cybersecurity Target: Holding Medical Devices for Ransom


Read Time: 2 minutes. Hackers are nasty. They do awful things to organizations across every industry, not just pharmaceutical companies. Infecting your technology with ransomware is among the foulest things a hacker can do. In a typical scenario, a shyster hijacks your IT infrastructure and blocks access to applications and data until you cave in to their demands.

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Should Livestreaming Be a Part of Your Social Strategy for 2017?

Beyond PR

We’ve steadily seen video take a higher rank in useful marketing tools over the last few years, and last year, the rise in popularity of livestreaming changed the game for marketers. Rather than having carefully scripted and recorded videos, you stream in real time, mistakes and all. People love the spontaneity of livestreaming, and brands are finding it a viable marketing tool. .

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Metrics in Crisis Comms, Marketing and Social Media [UML]

Sword and the Script

The way I see it there are two key challenges with measurement in marketing – and both are human. First, metrics can be gamed. Asks any digital savvy marketer to drive more clicks or more webinar registrants and they certainly can. Whether those are the right clicks and webinar registrants is another story. Just ask your sales development rep (SDR).

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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The automation rebellion is coming

Communications Conversations

Earlier this month, I attended a local mastermind meeting I help run and the topic of automation came up–this time, the discussion focused on chatbots. One of the participants made what I believe to be an astute observation: “Are we on the precipice of a huge rebellion when it comes to automation?” What he meant was, will we start to see brands embrace more one-to-one and authentic communications in 2017 instead of trying to do everything “at scale” Isn’t that

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Seven-second Chinese New Year Greeting Comes with Snap, Crackle and Pop

Ishmael's Corner

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. As we increasingly embrace visual storytelling for our clients, we’re applying the same mentality to our own communications. The latest example comes in the form of our Chinese New Year greeting designed by Cindy Li in our Hong Kong office.

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Sint-Joost-aan-Zee: hyperdiverse school in Brussels

Frederik Vincx

How to stimulate families with a migration background to be more interested in school? In superdiverse primary school Sint-Joost-aan-Zee in Brussels, we want to get parents more engaged, to make sure that their children get equal opportunities. Later this year I’m going back to the school to further develop the project. This was the first internship of my sabbatical.

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3 Reasons Why You Need a Video Content Marketing Strategy

Stern + Associates

It’s no secret the world around us is becoming more digital, visual and interactive. Facebook Live transformed the social network platform last year. Virtual reality headsets topped holiday gift guides. The post 3 Reasons Why You Need a Video Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on Stern Strategy Group.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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Chat Recap: Fake News, LinkedIn Relationships, and More

Solo PR Pro

On the second Wednesday in January, we held one of our traditional Q&A chats, where top independent communication professionals shared thought leadership, tips and advice in response to questions submitted by the community ( learn how to join us here ). On January 25 2017, we weighed in with opinions and insight on the following topics of interest: How can I better leverage LinkedIn to meet/nurture prospective clients?

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2017 PR Measurement Predictions & PR Wish List From Boston Marketing Pros

Mindful Marketing

By Seedepth. PR measurement has long been an outcast in marketing dashboards. Over the years, companies have almost created coping mechanisms for accepting weak PR reporting – either not measuring PR at all or relying on basic awareness metrics, like percentage increase of coverage and sentiment. However, PR measurement is finally having its moment, and tools have improved significantly over the last couple of years.

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How To Make PR Surveys Work Harder

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

In running high-profile consumer and B2B public relations campaigns over the years, we’ve learned some important tricks for making surveys work harder. As any good PR person knows, a well-designed survey can help increase earned media exposure and sharing of branded content. But a survey is an investment, and outcomes can be unpredictable. Here are some tips you may want to incorporate when drafting your next survey.

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The Next Big Social Network Does Not Exist

Shift Communications

One of the questions we are asked the most about social media is “what’s the next big thing”? What’s the next big social network? Where should companies be looking next? How can we get ahead of the curve and find the next Facebook, the next Instagram, etc.? The answer may be a bit disappointing. Facebook seems likely to be the last of the mega-networks.

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Peter H. Paulsen’s Inspiring Tale Continues to Resonate in 2024

Two years after its initial release, Peter H. Paulsen’s book, From Brick and Mortar to Prosperity, continues to inspire readers around the globe.

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Building Community through User Generated Content

Solo PR Pro

Humans are a tribal bunch. We gather and form mini-communities around our work, interests, locations and more. Technology has amplified that trait. Apps and social media platforms provide an opportunity to share everything from sports to knitting as part of a group. User generated content (UGC) – unsolicited content provided by a brand’s users – is an expression of our tribal nature.

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Marketing Principles Remain the Same; Off Script #15: Jeff Beale

Sword and the Script

Marketing tactics may ebb and flow, but the principles remain the same. So says the Atlanta-based marketing strategist Jeff Beale who also goes by Mr. Marketology. Jeff is a contributing author to the book Influencer Breakthroughs which is available on Amazon and promotes a flavor of marketing he refers to as “authority marketing.”. While authentic conversation comes harder these days on Twitter, it’s still possible.

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Digital PR Insights on Trust in 2017

The Proactive Report

The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer has some interesting data for PR practitioners. These are the top 10 insights from the report: Trust in Authorities is Eroding Worldwide. Trust in business, government, NGOs and the media all declined this year. Trust in media is now at an all time low. The Trust Gap Widens. The measure of trust between the well-informed public and the general population is getting further apart.

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5 Audience Questions to Answer Before You Write Your News Release

Beyond PR

Identifying your audience is essential to planning, but you do need to dig into specifics as you detail your various tactics. Answering these questions will help you engage more effectively with the media, consumers, professionals, investors and analysts. WHO IS THE ULTIMATE READER, VIEWER OR LISTENER FOR YOUR MESSAGE? Identifying consumer, professional, investor, etc., will help you refine your message.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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Public Relations And The Big Lie

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

As journalists grapple with “ alternative facts ” and the Trump administration’s war on the media, some professional public relations people are putting ourselves in the shoes of those who act as spokespersons for the new president. And those shoes are pretty uncomfortable. As the Trump and the media squared off, I was struck by a provocative post about Trump’s PR skills.

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Talking Points Event Series: How fake news is already impacting the corporate and media worlds

Communications Conversations

Can fake news negatively impact your company’s reputation and stock price? Can fake news negatively impact the reputations of your corporate executives? And how is fake news impacting the media as trust levels among readers continues to erode? These questions are on many PR, corporate communications and media people’s minds in 2017. And, for good reason.

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Dude, just stop

Steve Barrett on PR

An extraordinary first week under the new Trump administration in Washington, DC throws up a number of lessons for communicators.