May, 2016

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The Differences Between In-house and Agency PR Roles


After reading his interview in Bulldog Reporter, I quickly became “Twitter friends” with PR pro Ryan Greives. As Senior PR Specialist for subscription billing provider cleverbridge, he leads the company’s global PR and social media strategies. But before that, he worked at an agency, filling the shoes of Vice President of BLASTmedia’s B2B Practice Group. […].

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Behind the Headlines With Jeff Monford


Why does your organization matter? If you can’t answer that question, your audience won’t understand your organization’s value. Jeff Monford, managing director at The Pollack PR Marketing Group, says successful communication starts with understanding your organization, why it is unique and how it can help solve your audience’s problems. In this interview, Jeff discusses how to engage your audience, why it’s important to be honest and open during a crisis and how a third-party advocate can benefi


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Before You Launch Your #Podcast, Consider these Five Tips

Deirdre Breakenridge

With the dramatic increase in podcast listening hours in the US, and the rise of mobile usage, marketing professionals are exploring the world of podcasting; how to launch a show and the strategies to attract and build a large community of engaged listeners. In 2015, Americans listened to approximately 21.1 million hours of podcasts per day, according to Edison Research.

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The Five “Rs” of PR: How PR Can Boost Brand Marketing

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Although they’re sometimes confused, public relations and marketing are very distinct. Marketing builds brands by communicating directly to the customer, while PR drives reputation through third-party endorsement, among other techniques. But in the ideal world, the two work together and reinforce one another to reach business goals. The visibility generated from a smart PR program can move a brand into the consideration set in a consumer’s mind for a B2C brand, or help fill the funne

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Why Small Businesses Need PR

The Proactive Report

Every small business owner is concerned about the bottom line. How to make more sales, be more productive, cut costs and increase the ROI. That, after all, is what business is all about – profit. In this drive to make a profit the focus tends to get stuck on marketing, sales, production and income. Of course those things have to occur. However, there is another part to the sales funnel that most small business owners either don’t understand or ignore – public relations.

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How Public Relations Is Like High School


As a PR professional, I am constantly educating those around me that do not work in the industry about what public relations is and does. Even those who work in other facets of marketing often can not describe PR with confidence. In honor of school years ending, but in light of the fact that education […].

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3 Areas to Measure to Establish Thought Leadership


Your audience is skeptical of your brand. They want to know that you are honest, trustworthy and reliable before they do business with you. But your communication alone won’t always convince them your brand can deliver on its promises. So how can you build trust and gain credibility in your industry? You need to become a thought leader. Becoming a thought leader takes time and a targeted strategy.

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The Top Public Speaking Missteps and How to Avoid Them

Ronn Torossian

According to research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health, the fear of public speaking or, glossophobia affects nearly 3 out of 4 people in the United States. Many Americans even go so far as to list public speaking as their greatest fear ranking it above heights, snakes, bugs and drowning. And while many of us have experienced some form of social anxiety speaking in front of groups, the good news is that with practice anyone can become a better public speaker.

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3 PR Pitfalls To Avoid This Memorial Day

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Memorial Day is both a somber holiday and the joyful unofficial start to summer, making it ripe with potential PR pitfalls for the uninitiated. Many a well-intentioned company has put their foot in it on the day when Americans remember those who died in service to the country. Those who labor in public relations should thoroughly think through the potential pitfalls of any campaign, but when orchestrating programs around this holiday, it’s more important than ever to be extra vigilant, as the st

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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#PRStudChat & CommPRO Publisher Fay Shapiro Discuss the Role of #PR in the Integrated Marcom Structure

Deirdre Breakenridge

Today, many organizations claim they are embracing an integrated marketing approach but are they really? On Wednesday, May 18 th at 8:30 p.m. ET, the #PRStudChat community will gather to discuss The Role of PR in the Integrated Marcom Structure. We will be joined by our special guest expert, Fay Shapiro , publisher at , an exciting hub for professionals interested in events and opinions focused on integrated business communication sectors.

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Rhetoric vs Story: The Art of Persuasion


I’m sure at some point in your life, you were the victim of an unfortunate infomercial. No doubt, the cheerful host and the inventor of the latest must-have gadget dished about the unique features that were supposedly unmatched to anything currently on the market, and then they launched into the familiar spiel of two-for-the-price-of-one and free shipping and yada, yada, yada.

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Common Math Mistakes That PR People Make


Let’s be honest. The typical PR person has an aversion to math. Couple that with the fact that the PR industry has historically lacked the type of quantitative performance data that’s usually available to marketing teams, and you’re left with a large group of professional communicators who are prevented from tapping into insights that could […].

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5 Ways to Improve Internal Communication


The Institute for Public Relations recently released a white paper entitled Organizational Clarity: The Case for Workforce Alignment & Belief. It details a multi-country, multi-industry survey examining how successfully businesses communicate across their organizations. IPR defines organizational clarity as the extent that “employees recognize a line-of-sight between their job and the marketplace they operate in, against the backdrop of the company’s strategy.” The results

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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How to Build a Strong Corporate Culture

Ronn Torossian

Many business leaders believe that a strong organizational culture is crucial for their business’ success , yet structuring and managing a system of shared values is much easier said than done. In a world of rapid change, corporate culture isn’t static. It is continuously evolving and requires a strategy that considers how people within organizations think, feel, and behave.

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What PR Can Learn From “Money Monster”

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Anyone who has worked in public relations is familiar with the tension created by a live broadcast interview. In an era dominated by branded content and social media, the live shot still stands out. There’s often a bit of nail-biting as we wonder how a company spokesperson will deliver “key messages” in a three-minute chat, or how far a host will veer from agreed-upon questions.

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Learn how to save hours creating your coverage reports

The Resolution Blog

Join us for a live webinar to find out how to best use We’ll show you how to produce beautiful reports, demonstrate accurate PR metrics and save yourself hours in your busy PR schedule! Join Stella and Laura from the team and be taken on a tour of the reporting tool. Register for the FREE webinar here. In under 30 minutes you will learn all of the best tips and tricks, including how to; Customise your report quickly.

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Beyond “Raising Awareness”: Setting Real Objectives


When it comes to raising awareness for your brand or cause, most of us assume that simply promoting it on social media or via email is enough to get the job done. I know this because I was once there too. After all the hard work spent creating what seemed like the perfect message and eye-catching image to match, I wouldn’t see the engagement I had hoped for.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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[Podcast] Entrepreneurial Lessons From the Founders of SF Sketchfest


When we think of entrepreneurship, we tend to picture startups and unicorns. But there are so many different types of businesses that revolve around taking risks. An event-based business is similar to a fast-growing tech company in the sense that both have goals of growth, attracting talent, and getting recognition from the press. So what […].

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Even More Social Media Experts Weigh In with Top-Notch Advice


Last month, I talked to six professionals who use social media marketing to further their brands. You got some insightful tips on how to go beyond the basics of social media, and since so many people gave such useful advice, I needed to write round two! Find Industry Influencers. Sometimes your efforts alone aren’t enough to really boost awareness of your brand.

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Why SEO Matters for Marketing

Ronn Torossian

Search engine optimization (SEO) is quickly and continuously evolving. In order for marketers to stay competitive in this field, they must keep up with the latest tweaks being made to top search engine algorithms. Those marketers who learn how to successfully integrate SEO into their overall marketing strategy will attract, engage and retain their target audiences in today’s hyper-saturated digital marketplace.

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PR’s Future: What Will The Next 10 Years Bring?

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

It seems there’s no end to the conversation over how public relations will change in the coming years. Predictions, warnings, and optimistic expectations about the future of PR and communications abound. It’s helpful for a PR team to consider what lies ahead, as it helps keep us sharp, adaptable, and in a constant learning mode. Looking too far ahead can be daunting, so here we consider what the next 10 years will bring.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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No Accounting for Bias?

Flack's Revenge

There’s one thing that could put the whole Facebook Trending News bias controversy to rest – but I haven’t seen it yet. In case you are not familiar with the story, Gizmodo ran this piece last week: Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative Views. The story hit a nerve, given election season timing and concerns about the growing influence of Facebook and other social networks.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Brand Video Dialogue


Videos have the power to grab your audience’s attention and establish an emotional connection. While your viewers listen to what you say and how you get your points across, they’ll feel as if they know you; like they’re standing right in front of you in person. “Over 70% of respondents claim that video performs better than other content for producing conversions,” according to a recent report published in Vidyard.

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Inside Innovation: Ogilvy Los Angeles

The Resolution Blog

We’re on a mission to meet talented PR teams around the world to find out how they do things differently. On a recent trip to the United States, Stella went to meet the consumer PR team at Ogilvy in Los Angeles and interviewed Vice President, Ashley Dos Santos to find out how their creative process is doing a lot more than just facilitating ideas.

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How The Los Angeles Times Decides Which Stories Have Star Power


Media professionals cannot sit around waiting for pitches if they expect to have an impact on their audiences. The velocity of the newsroom has sped up and with so many publishing options and communication platforms, it shows no sign of slowing down. So how can communication professionals keep up? We turned to the top arts and entertainment editors at the Los Angeles Times for answers.

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Discover the Actionable Habits of the World’s Best Strategic Communicators

Communication professionals can sometimes face difficult questions from internal stakeholders about the impact of their PR marketing initiatives. We know that nearly half of these professional say they need help with turning their PR data into actionable insights; and at least 20% don’t think they can measure their campaigns at all—but what if we told you all these obstacles can be easily combatted if you implement a few key habits.

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Social Media in the C-Suite

Ronn Torossian

Given how consumers are becoming more digital and are demanding more authentic relationships with the brands they love, the value of social media for C-level executives has never been important. From elevating their personal brands to cultivating business relationships to sharing their unique voices with consumers, employees and industry peers, senior executives are finding innovative ways to increase their online visibility and drive engagement.

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Perfecting Your PR Messaging

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Crafting the right messaging for public relations is like laying a strong foundation for a solid PR program. Whether your brand is strictly B2B or consumer, it’s worth spending the time to make sure core messages are bulletproof, easy to understand, and translatable in any format. This must hold true whether your team is speaking to media contacts, a room full of potential investors, or prospective customers.

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Confessions of A Foreign PR Student

Flack's Revenge

By Carmen Ren. We all know that in order to communicate effectively, PR practitioners need to understand the public well. In the multi-cultural context, this can be several times more challenging. (To me, it is also fascinating!) The efforts to understand our stakeholders from a foreign culture go way beyond overcoming language issues. As a PR student who came to the United States for the first time 14 months ago, I was daunted by the challenge of using English to listen, express, learn, think,

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