Sat.Feb 11, 2017 - Fri.Feb 17, 2017

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Join #PRStudChat on February 22nd for a Career Day Twitter Chat

Deirdre Breakenridge

College graduation is in May and students are preparing their resumes, reaching out to professionals and pursuing their PR career interests. #PRStudChat wants to help with a virtual Career Day chat session with professionals and educators offering guidance and sharing their experiences in PR. On Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8:30 p.m. ET, the #PRStudChat community will gather to discuss the different opportunities in PR from owning your own business to agency PR and in-house communications for an

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How To Use Google Apps to be More Productive and Awesome


Recently, Google announced that it is updating its Google Voice App for the first time in five years. I use Google Voice in conjunction with Google Hangouts for calling and texting, and it struck me how integrated into my daily routine this one Google App is (and the update is AWESOME!!!). I also use Google Docs and Drive to collaborate on different projects, and I use Gmail as my primary email address.

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What Every Marketing Boss Loves


Marketing bosses think with their heads and not their hearts. That’s because (a) their jobs depend on it and (b) the marketing and media landscape is constantly changing. What worked last year in a public relations or marketing campaign, or even last week, may not work again today. To boot, successful marketing bosses are increasingly […].

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Conservative coffee? That’s Black Rifle’s brand

Ronn Torossian

For most people, coffee is the ultimate uniter. If you love it, you don’t ask its political persuasion, you just drink it before you’re willing to have any conversations with anyone, much less a heated political argument. But, in recent years, one big international brand has built a reputation for being incessantly and fundamentally political. Starbucks weighs in on everything from gay marriage to Christmas to illegal immigration … and they get major league headlines every time.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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My Take on the Fake News Debate

Flack's Revenge

I attended the Daily News Innovation Lab’s session: Proposition: We can Solve the Fake News Problem. It featured an Oxford-style debate on whether there’s a solution to the fake news problem. Some very smart people from the worlds of media, business, and technology made great arguments for each side. It was entertaining and informative.

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Writing The Killer PR Plan

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

When a public relations firm signs a new account, excitement is in the air. Take a little time to celebrate, then let the real work begin. And that work starts with a strategic plan. To craft a killer PR plan, here are some steps to consider before you begin. Establish a baseline. A good plan starts with a review of past history, including brand perception, activity over the previous year, and recent earned media successes or lack of the same.

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How to Get Comfortable With Data Even If You Don’t Love Math

Deirdre Breakenridge

A Guest Post By Kelly Byrd, PR Engineer, AirPR. Public relations is undoubtedly an art, but it is also a science. With the growth of PRTech options for Big Data tracking and measurement, a knowledge of and comfort with that science has become imperative for leading PR professionals. Being an employee of AirPR , I strongly believe that thoughtful use of data is essential to success.

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3 Tips To Gaining Executive Buy-In For Crisis Preparedness

Melissa Agnes

A viewer recently asked: “How do we get busy senior executives to realize they need to act now to resiliency against an unseen and not yet present crisis?” This is a great and common question. In this week’s #CRISISREADY video, I provide three strategies that have helped my clients get that all-important buy-in from leadership. Take a look!

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A Love Letter to Publicists from the Media

Critical Mention

Dear Publicist, Please forgive the impersonal nature of this message. It’s hard to avoid with a blog post, but we can assure you that this letter goes out to each and every one of you, and it truly comes from the heart. Happy Valentine’s Day! Now this is difficult to say, but we’re big believers in not burying the lede, so we’re gonna get right to it.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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3 reasons digital marketing should NOT own influencer marketing

Communications Conversations

Traackr recently released a study named “Influence 2.0–the Future of Influencer Marketing.” I was curious, so I downloaded the full report and checked it out. But, I also take these types of studies with a very small grain of salt. After all, Traackr is a IRM (influencer relationship marketing) platform. It benefits by sharing data that reinforces the fact that many companies are spending more on IRM, but might not understand the process as well.

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What is NEWS? A Public Relations MAP.

Reputation Us

My children recently asked me if “NEWS” was an acronym meaning North , East , West , South , implying that it covers all angles, or information from every cardinal direction. A Google search nullified this pretty quickly, offering grammatical insight that the word “news” represents what is “new.” (And a rare instance of an English adjective becoming a noun when made plural; perhaps a formation leap from French.).

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The Old “New Media” and Marketing Tools with Novel Twists [UML]

Sword and the Script

“The Grey Lady is getting increasingly audible,” wrote Digiday in a piece covering the launch of the first ever podcast by the New York Times. Digiday says the Times is “trying to disrupt the news” but in reality, the paper is playing catchup. NPR has mastered podcast, which is a natural digital progression given the outlet’s roots in broadcast audio.

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New kid on the block – Prohibition reveals all about its newest recruit…


Name: Ella Sykes. Position: Account Director. Professional insight: Ella, you’ve worked in the industry for seven years. Tell us a little about your journey… I started out as a volunteer at a small food PR and marketing agency. It was a three man team so I was thrown in the deep end, which allowed me to work my way up quickly. It gave me invaluable insight into how a business functions, whilst teaching the importance of organisation from the off.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Edelman slowdown highlights continued agency revolution

Steve Barrett on PR

As the world's largest PR firm reports its lowest annual growth for seven years, everyone in the agency sector is retooling for an integrated and converged future in a bid to avoid becoming marginalized.

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Bring Your Own Meme to the #LiftOff Book Giveaway

Waxing UnLyrical

We had a boatload of fun this past weekend, during my 3-hours-in-3-days mini-training extravaganza, “Lift Off!” We played hard AND worked hard. In fact, it was SO much fun that people were actually asking for more homework and training! Done. Via a quick (and FUN) exercise, I’m giving you another opportunity to participate in the book giveaway I announced last week.

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B2B Blog Metrics: 4 Effective Categories to Measure Success

Sword and the Script

Businesses that engage corporate blogging with professionalism and process can boost visibility, grow a community, and ultimately, have a meaningful influence on sales. For example, I once worked for a company that found visitors that engaged the blog were 50% more likely to make a purchase. At another company, the blog was a touch point on a sales cycle for roughly one-third of enterprise deals with an average selling price in excess of seven digits.

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Similar to PR, Journalism Comes in Different Grades

Ishmael's Corner

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the number of people working in PR at 218,910 (as of May 2015). Some of these folks are extraordinary. Others communicate with the finesse of a carnival barker. Most fall somewhere in between.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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Integration of Corporate Functions Remains Elusive—and That’s Where PR Comes In

PR News

“No man is an island entire of itself…”John Donne wrote in 1624. Ah, but get that man, or woman, to work and he or she can be positively insular. Large, public companies, midsize firms and tiny operations, to some degree, all find communication between parts of the enterprise to be a challenge. In addition, as you… Continued. The post Integration of Corporate Functions Remains Elusive—and That’s Where PR Comes In appeared first on PR News Blog.

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Four-letter emails storm ‘won’t hurt Brand Becks’

Mark My Words

Last night PR expert Mark Borkowski said: “If you’re being flown all over the world the costs will rack up and the basic problem is that these things have slipped out. It’s not helpful but, then again, people don’t realise the complexities that go into celebrities being involved with charities. Even these game shows that you see on TV, where people play for charity, they still get paid.

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How to Make Your Customers Love You (and Your Thought Leadership)

Stern + Associates

What’s the most underrated strategy for bringing in new customers, keeping them loyal and turning them into advocates? Give them thought leadership that makes them love you. Thought leadership tends. The post How to Make Your Customers Love You (and Your Thought Leadership) appeared first on Stern Strategy Group.

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The Social PR Virtuoso® Master Course Open for Registration

Waxing UnLyrical

This Saturday, at about 2:45 pm EST, the clouds parted, the angels came out to sing, and all of Ireland finally found out where leprechauns hide their gold. OK, it didn’t happen quite like that (#AlternativeFacts), but here’s what DID happen: Two-thirds of the way through my free, LIVE online training, “Lift Off!,” I announced the reopening of The Social PR Virtuoso® Master Course , my online, on-demand course on all things Social PR.

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Peter H. Paulsen’s Inspiring Tale Continues to Resonate in 2024

Two years after its initial release, Peter H. Paulsen’s book, From Brick and Mortar to Prosperity, continues to inspire readers around the globe.

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How to Effectively Use a Social Media Calendar

Beyond PR

In my time helping small businesses with their marketing, I find that the best results come when you’re uber organized. One way to get organized is to have a social media calendar. By knowing ahead of time what you want to share and promote on social media, you can ensure that your social media marketing strategy aligns with other marketing goals. First, What IS a Social Media Calendar?

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Should Your Business Hire A PR Agency Or DIY?

Mindful Marketing

By Seedepth Congratulations! You’ve launched a company! You’ve got your logo, your website has launched and you’ve started selling. Congratulations! You’re on your way to becoming a bonafide business. It’s exciting! But don’t let that enthusiasm derail what you need to focus on first and foremost: marketing and sales.

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Obsolete technology – what the kids won’t understand

PR in High Definition

This month, we were all taken on a trip down obsolete technology memory lane by the Telegraph, with its round-up of technologies most kids today wouldn’t recognise. There was plenty to take us back. Who can forget the time when Floppy Disks ruled the world, or when you had to gather around the answering machine to record a family joint message. I still have my original GameBoy and GameBoy colour, and they both work, with commuters casting me weird envious glances on the train.

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Chaos, Capes and the Value of PR Pros

Solo PR Pro

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. Who knew that an opening line written in 1859 would so aptly describe the world today. We live in a time of great opportunity and astounding advances.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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The making of the new augmented Gruffalo Spotter app – Great for fun with the kids

Norton's Notes

I love this idea, if you are parent like me frantically searching for outdoor activities to keep your kids entertained. You will most definitely know who the Gruffalo is – he has terrible teeth in his terrible jaws etc. Well in the first development of its kind, Magic Light Pictures and Forestry Commission England bring its characters to life in the forest with a rather cool augmented reality app.

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How To Show PR’s Value: Meet Us At PR Summit Austin

Mindful Marketing

By Seedepth “ Prove your worth: Choose analytics that measure and show PR’s value” Our CEO & Founder, Christine Perkett , will be speaking on a panel at PR Summit Austin. Titled, “ Prove your worth: Choose analytics that measure and show PR’s value,” Christine will share her insights alongside Louis Gray of Google, as well as executives from TrendKite and GrowthX Academy.

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PR video: Become the movie star or be left behind on Sunset Boulevard

PR in High Definition

“I am ready for my close-up”, said Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. With the increasing influence of video in marketing content, this phrase is relevant to many these days. We all have our chance at our 15 minutes – or perhaps 15 seconds – of fame, if we want it. That said, not all of us want it, and for many the thought of being filmed is daunting and let’s be honest – is anyone ever really ready for a close-up?

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