Sat.Aug 06, 2016 - Fri.Aug 12, 2016

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Top 100 Sites for Marketers


With the rapidly evolving landscape of the marketing mix, fueled by the MarTech revolution, the growth of influencer marketing and content marketing, and a push towards integrated communications, marketers and communicators need cutting-edge resources more than ever. However, all this change gives us little time for researching the best sites for the latest news in marketing, PR and SEO.

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Key Components to Transform Bloggers Into Influencers

Ronn Torossian

There are several types of bloggers—those who do it to keep their families up-to-date and post photos of their children, those who blog because they have a particular interest in a subject or hobby and bloggers who deeply love a topic that they have become experts in that niche and have developed a significant following. As a result, certain leverage bloggers to test their product or service and share their thoughts with their followers.

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How to Use Data to Ensure Content Success


Earlier this year, I was a guest on the #DigitalPR Twitter chat in a conversation focused on the use of Big Data by public relations professionals for content success. The first question chat host Sally Falkow asked was whether or not the participants believe Big Data is the future of PR. Being a PR Engineer, […].

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Why Your PR Program Isn’t Gaining Traction

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

It’s a good time for people in the public relations business. It seems that companies of all stripes have discovered the power of PR and are giving it high priority. That’s great news, but it sometimes comes with high expectations that aren’t easily realized. So what happens when a PR campaign isn’t working? We often say that public relations is more of an art than a science, and it’s true.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Behind the Headlines With Angela DeRusha


Today’s consumers aren’t interested in hearing your brand shout at them. Instead, they want their voices heard first, so your brand can address their needs. Angela DeRusha, vice president of advertising services at French/West/Vaughan, believes understanding your consumers is key to effectively communicating with them. In this interview, Angela discusses how consumers have evolved over the years, how to improve your brand’s advertising campaign and why maintaining authenticity is so important.

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Huffington Goes Viral with Data Science – You can Too

Flack's Revenge

Cross posted on Hack the Feed. My recent posts have explored how publishers are working with social platforms to expand audience and adapt story telling formats (see Publishers & Platforms In a Relationship , and Platforms as Publishers: 6 Key Takeaways for Brands ). They reported the experiences of social teams and editors at some of the largest broadcast, print daily and native web outlets.

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“Internal” PR: Takeaways for Summer 2016

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

A wave of mild panic is sweeping over public relations agencies all over the land this week as this year’s crop of summer interns prepares to go back to school. These student employees add value and voice to all PR teams, and we hope they reap as many benefits as we do. We always want to improve the intern experience, so we interviewed some of our best and brightest and we’re already using the following takeaways to enhance next summer’s program.

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Behind the Headlines With Brandon Puttbrese


Before you create any brand communication, you must ask yourself: Will my audience care? Brandon Puttbrese, account supervisor at GS&F, says in order for your communication to be effective, you need to understand what motivates your audience. In this interview, Brandon shares why brands shouldn’t focus too much on competitors, how to streamline your pitches to journalists and how social media can help your brand in a crisis.

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How to Develop a Crisis Preparedness Program

Melissa Agnes

Part of being crisis-ready means thinking through your organization’s top high-risk scenarios and developing a crisis preparedness program that is scalable, flexible and realistically actionable – and then integrating that program into the culture of your organization. In this week’s #crisisready video, I provide a high-level overview of how you can go about approaching the development of a strategic crisis preparedness program for your organization.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Why PR Pros Need The New Google Analytics™ Demo Account

Shift Communications

Recently, Google announced a seemingly minor feature: any Google user could access a new Google Analytics™ Demo Account. The new Google Analytics Demo Account contains live, real information from Google’s eCommerce merchandise store. The marketing and PR industry responded with a collective yawn. From our perspective as a Google Analytics™ Certified Partner, every marketing and PR professional should be jumping up and down with excitement.

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What Cats Can Teach Agency Marketers About Client Service


For many people, August 8 will be just another Monday. But for me, the 8th of August is the one day a year where it’s (mostly) appropriate to share my utter love of all things cat: International Cat Day. You’re probably wondering what cats have to do with my agency life at Maccabee Public Relations and our field of marketing communications. My answer is, a lot actually.

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Behind the Headlines With Howard Stutz


To communicate effectively with your audience, you not only need to ensure your message is heard, but also understood. Howard Stutz, vice president of corporate communications at Golden Entertainment, says brands’ messages need to be clear and comprehensible. In this interview, Howard discusses the challenges facing casino gaming companies, how to deliver an effective message and how to adapt to the immediacy of the media.

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Adapting Strategies for Effective Storytelling in the Social Media Era


With the tremendous growth of social media in recent years, the PR landscape is continuously evolving and causing public relations professionals to adapt to the 24/7/365 news cycle we now work in as well as the instant, viral nature in which news breaks and spreads. For those who work in sports and entertainment PR, there are many areas of our practices we should be evaluating from how we pitch media in the social media era, to crafting captivating press releases, packaging media stories and eff

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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PR Unchained with Quentin Hardy from The New York Times

Ishmael's Corner

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. By Melissa Lewelling, Account Executive, The Hoffman Agency. As a former journalist, I tend to find PR events featuring journalists and the ethereal question, “How can PR help you do your job better?” — frankly — comical. These types of events often feature panels of journalists who don’t want to be there, don’t really.more.

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How Digital Marketing Technology has Affected PR

Shift Communications

If you’re working in the public relations field you may have noticed that there are increasingly more tools and data points at your disposal. In the past few years, PR has been able to leverage digital marketing technology tools and techniques. Take for example, the way that businesses are evolving to keep in constant contact with their customer base (from this year’s KPCB Internet Trends Report by Mary Meeker): Many brands are taking to text messaging or social messaging apps to provide b

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The Secret Life of Influencers


It ’ s 2016. Everyone is swiping right on influencers. It ’ s a welcome result for many of us who have poured our blood, sweat and crying emojis into this line of work. We are getting big awards, magazine spreads, TV deals and more. Some have even been asked to The White House. But that ’ s surface. I know plenty of influencers, including myself at one point, who wrestle with whether they should take a “ real job ” because the money isn ’ t or wasn ’ t there.

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My Fellow Relacionistas


via The Huffington Post. Fourteen years ago, I relocated to the United States from Puerto Rico. I became interested in the diversity of this country after I was often told that Puerto Ricans are pretty much “all the same.” After I joined PRSA, what I saw was a very different marketplace with a range of PR practitioners who were racially diverse, but had a multiplicity of ideologies and approaches that did not resonate with me.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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Brands Medal in Olympic Marketing

The Stalwart Blog

I've been having fun thinking of the medals I'd like to hand out for Rio 2016 Olympic Branding! . Go Team USA! . "We are more alike my friends, then we are unalike." That's the overarching message behind Apple's TV spot rolled out during Rio 2016 as part of its “Shot on iPhone” campaign. The ad shows photos and video recorded by different people across the globe as Maya Angelou recites her “Human Family” poem.

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9 social content trends to watch in 2017

Communications Conversations

Earlier this week, I had the privilege at speaking at the Florida Public Relations Association Annual Conference at the Innisbrook Resort in Tampa. The #SoloPR Summit is now part of this event–an event I’ve spoken at for the last four years. It’s the one chance we solos have to get together each year and see each other face-to-face.

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5 Foolproof Tips for Developing Winning Webinars


In a recent Content Marketing Institute study, more than half of marketers agreed that webinars/webcasts are one of the most effective channels in a marketing strategy. This same study also found that marketers struggle to create content that engages their target audience. A webinar can open many doors for a company. If produced correctly, a webinar can help retain clients, generate leads, establish your brand as a thought leader within the industry and create content that will engage your audie

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APR: A Boon to Foreign-Educated PR Professionals


After having worked for about 15 years in public relations in Brussels, I moved with my family to the Austin area in the summer of 2015. Since moving to Austin, I have discovered that public relations as practiced in the United States has more in common with how it is practiced in Europe than I originally expected. The challenge I did encounter, however, has been in convincing Texas-based clients that my Euro-leaning resume is not a liability or somehow not to be trusted because it doesn’t have

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Peter H. Paulsen’s Inspiring Tale Continues to Resonate in 2024

Two years after its initial release, Peter H. Paulsen’s book, From Brick and Mortar to Prosperity, continues to inspire readers around the globe.

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PR Briefing: Summarizing 3 Recent Public Relations Studies

Sword and the Script

You’re only as good as your last placement. It’s one of those facts of the PR profession. It doesn’t matter how impressive that headline, quote or copy was – or how much effort it took to secure that interview. As of this moment, last month’s placement…is last month’s placement. By my observation, this challenge has grown and will continue to grow.

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How to Align Your PR Campaigns with Company Revenue Goals

Beyond PR

Does PR have a perception problem when it comes to proving true revenue value to the business? Many of the recent conversations I’ve had with clients and colleagues in the PR and communications space have revolved around performance. PR teams are being called on to report similar metrics as their marketing counterparts and show how they’re driving growth and impact on the bottom line.

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Cision’s Journey Continues: Thoughts From Our New CEO


Over the years, I have found that a big part of being prepared for the future is understanding the past. Today, as I embark on an exciting new chapter and challenge, I can’t help but reflect back on 25 years of twists and turns in the road that brought me here. When I began my career in 1990, the world was still eight years away from its first Google search, the term “iPhone” was more than a decade away from working its way into the vernacular and tweeting was for the birds.

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PRSA Half-Year Update: Exciting Things to Come


It might be a bit of an understatement to say that 2016 has been an interesting year – and we are only a bit more than halfway through. Between a divisive election cycle, world events and the rise of augmented and virtual reality in several forms – most notably Pokemon Go – for communicators, there has been no shortage of topics to discuss. PRSA has been very busy rolling out new services to provide value to our members – and updating the technology infrastructure to let us do even more.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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Five Business Storytelling Lessons in a 75-second Video From Canal+

Ishmael's Corner

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. I came across this video “Never Estimate the Power of a Great Story” back in 2009. Even knowing the ending, the humor still slaps you across the face. After a recent watch, I realized the video delivers a few pain-free lessons in business storytelling.

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3 Ways to Promote Content Marketing with Press Releases

Beyond PR

As a content marketer, I’m always on the lookout for whatever edge will improve my content’s reach. But with so many other brands also using content marketing, the task can seem Sisyphean at times. While social media and SEO can help, you can count on your competitors employing these same strategies. Digital advertising and cross-promotion of content across owned channels: also useful, but still not enough.

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5 Hacks to Faster Content Creation


Content is moving at the speed of light these days. It sometimes feels like all you do is create blog posts, e-books and social media updates. Everything else is piling up on your desk and in your inbox. Don’t despair, friend. I’m about to give you hacks that will give you your time back and help you streamline your content creation. Ready? Let’s go. 1.

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