Sat.Jul 01, 2017 - Fri.Jul 07, 2017

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How Brands Benefit From Exuding Real, Human Emotion


As public relations professionals, we like to lament over fake news and how it’s misguiding people. While fake news is indeed the bane of journalism, everyone in business has, at some level, fabricated something. In other words, we can hide behind the brands we represent and even our own personal brands at times with formal messaging, over-edited tweets, and, on the customer end, imaginary buyer personas like “mid-level Melissa” that take real humans out of the mix and replace them with dictiona

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4 Ways to Build Trust Through Authentic Content


When it comes to branding, we’re hearing the buzzword “authentic” a lot lately. But what does that actually mean? How can a brand like yours be authentic, especially in its content marketing ? . What Authentic Really Means for Your Brand. Because this word is so nebulous, it becomes hard to define, but I take it as creating value for an audience without ulterior motives.


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What Makes A Brand Story Authentic?

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Karly Gomez. Any PR or marketing expert will tell you that for a brand to connect with customers, it should strive for authenticity. But what about brands that don’t have a compelling story, or who have strayed from their roots due to their very success? Can authenticity be designed after the fact? It seems right up there with “planned spontaneity” – an oxymoron.

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Cannes Lions 2017 — the Creatives Still Want to Change the World


Cannes Lions 2017 — the Creatives Still Want to Change the World. The 64th Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is over! Hundreds of lectures, thousands of delegates and submitted projects. Virtually the entire global creative communications industry spent over a week at the Côte d’Azur to review the past year and to reflect on what. The post Cannes Lions 2017 — the Creatives Still Want to Change the World appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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How Brands Can Benefit From Exuding Real Human Emotion


As public relations professionals, we like to lament over fake news and how it’s misguiding people. While fake news is indeed the bane of journalism, everyone in business has, at some level, fabricated something. In other words, we can hide behind the brands we represent and even our own personal brands at times with formal […].

Brand 311

More Trending

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Why Quality Content is the Foundation of SEO

The Proactive Report

It always surprises me that a company will happily pay for design and programming, but not for content. Take a look at the ads for writers and content creators. On average, the pay scale is dismal compared with design and programming. Don’t get me wrong, you definitely need good design and programming. Without that you don’t have a site or a blog.

SEO 113
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10 Key PR Trends to Watch During the Rest of 2017

PR News

It’s obvious that times have changed. Years ago for a trend to be an officially approved topic of conversation at industry cocktail parties it had to have a 1-800 number and be mentioned in at least one NY Times best-seller. Today, of course, it’s even more difficult to graduate to trend status. The requisite accoutrements… Continued. The post 10 Key PR Trends to Watch During the Rest of 2017 appeared first on PR News Blog.

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A Virginia Tech Professor’s APR Journey


Earning my APR was one of the best decisions I have made. I am a professor of public relations, and my job requires me to publish in peer-reviewed journals, teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and serve on university and convention committees. In short, I am, like most people, very busy. However, earning my APR was something that I wanted to do for years.

Study 119
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How to Get Quality Leads on Your Blog


Originally authored and published by PR Newswire’s Jaimee Bruening [link]. Blogging can (and should) do more than just update readers on the latest news and events of the day. When done right, your posts can educate readers, establish you as an authority in your field, and help position you as a go-to resource in your audience’s time of need.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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6 steps to creating an effective communication plan

Axia PR

Develop a strategy for delivering information to your target audiences. When you want to introduce a new service or product or launch an initiative within your company, you’ll need to communicate this new information to your target audiences. You need a communication plan. A communication plan is your road map for getting your message delivered to your audience.

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What PR Pros Can Learn From Content Marketers?


Today, in the „everyone is a publisher” era, the playing field has changed dramatically. Cold emails sent out to as many journalists as possible are no longer effective. Offering them lunch could be helpful, but — unfortunately — not scalable. The post What PR Pros Can Learn From Content Marketers? appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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PR's power players share their vision

Steve Barrett on PR

The collected wit and wisdom of the 270 individuals in PRWeek's Global Power Book provide some significant indicators for the future of the industry.

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Got an Extra $250k in Your PR Budget?

PR News

When I ask my friends in PR what they’d do with a bigger budget, their first instinct is to smile that “yeah, right!” smile. It’s hard enough to keep the budget they have much less be handed a bigger slice of the pie. But when pushed, they usually say they’d spend the extra mil on… Continued. The post Got an Extra $250k in Your PR Budget? appeared first on PR News Blog.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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The psychology behind social media’s biggest shifts in the last year

Communications Conversations

Maybe it’s my psych minor. And maybe it’s my innate interest in human behavior. Any way you slice it, I’ve always fancied myself an amateur psychologist (extremely amateur, to be clear). And, there’s no more interesting place to watch that human behavior play out than the internet on a day-to-day basis. Over the last 9-12 months, it’s been particularly interesting as we’ve witnessed a number of seismic shifts in our industry.

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How to Discover Your Brand Story and Stand Out

Stern + Associates

What’s your brand story? Positioning yourself or your company as a thought leader takes more than elbow grease. It all starts with having a thought to share – a brand. The post How to Discover Your Brand Story and Stand Out appeared first on Stern Strategy Group.

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Your Summer of Opportunity

Critical Mention

It may seem like the PR world comes to a halt in summertime. Everyone is either actually on vacation or mentally on vacation. Plus, the office AC is cranked too high, your commute is sweaty and your company doesn’t offer summer Fridays. All of this misery adds up to one thing: Opportunity. via GIPHY. First off, you’re right, things do slow down. And so does the volume of story pitches.

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Three Commandments of Tech PR Learned in HBO’s Silicon Valley


For those of you in tech that haven’t caught the Silicon Valley bug yet, you should watch it. Each episode chronicles six guys as they go through the ups and downs of launching a startup in the infamous tech capital of the world, Silicon Valley. From securing funding, to understanding the ins and outs of a startup incubator, and dealing with sheisty sharks out to steal the company’s IP, the HBO series paints to me, what seems like a hilariously real look at the tech industry.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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Development Report Q2 2017


Content modules. All content modules will be treated to an UI/UX update, which we’re gradually implementing per module. Currently there are 10 modules delivered. Updated and future modules will have the following requirements: Improvement of workflow. Option to multiply. Choice of custom title. Option to toggle on/off or delete. Improved indexing and search results.

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Smart Social Selling Lessons From My First Kickboxing Class

Waxing UnLyrical

OMG it’s July already. How did it happen?! Do you have fun holiday weekend plans? So, yesterday I went for my first kickboxing class at a <well-known kickboxing franchise> location. I’ve never taken one before, so had no idea what to expect. I had a blast! That’s me post-class. What I did NOT enjoy was the trainer shouting “GO SHONALIIIII” 500 times during the session, telling my friend (woman @ left in pic) she shouldn’t talk to/disturb me, but doing

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Why PR Should Measure by Outcomes

Beyond PR

Hits, reach, placements — all of these are interesting metrics but they aren’t what determines whether a media campaign has been successful. Success is really about outcomes, and outcomes are the overarching goals that are surrounding the reason why a brand is reaching out to the media. Outcomes are the why of the campaign. Why, is a three letter word that is often asked but more rarely measured against.

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United We Stand, Divided We Become a Trending News Story

PR News

Here’s one question you don’t want to be asked by a brand representative when you’re trying to resolve an ongoing issue: “Who did you speak to the last time you tried to resolve this?” Once you hear that question, you know you’re sunk. Implicit in that seemingly helpful question is a passing of the buck,… Continued.

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Peter H. Paulsen’s Inspiring Tale Continues to Resonate in 2024

Two years after its initial release, Peter H. Paulsen’s book, From Brick and Mortar to Prosperity, continues to inspire readers around the globe.

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‘You’re Being Totally Cynical!’

Mark My Words

talkRADIO, 03.07.17. Mark talking to Julia Hartley-Brewer about Jay-Z and Beyonce Carter Knowles trademarking their children’s names. Listen Here (12:30-13:00/21:44-26:58).

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PRWeek’s “Power List” Overlooks Minnesota and Fly-Over Country…Again

Communications Conversations

Earlier this week, PRWeek unveiled its annual “Power List” –a list of people they believe are power brokers in the PR business across the U.S. (of course, I can’t read more about the list because PRWeek is gated and I’m not paying $350 a year to read all their content). The list includes senior leaders at Weber Shandwick, Edelman, Microsoft and General Motors, just to name a few.

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4 Ways to Build Trust Through Authentic Content

Beyond PR

When it comes to branding, we’re hearing the buzzword “authentic” a lot lately. But what does that actually mean? How can a brand like yours be authentic, especially in its content marketing ? . What Authentic Really Means for Your Brand. Because this word is so nebulous, it becomes hard to define, but I take it as creating value for an audience without ulterior motives.

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The Interim CMO as Change Agent; Off Script #19: Sophie Shiatis

Sword and the Script

The word “interim” might conjure the idea of provisional, or temporary, or stopgap, but there’s one more way to think about it according to the Merriam-Webster definition : intervening. It’s especially relevant at critical moments in time – and interim to get organized. That is perhaps the essence of an interim CMO. It’s a critical point in the evolution of a company, when marketing requires a strategic leader and change agent.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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‘How Louise Redknapp regained her mojo on Strictly after sacrificing her career for Jamie and their children’

Mark My Words

The Daily Mirror, 06.07.17. PR guru Mark Borkowski believes this could be the beginning of Louise’s second wind – and that she could soon be commanding some very big figures with her talents. He says: “She will never be top of the charts again as she was but she’s going through another period and she could be just as popular to brands and people as Jamie is.

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#FunFactFriday – July, In All of Its Glory

HMA Public Relations

There's more to the month of July than Independence Day (although the holiday really sweetens the deal). This month's #FunFactFriday is dedicated to the rest of the events and historic happenings that make the month of July so fascinating. Oohs and aahs ensue! The post #FunFactFriday – July, In All of Its Glory appeared first on HMA Public Relations.

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Are you writing news releases for your target audience or for your company’s leadership?

Axia PR

8 tips for creating a news release that will result in numerous media placements and boost your exposure. It’s a problem public relations professionals encounter all the time. They write a news release based on what media and target audiences want to see. Then, the CEO or another C-suite executive reviews the release and adds long quotes and several paragraphs of company information to appease partners or other stakeholders.

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