April, 2014

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Melissa Agnes to Organize NATO Panel Discussion at Upcoming NATO Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Melissa Agnes

'Melissa Agnes, President and co-founder of Agnes + Day, has been asked by NATO to organize, moderate and sit on a panel for their upcoming conference titled “Social Media: Impact for [NATO] Partners” The conference is being held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on April 23rd and 24th, 2014. . NATO panel discussion topic and panelists.

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9 Bad Habits of Recruiters that Damage their Reputation and Undermine Candidates

PR Matters

'Sooner or later most of us will have to deal with recruiters, whether in-house HR departments or recruitment agencies. While we know our profile and character matter to help us get a job, it’s interesting that often recruiters don’t seem to understand the impact that their bad behaviour towards candidates can have on their own reputation.


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The networks we’ve tried. and abandoned


'Why do some social networks thrive, while others fail? I’m sure you can all list a few social tools you eagerly tried out and then promptly forgot. I asked some of my friends if they’d tried and abandoned a social network or tool – and why. You’ll probably find yourself agreeing with them, while in other cases their answers will surprise you: Vern Schulz : The social media app I’ve abandoned (long ago) is Gowalla.

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Social media network broadcasting: No sales pitch please!

Lauri Pehar Borsh

One of the advantages of using social media networks for creating new business opportunities is the ability to share great information without having to rely solely on the traditional sales pitch approach. Absent the hard sell, “social media network broadcasting” allows for the opportunity to engage with people on a number of levels, from personal interaction to thought leadership.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Urban Communication: The Curious Speech of Cities

Waxing UnLyrical

'I moved to Kosovo in 2012 to get out of my comfort zone. Now I spend my weekends navigating the winding streets of Pristina, dodging feral animals and erratic motorists on my way to my favorite bakery. My modern apartment building is nestled among post-socialist high-rises and ottoman-inspired tenements. From my window, I can hear the call to prayer echoing from the myriad mosques across town.

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The Use of the Word Transparency in the World of Social Media

Melissa Agnes

'By Judith Delaney, Attorney and member of Agnes + Day’s Crisis Intelligence Team. Let’s talk about the word transparency. A word that, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary was first used in 1591. In the good old days before web 2.0, when a crisis happened it was common practice for an organization to withhold information, particularly if the information was incomplete or involved an organization’s Intellectual Property (e.g. trademarks, patents, trade secrets) or Confidential Informati

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Why claims that PR is dead are dead wrong

PR Matters

'I can’t be the only one who thinks former Edelman EMEA CEO Robert Phillips is dead wrong about PR in his opinion piece published in PR Week US recently, in which he claims that “PR is Dead” So I pitched the publication and they kindly accepted my counter response to his views, published today. Hope you enjoy it. . At first, there was some reactive commentary on Twitter when it went online, primarily from Mr Phillips.

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Live-tweeting: from joy to disasters


'Undoubtedly one of the great features of Twitter is the ability to live-tweet something happening right now. Today we regularly see journalists live-tweeting from press conferences and, increasingly, the courtroom depending on which jurisdiction they operate in. People live-tweet from conferences and sports clubs like Port Adelaide Football Club live-tweet their matches (in this case using the #pafclive hashtag).

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The 10 Commandments of Press Release Writing

PR Breakfast Club

'For most folks considering PR as part of their marketing strategy the actual writing of a press release itself sometimes takes a backseat. Not so fast! Here are some rules to help you navigate the choppy waters of crafting the perfect press piece: 1. Thou Shalt Have a Relevant Topic. This one will get you kicked out of heaven in a hurry. Check the topic again to see if what you’re writing about is relevant news to your readers and not just a fluff piece for your organization.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Adjectives are Cheap: Sell Yourself with Nouns and Verbs

Waxing UnLyrical

'Guest Post by Ann Wylie. “Adjectives are cheap. Everyone is a ‘best selling’ author or a ‘sought after’ speaker or a ‘world class’ coach. Nouns are more expensive: How many BOOKS, how many SPEECHES, how many CLIENTS?” ~Alan Weiss, principle, Summit Consulting Group. My long-term webmaster is leaving for greener pastures — Sniff!

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Social media network broadcasting: No sales pitch please!

Lauri Pehar Borsh

One of the advantages of using social media networks for creating new business opportunities is the ability to share great information without having to rely solely on the traditional sales pitch approach. Absent the hard sell, “social media network broadcasting” allows for the opportunity to engage with people on a number of levels, from personal interaction to thought leadership.

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WTF US Airways??!!!

Melissa Agnes

'If you haven’t already come across it, US Airways tweeted an image as an insult to an unhappy customer yesterday that has left our (and everybody else’s) jaws on the ground! All I can say is WTF US Airways!! Who have you hired to be your frontline and what were you thinking? Although some may say this is good publicity, I can bet that senior management over at the airline is in entire disagreement – as are TONS of their customers.

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10 Reasons Why Auto Direct Messages in Social Media are Bad for Your Brand and Business

PR Matters

'It’s almost impossible to exist in social media without receiving an unwanted auto Direct Message (DM). Especially infamous on Twitter (which I love), 99% of the time the DMs sent add no value and, worse, irritate. Even Twitter itself recommends against the practice: Automating your direct messages. Including an automated “thanks for following” message to your new followers might be annoying to some users.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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It’s baa-aack! Socialnomics clip shares new numbers


'Hello readers. If you have been in the audience of a social media seminar or two, chances are you would have seen an Eric Qualman social media video. Back in 2010 when I started speaking on the topic of social media, I remember the first Qualman clip being a big hit on the conference circuit – but it didn’t take long before those in the industry began to shudder whenever they heard the opening bars.

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Why You Should Read Spin Sucks: a BOOK REPORT

Bad Pitch Blog

'Spin Sucks, is a much-needed, pragmatic explanation of the changing communication landscape. The book''s author, Gini Diterich, dives into this changing landscape and clearly articulates how its changed — without hyperbole, fifty cent words or, of course, spin. The book is practical, clearly written and helpful as a result. It''s no surprise Dietrich hails from the Midwest…we’re known for this kind of counsel.

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Monday Roundup: Challenge the Status Quo

Waxing UnLyrical

'I am so sorry we didn’t publish for a few weeks. I’ve been traveling a lot and then one of my dogs was diagnosed with cancer. You can imagine how crazy it’s been. So I apologize for going dark like this! Image: Steven Depolo via Flickr, CC 2.0. Business leaders often rock the boat. Anyone can sit back and go with the flow, but only those willing to shake things up will truly accomplish greatness.

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5 Things a Young Pro Should Know Before Starting her Own Business

PR Breakfast Club

'#1 Recognize the massive demand on your time. Young female entrepreneurs are often shocked to learn how demanding it can be on their schedule and time. You will be working around the clock. You can’t afford to stop strategizing, planning, and selling both yourself and your business. Be prepared to make sacrifices. While others around you may be partying, you may not be able to join in and enjoy the comforts of a typical 9-5.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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A Crisis Avoidance Strategy

Melissa Agnes

'By Garth Rowan, Communications Consultant and member of the Agnes + Day Crisis Intelligence Team. “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”. The powerful words of Margaret Mead bear noting and are especially important for organizations focused on crisis avoidance. All revolutions start with a group of powerless yet committed people.

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9 Bad Habits of Recruiters that Damage their Reputation and Undermine Candidates

PR Matters

'Sooner or later most of us will have to deal with recruiters, whether in-house HR departments or.

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Announcing: A New Prakky


'If you look back at the first posts of Prakkypedia, you’ll soon seen that this blog was very different in 2009. Back then, the focus wasn’t exclusively social media and my topics ranged from visiting art galleries through to how iPods have changed our lives. While I did work in social media at that time, the blog was more personal and I was keen to know what it felt like to be a blogger.

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Public Relations as a Rainforest

Greenbanana PR

'In writing about T-shaped career decisions for public relations practitioners at PR Conversations, a comment by Natalie Bovair suggested a tree trunk for the vertical stroke that grows thicker and deeper, but needs (along with its main branches – the horizontal stroke) to bend to the winds. This is a useful metaphor, which can be […].

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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The Secret Society of Kent State

Tough Sledding

'Update 4/13/14: Latest news story reveals a tale that’s turning downright Nixonian, including shredding of documents that belong in the public domain. I’m embarrassed that so few within the KSU community are going public with their outrage and just as troubled that I must. * * * * * *.

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How to Deal With the Right Audiences in a Crisis

Melissa Agnes

'By Patrice Cloutier, Strategic communications professional and member of the Agnes + Day Crisis Intelligence Team. A key part of any crisis communications plan is identifying key segments of your audience and prioritizing your response efforts. This is made an even harder task nowadays because of social networks and the need for a speedy implementation of your plan.

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Physician Internet Defamation: How Doctors Can Deal with False Reviews and Protect Their Reputation

Melissa Agnes

'By Whitney C. Gibson, i nternet defamation attorney at Vorys who works closely with Agnes + Day’s Crisis Intelligence Team. Last month’s post discussed the damage that can be caused by false reviews online. The reality is that most anyone with a computer can cause very serious damage to your reputation: upset customers, ex-employees, ex-business partners, ex-spouses and more.

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Does the New Trend of Anonymous Apps Put You at Risk?

Melissa Agnes

'With apps like Secret, Whisper, Yik Yak and Rumr gaining in popularity, organizations are left even more vulnerable. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that we help organizations work their way through targeted attacks on a regular basis, but I have a hard time understanding why these sorts of apps are continuing to be developed (primarily due to the fact that they facilitate cyberbullying).

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Discover the Actionable Habits of the World’s Best Strategic Communicators

Communication professionals can sometimes face difficult questions from internal stakeholders about the impact of their PR marketing initiatives. We know that nearly half of these professional say they need help with turning their PR data into actionable insights; and at least 20% don’t think they can measure their campaigns at all—but what if we told you all these obstacles can be easily combatted if you implement a few key habits.

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10 Reasons Why Auto Direct Messages in Social Media are Bad for Your Brand and Business

PR Matters

'It’s almost impossible to exist in social media without receiving an unwanted auto Direct.

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Why claims that PR is dead are dead wrong

PR Matters

'I can’t be the only one who thinks former Edelman EMEA CEO Robert Phillips is dead wrong.

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Quote of the day: Watch your thoughts, words, actions, habits, character … they become your destiny.

PR Matters