Sat.May 28, 2022 - Fri.Jun 03, 2022

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How Earned Media Drives Consumer Behavior: Brand Engagement


Welcome back to our blog series about the relationship between core earned media attributes and consumer behavior! . These insights are based on our quantitative analysis of the PR Attribution data from over 100,000 earned media articles published in 2021 that covered both business-to-consumer and business-to-business brands across a wide range of industries.

Consumer 195
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Utilizing SEO and Social Media to Convert

Ronn Torossian

The best way that companies can get their target audiences to convert and make purchases is by focusing on the right social media and SEO strategies. These types of strategies can help companies increase their organic website traffic and search engine visibility, as well as their social media reach. Social Media According to studies, over […].

SEO 195

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Prowly #PRChat with Sherika Powell, Communications Manager of UPS Canada


It’s time to reset your day with a nice Prowly #PRChat break, where we drop in on PR pros from all over our industry and get to know a little bit about them through their answers to our questions. This time, we’re talking with Sherika Powell, Communications Manager at UPS Canada and all-round communications expert. […]. The post Prowly #PRChat with Sherika Powell, Communications Manager of UPS Canada appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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Top Crypto Reporter offers Tips for PR and Startups

Flack's Revenge

If you work for a crypto or blockchain company and want to improve visibility and marketing results, check out our latest podcast. Fusion PR CEO Jordan Chanofsky interviewed CoinDesk Deputy Business Editor Danny Nelson about the state of the space and implications for media and PR. They discussed: Where is crypto today? Is the market maturing? Terra crash and implications for startups entering the space How to bring more people in the crypto world Pet PR peeves; how to pitch Danny Can early-stag

Report 156
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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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How Earned Media Drives Consumer Behavior: Brand Engagement


Welcome back to our blog series about the relationship between core earned media attributes and consumer behavior! These insights are based on our quantitative analysis of the PR Attribution data from over 100,000 earned media articles published in 2021 that covered both business-to-consumer and business-to-business brands across a wide range of industries.

Consumer 195

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4 email copywriting tips your recipients will love

Agility PR Solutions

Email copywriting is one of the main elements of email marketing. It can also be pretty confusing for marketers since convincing prospects and inspiring them to follow the action you want can seem next to impossible. But nailing email copywriting can have the following results: (Source) Your subject line will entice, your body copy will […]. The post 4 email copywriting tips your recipients will love appeared first on Agility PR Solutions.

Marketing 164
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The Best PR Reporting Tools Available To You Right Now


It’s the end of the month and time to prepare a PR & media clipping report for every single client. Although this is a task you do repeatedly, it seems to creep up on you every month. You’re right: PR monitoring and evaluation can take almost as much work as doing media relations. Of course, […]. The post The Best PR Reporting Tools Available To You Right Now appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

Tools 104
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Top 3 benefits of creating a social media calendar

Axia PR

A calendar can keep you and your social media content organized. If your company doesn't have an active social media presence in today's digital era, you are certainly behind the times. The entire globe is well connected over the internet, and now is the time to leverage these social platforms to increase your revenues. This doesn't mean you need to flood your LinkedIn and Instagram accounts with all your content at once.

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LinkedIn Business Newsletter Strategy


Plenty of businesses use LinkedIn to connect with more potential customers. However, there are several different ways that they can create content that will reach their marketing goals on LinkedIn, and one of the best ones is by starting a business newsletter on the platform. It doesn’t take a lot of time to set up a business newsletter on the platform, and companies can share content whenever they see fit.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Tips for sparking higher engagement among digitally fatigued audiences

Agility PR Solutions

Despite increasingly powerful and ubiquitous digital marketing tools, many businesses find themselves struggling to gain traction among customers and prospects as the competition for impressions, clicks, and mindshare is increasingly fierce, reveals 2022 survey research from hybrid experience firm PFL. The results of the firm’s 2022 Hybrid Audience Engagement Survey finds that personalization, content, and physical […].

Survey 156
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The Timeless Art of Negotiating


Chaloner and PRSA have teamed up to write a series of articles on how candidates and clients can best navigate the recruiting process. Each post of the series chronologically follows the steps of a search process, with direct insights from Chaloner recruiters, clients, placements and candidates who Chaloner has partnered with during the recruiting process.

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For better meetings and more creative ideas, serve pizza

Axia PR

Pizza parties can lead to happier , more productive brainstorming and ideation sessions. We all love pizza! But did you know there’s more to pizza than its delicious, cheesy taste? Pizza can boost morale , which is helpful for team meetings and ideation.

Meeting 116
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Improving the Website Experience for Customers


According to research, if a website doesn’t load fast enough, most people are going to be clicking away from that website. No company wants to lose out on conversions and sales over something as simple as the website loading speed, especially if that business provides its customers with plenty of great solutions. That’s why companies need to improve the overall website experience for their customers, so they can generate more conversions and grow.

Banking 88
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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Maxim Behar for TBmagazine: PR by the pound

Maxim Behar

In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar shares his views on the rising criticism of the PR profession and practice in Bulgaria. How it has been used as political slander and how Bulgarian society blindly accepts these accusations. “Hey, forget about this guy, he's just doing PR.”. We have been hearing this phrase for years. Lately, however, it is mostly uttered by politicians when they want to say that someone is doing nothing or what he is doing is just a bubble full of

Tools 98
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4 comms tips for building your restaurant’s public image

Agility PR Solutions

Having a good public image is important in many industries, but it is uniquely important in the restaurant industry. Restaurants thrive or die by their customers’ opinions. A spot known for good food and service will succeed, while a spot that is known for mistakes or low quality may see nothing but empty tables. You […]. The post 4 comms tips for building your restaurant’s public image appeared first on Agility PR Solutions.

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How brands can meaningfully support Mental Health Awareness Month


Brands have been called to lead with purpose when it comes to connecting with audiences today, and Mental Health Awareness Month is a time for them to demonstrate that their efforts have real meaning. To be successful at this, brands need to understand how they can be an asset instead of simply jumping on the bandwagon. We found some important lessons that can be learned from one celebrity leading the way. .

Brand 78
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Crisis communications 101 for sport webinar

Stuart Bruce

I recently did a webinar for the PRCA (Public Relations and Communications Association) on crisis comms in sport. It was hosted by PRCA Sports Group … © Stuart Bruce - Crisis communications 101 for sport webinar was first published on Stuart Bruce's Stuart Bruce PR Futurist - Stuart Bruce on the future and digital transformation of public relations, communications, corporate affairs, and crisis communications.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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What Do Journalists Want?

HMA Public Relations

A new Cision survey is giving insight into how journalists work and what they want from the PR and communications professionals they work with. Find out more in today's post from Abbie Fink.

Survey 85
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5 smart ways your company can protect itself from a PR crisis

Agility PR Solutions

When things go wrong for your company, it’s important to fix the issues but also do what you can to avoid a public relations crisis. If you do not have an easy-to-understand PR policy in place, now is the time to develop one and ensure each employee understands these simple instructions. 1. Stay cyber secure […]. The post 5 smart ways your company can protect itself from a PR crisis appeared first on Agility PR Solutions.

Crisis 84
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Get faster insights with maximized widgets and more sharing options


In May we shipped two new features to NewsWhip Spike. These features are another improvement in the ability to quickly get insight into any narrative from your dashboard, and then to easily share that information and data with stakeholders. Monitor more with maximized widgets. Widgets are at the heart of your dashboard in NewsWhip Spike , and maximizing your widgets gives you richer, more visual information.

Reddit 78
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Business Crisis Management: Why Press Releases Are Important

PR Fuel

Almost 70-percent of businesses recently surveyed experienced a crisis in the past five years. Negative information about your business can travel quickly, and crisis management is critical. How you handle a business crisis reveals your character and skill at handling a catastrophe. A press release can help you battle negative publicity. When you write a press release, it gives necessary information and allows you to control the narrative.

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Peter H. Paulsen’s Inspiring Tale Continues to Resonate in 2024

Two years after its initial release, Peter H. Paulsen’s book, From Brick and Mortar to Prosperity, continues to inspire readers around the globe.

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How Did Tom Cruise Repair His Image?

HMA Public Relations

With Top Gun: Maverick smashing box office records and earning Tom Cruise the biggest movie opening in his career, Alison Bailin is looking back on how the actor has repaired his image over the years and how it highlights the importance of a PR team. Read more!

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5 ways collaboration with HR can improve your company’s PR

Agility PR Solutions

Human resources (HR) is a vital department of every business, but it can have some surprising roles outside of managing employee relations, hiring and onboarding, managing benefits and training employees. One of these is supporting public relations efforts. Here are five ways collaboration with HR can improve your company’s PR. 1. Better support for internal […].

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Pride is not just for the month of June

Steve Barrett on PR

Amid a febrile and fractured environment that is increasingly frightening for marginalized members of society, the pride movement will only grow and flourish if it extends year round.

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Meet the Team – Tyler Smith!


Another month means another meet the team! For June, get to know all about our PR Apprentice and social media ads whizz, Tyler. How long have you been at Prohibition? 1 year and 4 months. What do you love most about your job? I love the variety of work we do at Prohibition, one week I could be helping to throw a water fight for the Thai New Year, the next I could be out in the Yorkshire Dales filming a video on water management – it is the organised spontaneity that makes my job so great.

Meeting 62
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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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Are You Looking for Content Ideas?

HMA Public Relations

Running out of content for your social media? Justin Liggin is here to help as he shares post ideas to spice up your feed like polls, tutorials and more.

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3 insights for end of marketing funnel strategies

Agility PR Solutions

At the end of a marketing funnel, companies are always focused on making conversions. During the end of the final stages, companies need to get their potential customers to take the desired action. That action can be anything from subscribing to an email newsletter, signing up for a free trial, or even making a purchase. […]. The post 3 insights for end of marketing funnel strategies appeared first on Agility PR Solutions.

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A virtual playground: How can VR tools benefit your comms efforts?

PR in High Definition

Imagine entering your workplace in a 3D world and heading into a meeting room where you greet your virtual colleagues. It feels like you are together, but in fact, you are at home wearing a VR headset as indeed they are, and perhaps on the other side of the world. We might not be too far off from this scenario. The increased adoption of VR and augmented reality (AR) are evolving both work and play.

Tools 62