March, 2016

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How To Measure PR Outcomes: A Practical Guide

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

In my first New York public relations job, one of my tasks was to sort and tally the stacks of client publicity clips that came in from the clipping service. That’s right, kids, there were actual newspaper or magazine cuttings, each bearing a white tag that listed where and when the item appeared. My fingers would be newsprint-grimy within an hour.

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[Podcast] Applying the Farm-to-Table Concept to Influencer Marketing


I’ve been thinking about the power of customer advocates and influencers a lot lately, not only because they’re part of today’s buzzword stew but because, in my role, I sit on both sides of the table. As part of my role at AirPR, I collaborate with influencers from a brand perspective and as a journalist, […].

Marketing 174

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5 Tips for Building Your Personal Brand

Ronn Torossian

Whether you’re a freelancer, author, blogger or entrepreneur, your personal brand is the most influential factor of your success. It is a symbol of who you are; it establishes the first impression that prospective clients will use to determine whether or not they’re interested. Personal branding can be fun, but it’s also a professional marketing strategy that can make or break your career.

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Why HR Should Have a Seat at the Crisis Management Table

Melissa Agnes

Image credit: bikeriderlondon/ A couple weeks back, I published an article that discussed best practices for communicating with your key stakeholders in a crisis. But while external communications are typically top of mind in a crisis (at least for the organizations with a mindset on communication), there is an equally important stakeholder group that is often overlooked when it comes to crisis management: the internal stakeholders.

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Infographic: What to Do During the First 48 Minutes of a Crisis


Crises can hit your brand without warning, and if you’re not prepared, you could have a full-blown catastrophe on your hands. So how can your brand be ready for anything? Start by arming yourself with a crisis communication plan. Not every crisis will go according to plan though. You should also be able to think on your feet and adapt to each issue as it comes.

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Beyond Green Beer: PR Ideas For St. Patrick’s Day

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

For those in PR who love to take advantage of holidays, St. Patrick’s Day can be among the most fun. After all, what other occasion calls for lunching on green bagels and green beer? But even the most die-hard followers of the Irish Apostle can tire of the same old tricks year after year. Not to worry – our team tapped the luck of the Irish to cultivate fresh ideas for generating some good PR around St.

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Headshot Faux Pas: 10 Mistakes Not to Make


Can’t figure out why you’re not making any new connections? No one responding to your LinkedIn messages? Much like how the name of your company can repel even the most loyal customer or client, a bummer headshot can also “turn off” faster than a light switch. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a mid-level manager, or […].

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Peyton Manning’s farewell, was it enough for the recent scandal?

Ronn Torossian

On Monday, March 7th, Peyton Manning officially announced his retirement from football. The week before that was a bit rough as allegations were filed in a Title IX lawsuit against him and his college team, including one female trainer’s claim that Peyton assaulted her sexually in 1996, as well as claims the University of Tennessee team used human growth hormone to enhance function during the time he was part of the squad.

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The Correlation Between Corporate Culture and Successful Crisis Management

Melissa Agnes

Your corporate culture directly impacts your organization’s crisis management. Successful crisis management has a lot to do with an organization’s corporate culture and the mindset it instils in its team members. In other words, the way you choose to look at risk directly impacts the way you respond to risk and the way you overcome it – or not!

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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Behind the Headlines With Neil McAllister


Your audience doesn’t respond to stories about your products. But they do respond to stories about people. If you want to connect with your audience and stand out from competitors, you need to focus on your brand’s story, says Neil McAllister, media and content director at Blanc & Otus. In this interview, Neil discusses his background as a journalist, what it’s like working in the technology industry and the changing role of the media.

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See You at Social Tools Summit Boston in 2 Weeks

Flack's Revenge

I am very much looking forward to Social Tools Summit (#SocialTools16) in Boston on Tuesday April 12, where I will be speaking about influencer marketing. Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony invited me back following last year’s Boston event, which was a blast (see my blog wrap ), and I jumped at the opportunity. It looks like it is shaping up to be another great event.

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PR Pitches & Podcasts: 5 Questions To Ask Before You Start

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Podcast listenership is way up , and this is good news for PR people as well as content junkies. We just can’t get enough stimulating, relevant conversation or hear enough stories. Like a radio broadcast, podcasts have a producer or two who make editorial decisions on what to include. Many of the rules for pitching a conventional radio producer also apply to pitching a podcast, but there are some subtle differences.

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A Simple Customer Philosophy: “Meet Me Halfway”


Two people stand on opposite sides of a two-lane highway, separated by a four-foot wide, one-foot high, concrete median. Cars fly past them at nearly break-neck speed. They need to figure out a way to reach one another to exchange a backpack (which is full of vital information), but the noise from the highway makes […].

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Flint crisis has national PR ramifications

Ronn Torossian

When people are faced with bad news, even if they are not at all impacted, doubt can set in. That doubt grows, unaided, like a nefarious seed, creating PR issues for groups and organizations completely unrelated to the initial issue. When any entity fails to grasp the public relations fallout from a significant PR crisis and allows that message to spin out of their control, the trouble can expand exponentially.

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The Art of the Ask


On average, I am asked to donate time to projects and causes about 4 times a week. I usually accept at least one request, which usually takes at least 3 hours out of my week. Some weeks, I’ve donated entirely, because I too have pet causes, ones that I have donated hundreds, probably thousands of hours to over the years. My mother gets an automatic yes.

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How A Holistic Approach to Social Media Can Improve Brand Performance


For many, the name MGM Resorts International conjures up images of the big green hotel on the Las Vegas strip, aka the MGM Grand. But MGM Resorts International is actually the brand behind more than a dozen hotels in Las Vegas, including the iconic Bellagio, Circus Circus and Luxor, as well as properties around the U.S. and in China. One other figure that might surprise you is that in those Las Vegas establishments, gambling accounts for only 30 percent of the revenue.

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So what? 10 tips for coverage commentary

The Resolution Blog

Automation in PR is currently a big topic. We are all for automating anything and everything that makes your life easier. It’s what Coveragebook is based on; automating the tasks that are mundane and you don’t need a brain for. However, we are under no illusion that everything can and should be automated. Relationships cannot be automated.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World

As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving. This article explores how these firms are adapting to the new topography of Online Crisis Management. Through interviews with industry experts and case studies, we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field.

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5 PR Benefits of Working with Bloggers

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

Often successful PR begins with the perfect pitch idea. It starts by considering all possible channels and the best ways to reach key audiences with your story. Chances are, blogs are high on the list of media targets. Despite predictions that social networks have surpassed blogs in popularity, blogging isn’t dead. More than 42% of Americans regularly follow at least one blog.

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Up Your PR Game Using BuzzFeed’s Measurement Mindset


I read an article in Fortune recently titled BuzzFeed: Days of Counting Pageviews and Unique Visitors Are Over that made my PR engineering heart jump with joy. In the piece, media-and-tech-beat writer Mathew Ingram examines how BuzzFeed is shifting from so-called fuzzy metrics, like unique visitors or subscribers, to more engagement-driven metrics that align with […].

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Why Blab Should Be Your Channel of Choice for Thought-leadership


[By Jason Mollica]. The last ten years have seen a seismic shift in not only how business is done, but also how marketers get the word out to influencers and followers. Facebook and Twitter started the trend, with YouTube, Instagram and the like, following. As is the case, there is always something new for us to learn and utilize to help share what our clients are unveiling or how to position ourselves as thought leaders.

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Sending and Formatting Your Email


We have a new post from Samantha Quinn who’s knocked our socks off with her great attitude, smarts, and willingness to jump in and problem solve on any and everything. Sam suggested writing a blog on the basics of Sending and Formatting Emails, and we thought this was a great idea because we get a lot of awesome emails from students and young emerging PR stars in the making asking if we’re hiring.

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Communicating During a Crisis & Navigating the Chaos

Speaker: Shawna Bruce, Director of M.D. Bruce & Associates Ltd.

Are you ready to face the unexpected? When the stakes are high and the pressure is on, there's no time to waste - you must be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. In today's unpredictable world, mastering the art of crisis communication is a must-have skill for any public relations professional. Whether you're facing a weather disaster, a cyber attack, or a PR nightmare, knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message can mean the difference between chaos and calm, confusion and

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Behind the Headlines With Matt Sutton


If you’re not providing the media with anything of value, they won’t give your story a second glance. Matt Sutton, senior account executive at The Rosen Group, says you have to be willing to do something different and go outside of the box to stand out. In this interview, he shares the pitch that got him the most coverage, his strategies for building relationships with the media and why social media is so important.

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Best & Most Difficult Digital PR and Marketing Tactics

The Proactive Report

Email wins yet again. It was rated the most effective and one of the easiest digital PR & marketing tactics in the recent Ascend2 Survey. The survey tapped into 275 marketers ( 66% in the BtoB field) for insights on their goals, strategies tactics and challenges with digital marketing. Social Media. The tactic that seems to be giving the most trouble is Social Media.

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A PR Quiz: Who Said It?

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

How well do you think you know the field of public relations ? Or at least, PR’s reputation? The savviest PR professionals are keenly aware of public perception, whether the focus is B2B tech, packaged consumer goods, or crisis communications. Since public perception is often shaped by what’s said by famous leaders in business, politics, and sports, here’s a quiz to test your PR acumen.

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Transforming the Word “CRISIS” from Negative to Positive

Melissa Agnes

photo credit: ra2studio/shutterstock. A LinkedIn connection of mine recently wrote me an interesting message. He began the message with the sentence: “Why CRISIS is a bad word,” and followed it up with the following wordplay – People: C reate their problems; R eact by blaming others; I nfer that all will be okay; S ecure themselves behind false claims; I ndependent they become instead of working as a collective; and.

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Discover the Actionable Habits of the World’s Best Strategic Communicators

Communication professionals can sometimes face difficult questions from internal stakeholders about the impact of their PR marketing initiatives. We know that nearly half of these professional say they need help with turning their PR data into actionable insights; and at least 20% don’t think they can measure their campaigns at all—but what if we told you all these obstacles can be easily combatted if you implement a few key habits.

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Back to Basics: Press Release “Musts” To Check For Before You Submit


Mu. [By Angela Buna & Kait Fowlie]. Many PR professionals are well-versed in the basics of writing news releases (for those of who you want a refresher, refer to our editorial guide – revisit our post, How to Build Successful News Releases ). Aside from structure and content, there are certain essential elements of a release, from an operational perspective, that are worth reviewing.

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How (and Why) to Use the Silent Treatment in Facebook Video Ads


Last month, Facebook announced a new feature—automated video captions. The company’s employees have been hard at work transcribing 50,000 video ads to train the new captioning tool to be as accurate as possible. If you’re an advertiser, and you’re not ready to trust an automated caption copywriter, you’ll have the opportunity to review and edit the captions in the ad creation tool before you post the ad.

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Instagram Video Changes: Is Longer Better For Brands?


It’s safe to say that many Instagram users have been in freak out mode lately. First, the platform announced at the end of March that it will switch from chronological timelines to algorithmic ones. The panic showed in the form of a petition that attempted to stop the changes, attracting over 300,000 signatures. Despite the backlash among a small subset of its 400 million users, Instagram will soon implement an algorithm that predicts which photos its users are mostly likely to double

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