November, 2012

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Terms of "Undearment" -- Words You Should Strike from Your Career Content

PR Job Coach

'In this age of personal branding and virtual knowledge, we all struggle with how to best describe our value, and the talents and abilities we bring to the party. And as we know instinctively, no amount of hyperbole or word inflation will mask our true character to people we know and who know us. Honesty, authenticity, and simplicity are the rules of the day when it comes to describing ourselves, our values and, most important, our value.

Banking 133
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Social Media: The Key to Transforming Doctor-Patient Communication

Waxing UnLyrical

Your child has come down with a rasping cough. You put on your Dr. Mom hat, jump online and feverishly Google their symptoms, you check social media to see if any of your friend’s children are sick. Overwhelmed by the multitude of potential diagnoses, you decide to wait and see if the cough subsides before scheduling an appointment. But what if you could connect with your doctor using social media ; asking for advice via a quick Twitter or Facebook message?


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Sock Monkeys Against Cancer Reaches Tipping Point

Waxing UnLyrical

WTF? (for lung cancer). Earlier this month, Jennifer Stauss Windrum wrote a moving guest post on her campaign to generate awareness around lung cancer. If you haven’t yet read it, please do go read it, because she tells her story much better than I ever could. Long story short, her mom contracted lung cancer without ever having smoked. She is dying from this disease – yes, dying.

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How Facebook Could Become Irrelevant

Waxing UnLyrical

After surpassing 1 billion users this past month, Facebook has become an institution that appears to have some staying power. But there is a lingering issue that threatens Facebook’s dominance even more than advertising revenue and stockholder discontent. When Kathy Savitt was named CMO of Yahoo, a lot was written about her obsession with Generation Z (the generation born post 1990 or so).

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The Importance of Personalizing Your Press Release for Journalists

Journalists receive an overwhelming number of press releases daily, making it hard for your news to stand out. While some news is valuable, most is not.

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Launching a SMAC!Down: Sock Monkeys Against Cancer

Waxing UnLyrical

Guest post by Jennifer Windrum. NoMo is the ringleader of “SMAC! – Sock Monkeys Against Cancer”, a gang of monkeys that provides tangible support to those with cancer, reminding them no one fights it alone. Right now, NoMo is just a prototype. But, with your help, NoMo and his SMAC! buddy, Phoenix, can soon be in the hands of those with/impacted by cancer to help them SMAC!

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An Apology, A Wish and An Adventure

Waxing UnLyrical

The apology. I haven’t been here much lately. And I’m sorry. I truly am. To back up… you know I started a new job a while back, etc. etc. And you have been really patient with me as I’ve been figuring out my new life. Because sometimes that takes… well, time. Right? And that’s meant I’ve had less time to devote to anything unrelated to work.

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Better Late Than Never: Oct. 16 #measurePR transcript

Waxing UnLyrical

Editor’s note: I had to laugh when I read Jen Zingsheim’s qualifier at the start of this post. She apologizes for doing the recap late… yet here I am, posting it more than a month since this chat took place! Jen, you have no need to apologize; on the contrary, many thanks to you for being so committed to the #measurePR community! Recap of #measurePR on Oct. 16, 2012.

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Public Relations: It’s Called A ‘Profession’ For A Reason

Waxing UnLyrical

I’ve been dealing with a situation for the past few weeks involving a student who thought she wanted to “ ‘be’ in public relations.”. That is, until she found out that she was expected to actually do something besides sit at her desk or go to parties. To quote my hero, Homer Simpson, “D-Oh!”. Those of us who now work or have worked in the public relat. ions profession know there’s a boatload of stuff that comprises the field.

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