By: blagezz
NOVEMBER 8, 2013
'you should check this site:). [link].
Bad Pitch Blog
NOVEMBER 6, 2013
'Crisis communications in today''s age leaves many of our best practices arount it moot. It''s an issue and an opportunity really. One rule I''d like to think that has stood the test of time shouldn''t have to be a rule in the first place: tell the #&$^$ truth! Take Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. It''s ironic that his crisis has kicked off because he DID tell the truth.
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Where the Fishermen Ain't
NOVEMBER 5, 2013
'Here are my slides from the PRSA talk I delivered recently , entitled " Hacking Public Relations: How Understanding and Embracing Open-Source and Hacker Culture is Critical to PR''s Future.". Hacking Public Relations from Edelman Digital.
Bad Pitch Blog
NOVEMBER 30, 2013
'photo credit: liquidnight via photopin cc When Greg Brooks posted this on Facebook today, I was equal parts thankful and jealous. Greg''s one of the smartest people I know. And the following is good medicine for our industry. Since this blog, and his post, have been confused as the ranty screed of an angry old man/men, I asked Greg if we could repost it and he obliged.
Leaked internal communications can be strategically valuable assets rather than just risks to manage. When used proactively, these leaks can highlight leadership and innovation—qualities that resonate in today’s media. By approaching internal comms with a dual-purpose approach, companies shift from mere risk avoidance to leveraging these moments as credible public messages around strategy.
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