
Celebrating the women at Agility PR Solutions: Agility PR champions #InspireInclusion

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Public Relations

International Women’s Day (IWD) is globally celebrated to honour women’s achievements and confirm our ongoing dedication to making the world more equal, diverse, and inclusive. 

This year’s IWD theme, #InspireInclusion, reminds us to promote diversity in decision-making roles to propel progress across various sectors and inspire younger women to pursue leadership paths. By advocating for inclusive practices, organizations and communities empower women to tap into their full potential, leading to improved decision-making and achieving sustainable success. 

At Agility PR Solutions, we’re taking this moment to highlight some of the exceptional women within our ranks—women who are not just part of our success story but are pivotal to our journey of innovation, leadership, and excellence. 

Here’s what they had to say about their inspirations, experiences, and how they see the future shaping up: 

Pragya DubeyPragya Dubey (Vice President, Global Services)

  • This year’s IWD theme is #InspireInclusion. What does this mean to you?  

This means we, as individuals (men, women, or others), take responsibility for promoting inclusion in our own sphere of influence. We focus on our actions and philosophy and hold ourselves accountable for inclusivity at work and in life.  

  • Which women inspire you the most?  

Women furthering not only their interests but also focusing on broader interests and goals of society in terms of equity, diversity, and inclusion are most inspiring. This could be senior leaders you see as active or any level employee who is active within their sphere of influence.  

  • What are the benefits of having women in leadership positions?  

Studies have shown women leaders improve the ROI of a company, so there is a financial benefit to the company and stakeholders. Plus, having women in leadership roles helps narrow the gender equity gap as their performance is self-evident and dispels any historical notions. Finally, women leaders are the best champions of DEI.  

  • Based on your experience, what advice do you have for women pursuing a career in the media outreach and PR/PR Tech industry?  

My advice would be that this industry is a Women’s space, so start from the place of ownership. Come into this industry with the attitude that this is your space, and you are no less but, in fact, superior in many regards, as communication is one of the inherent strong traits for women. 

Diane VuignierDiane Vuignier (Vice President of Product Development)

  • This year’s IWD theme is #InspireInclusion. What does this mean to you? 

It means fostering a culture that encourages and celebrates diversity and inspiring individuals to embrace and respect one another’s unique perspectives. 

  • Which women inspire you the most? 

Emmy Noether inspires me. She is regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians and laid the foundations for much of modern theoretical physics despite facing many gender-based challenges during her career. 

During my eight-year tenure at Agility PR Solutions, I’ve drawn inspiration from my involvement in the senior leadership team, a dynamic group marked by a consistent presence of accomplished female leaders. 

  • What influence do you strive to have on women in your company and the wider industry? 

I hope to help and inspire women to choose STEM careers and take on leadership positions. I hope to create a supportive and inclusive work environment and use my influence to advocate for more women in technology and leadership. 

  • What are the benefits of having women in leadership positions? 

Studies have shown that companies with diverse leadership, including women in critical roles, often outperform less varied companies in terms of financial results.  Also, women in leadership roles can serve as role models, inspiring and motivating other employees, particularly women, by fostering a positive and inclusive work culture. 

  • Based on your experience, what advice do you have for women pursuing a career in the media outreach and PR/PR Tech industry? 

These are not specific for the PR/PR Tech industry but:  

  • Advocate for yourself. Build a strong network. 
  • Don’t hesitate to voice your ideas and opinions. 
  • Develop resilience. 
  • Balance technical and soft skills. 

Allison MurphyAllison Murphy (Managing Director, UK)

  • This year’s IWD theme is #InspireInclusion. What does this mean to you?  

The #InspireInclusion theme encapsulates the essence of fostering an environment where every voice is not just heard but celebrated. Inclusion is about creating spaces where diversity thrives, differences are valued, and everyone feels empowered to be authentic.  I’ve been very fortunate to have worked with many leaders – both men and women – who foster this kind of environment, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.  

  • Which women inspire you the most?  

As a child, Helen Keller’s story captivated me, teaching me the power of resilience and the importance of perseverance in overcoming challenges. Personally, my grandmother is my inspiration. Her battle with ALS left her paralyzed and unable to walk or talk. Despite that, she always wore a smile, radiated joy in her eyes, and maintained a passion for reading and writing – keeping her engaged with her family and with life itself. Her unwavering spirit continues to inspire me every day.  

  • What influence do you strive to have on women in your company and the wider industry?  

My goal is to champion diversity and inclusion, always striving to create a culture where women feel empowered to excel, their voices are heard, and they have equal growth opportunities. I try to connect with the women in my network regularly, as they are a great source of inspiration for me, both personally and professionally.  

  • What are the benefits of having women in leadership positions?  

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with influential women who stand out for their ability to deliver effective solutions while never losing sight of their core values, empathy, and exceptional emotional intelligence. Diane Vuignier, for instance, continually inspires me with her adeptness at tackling complex technical challenges while keeping her cool. Then there’s Nicoletta Nicoli, who teaches the importance of a supportive community, and Amrita Sidhu’s infectious spark that uplifts any room. These women have left a lasting mark on me, shaping my perspective on leadership and success.  

  • Based on your experience, what advice do you have for women pursuing a career in the media outreach and PR/PR Tech industry?  

For women pursuing careers in media outreach and PR/PR Tech, I advise staying curious, resilient, and true to yourself. Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow, seek out mentors who can offer guidance and support, and don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. Remember, success is not always linear—setbacks and challenges also present opportunities for growth and development.  

  • What big win for women in PR/ PR tech do you hope to see in 2024? OR What change for women in PR/PR Tech are you most excited about in 2024?  

In 2024, I am optimistic about witnessing a shift toward greater recognition and support for women in PR. I envision a year where companies prioritize implementing HR policies that truly support women, such as flexible working arrangements, extended parental leave, and childcare assistance. By prioritizing the well-being and success of women, we not only cultivate a more equitable workplace but also enhance the overall success and sustainability of our industry. 

Cara ValleCara Valle (Director, Marketing)

  • This year’s IWD theme is #InspireInclusion. What does this mean to you?  

The #InspireInclusion theme resonates with me as an acknowledgement of historical gender disparities when women were systematically excluded from growth opportunities. However, the theme is also a reminder of the work left to address persisting challenges for all underrepresented groups to move toward equality. It is crucial to emphasize genuine inclusion when creating an environment where anyone who identifies as female feels they have equal opportunities to contribute and thrive.  

  • Which women inspire you the most?  

I find inspiration in the works of female writers, particularly Margaret Atwood, Judy Blume, and Barbara Kingsolver. These writers have not only created compelling stories but have pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms through their narratives. Whether addressing women’s issues in a real-life relatable way or through dystopic storytelling, their talents have helped to shape my perspective on female equality.  

  • What influence do you strive to have on women in your company and the wider industry?  

I hope to influence others by cultivating a supportive and aspirational environment. My goal is to create an atmosphere where everyone can thrive and confidently contribute to the growth of the company and the industry at large, as well as their own personal growth. I strive to contribute to an empathetic culture that not only applauds achievements but also provides support during challenging times.  

  • What are the benefits of having women in leadership positions?  

There are so many, but the main two benefits that come to mind are improved organizational performance and better decision-making. Numerous studies reveal a positive correlation between gender diversity at the executive level and organizational performance. The inclusion of women in leadership roles enhances decision-making processes by adding to the diversity of the team. This enables teams to consider a variety of viewpoints, leading to more innovative and effective solutions.  

  • Based on your experience, what advice do you have for women pursuing a career in the media outreach and PR/PR Tech industry?  

I’d advise anyone starting their career in this field to leverage the power of social media by connecting with thought leaders that resonate with them to gain insights and learn from their experiences. I’d also encourage those starting out to approach those within their network for mentorship opportunities. Many professionals are willing to share their experiences and offer guidance to those aspiring to grow their careers.  

  • What big win for women in PR do you hope to see in 2024? 

In 2024, I’m hopeful to see higher adoption of company policies that actively promote equality and work-life balance within the industry. This includes initiatives such as flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies and mentorship programs that empower women. I aspire to see the PR industry make strides in closing the pay disparity gap for women, which is essential for creating an industry that values and rewards talent, irrespective of gender.  

Erica WatsonErica Watson (Director, Account Management)

  • Which women inspire you the most?  

I am fortunate to have a lot of strong women in my family and life. My grandmothers taught me invaluable lessons, one as a teacher commanding a room of students, while the other would spend hours knitting and cooking to ensure everyone was happy. Most importantly, they’ve always made me believe I could be anything I wanted–which is incredibly important for young women. Growing up, it showed me how needed and adaptable women are and that there is a leading place for them in every facet of life.  

  • What influence do you strive to have on women in your company and the wider industry?  

More than anything, I want people to know that I will help in any way I can. I think it’s essential to be open and honest. For my team, I want them to know I will support them throughout their journey and be a sounding board. This doesn’t always mean we will align, but I want them to feel supported enough to come to me with an idea, something they might need, etc. Ideas and feedback are always welcome.  

  • What are the benefits of having women in leadership positions?  

Women bring a different dynamic as leaders—we tend to be more empathetic. This allows us to communicate in a different style and have more open lines of communication with teammates. Many female leaders also juggle being caretakers. This means having the ability to multitask and organize is critical to our roles inside and outside of work.  

Celebrating IWD, particularly #InspireInclusion, acknowledges the importance of diversity and inclusivity in all spheres of life. We’re proud to highlight some exceptional women in our team who embody innovation, leadership and excellence. 

Their valuable insights contribute to our success and serve as a beacon of inspiration for women in the PR industry. Moving forward, let’s continue championing inclusivity and supporting measures to improve diversity, equality and opportunity regardless of gender. 

Osama Saeed
Osama is Marketing Content Strategist at Agility PR Solutions.


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