
7 tips for improving every PR campaign with SEO

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Public Relations

Public relations and SEO work beautifully together. Without one, there cannot be another. Done right, your public relations should improve your search engine standing, and when your clients, customers, or business partners visit your website they will see a unified, strong brand.

PR works to improve organic engagement, SEO works to improve organic visibility. Together they will help your business improve its reputation and expand, but only when you have followed this guide:

Audit your website and digital presence

If you are trying to improve your website’s reputation with PR, then you should stop immediately and use an SEO auditing service. This will help you identify what sites are linking to your website, and what they are saying. If a link is on a spammy website, then your company will be harder to find. If it is overtly critical or slanderous, this similarly could provide issues. An SEO audit will find these online issues and rectify them for you.

Revamp and redesign your website

People can access the internet instantaneously from their phones. The chances of someone seeing your ad, press release, presentation or whichever PR tactic you used and then visiting the office or store first is slim. They are going to check your website. That is why you need to invest in a quality web design from an SEO agency like Keyword Performance LLC. They will be able to redesign your website with SEO in mind:


The majority of Internet users access websites from their phones. Responsive design can help in this case, but it is not perfect. Web designs today must be done with mobile as the priority.

Improve site structure

It needs to be very easy to navigate your site on mobile and on desktop. This often means having different top menus. Mobile will need to be pared down so that it is simple to navigate on a small screen.

In both cases, all pages will need to be well linked and information will need to be easy to find. Lost pages, broken links, and other issues will need to be rectified.

Improve on-site content

When you invest in marketing and PR you have a message. This message needs to carry on to your website. That is how you will improve your conversion rate and increase sales or sign ups. Improving the content so that it can be better found on its own, and also resonates with your PR campaign is a critical step.

Improve site speed and security

You don’t want your site to lag, and you also want it to be secure. Both issues are design issues, and can be rectified in a site redesign.

Build up your digital reputation

Another reason SEO works well with PR campaigns is that it improves your digital reputation. You can campaign using traditional tactics all you like, but chances are your customers or clients will search your business using Google for more information. With a great SEO campaign this will mean you get to the top of search results and be an industry leader.

Steve Conway
Steve Conway is a content marketing professional and inbound marketing expert. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software start-up. He is passionate about discovering new software that will that will advance his already well-honed digital marketing techniques.


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