
7 things PR firms should know about their legal clients

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Public Relations

Staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced public relations world is crucial. PR firms must comprehensively understand their industry and specific requirements when working with legal clients. PR professionals can adeptly navigate the realm of legal communications by recognizing the unique challenges and dynamics at play.

This article will explore seven essential insights PR firms should know regarding their legal clients. By embracing these fundamental considerations, you can form stronger partnerships, offer strategic advice, and assist legal clients in thriving in the public spotlight. 

Let’s dive into the key factors that can differentiate PR firms in this specialized industry.

1) You need to define the firm’s PR perception

Begin by asking yourself how you want the firm to be perceived by the public. Managing and shaping the PR perception is essential for law firms to cultivate a favorable public image, differentiate themselves from the competition and effectively communicate their expertise and value to their clients.

A positive PR perception can help a law firm boost credibility, trustworthiness, and reputation, positioning it as a reputable and reliable legal service provider. Conversely, a negative PR perception can undermine a firm’s reputation, hinder client acquisition, and impact its ability to attract and retain new clients.

Tip: Effective PR perception management for a law firm involves strategically crafting and disseminating messages that align with the firm’s goals, values, and expertise.

2) They lack understanding and experience with business promotion

A common challenge many law firms face is the need for more understanding and experience with business promotion. While legal professionals excel in their expertise, they may need more knowledge and expertise to effectively promote their law firm and its services.

Business promotion involves marketing and PR strategies to raise awareness, attract clients, and differentiate the law firm from competitors. However, law firms may need a solid understanding of these promotional techniques to effectively reach their target audience and showcase their unique value proposition.

Tip: Law firms can consider partnering with experienced marketing and PR agencies or professionals specializing in the legal industry to address these challenges. These experts can provide guidance, develop tailored marketing strategies, and execute effective promotional campaigns that align with the law firm’s goals and target audience.

3) They need an effective reputation management and crisis communication focus

Effective reputation management and crisis communication are paramount for law firms in maintaining trust, credibility, and long-term success. Reputation management involves shaping and maintaining a positive image through consistent branding, thought leadership, client testimonials, and online presence. Lawyers can build credibility and position themselves as trusted authorities by establishing expertise and professionalism. 

Equally important is crisis communication, where timely and transparent communication during difficult situations is crucial for preserving reputation. By having a well-prepared crisis communication plan, law firms can effectively manage and mitigate the impact of adverse events, demonstrate their commitment to client’s interests, and regain trust. 

Tip: Develop effective reputation management and a well-prepared crisis communication plan to avoid negative events and show your expertise to your legal client to build trust.

4) They must understand the impact of social media on their status

Social media has a transformative impact on the legal profession, revolutionizing how lawyers connect, engage, and promote their services. With its vast reach and immediacy, social media platforms have become powerful tools for lawyers to enhance their professional visibility, expand their networks, and engage with clients. 

Through platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, lawyers can establish themselves as thought leaders by sharing valuable insights, legal updates, and commentary, building credibility and attracting potential clients. 

Tip: Navigate social media ethically and maintain professional boundaries, ensuring confidentiality and upholding the ethical responsibilities of the legal profession.

5) They don’t have time to create a marketing strategy

While it may feel challenging to carve out time for creating a comprehensive marketing strategy, investing in this essential task is crucial for your law firm’s long-term success and growth. A well-crafted marketing strategy acts as a roadmap, guiding your firm’s promotional efforts and ensuring they align with your goals and target audience. 

Take your time to assess your firm’s unique strengths, identify your target market, and outline specific marketing tactics. That will help you make more informed decisions and maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. According to Peter Kostic from Brush Galaxy, a well-crafted marketing strategy has different elements like visuals, clear-speaking copy, and a straightforward narrative.

Tip: Make your marketing strategy straightforward to generate more leads. Start by setting clear objectives, identifying key marketing channels, and allocating resources effectively. This initial investment of time will pay off in the long run, helping your law firm build brand awareness, attract new clients, and stay competitive in the legal industry.

6) They need help building credibility and trust

Building credibility and trust is essential for law firms to establish a strong reputation and cultivate meaningful client relationships. Law firms should prioritize professionalism, expertise, and transparent communication to achieve this. 

Displaying a deep understanding of legal matters, staying updated on industry developments, and consistently delivering high-quality legal services contribute to building credibility. Trust is fostered through open and honest communication, maintaining client confidentiality, and always meeting client expectations.

Tip: Demonstrate professionalism, expertise, and a client-centered approach; law firms can solidify their reputation, cultivate trust, and foster long-term client loyalty.

7) You need to work with an anti-marketing mindset

Working with an anti-marketing mindset involves embracing a different approach to promoting your law firm. It means prioritizing transparency and building genuine connections with clients and stakeholders. 

Instead of relying on traditional marketing techniques, establish trust and foster meaningful relationships. Share valuable information, insights, and resources that educate and empower your target audience. 

Tip: Avoid hype or exaggerated claims and emphasize your firm’s unique qualities and values. Adopting an anti-marketing mindset can build credibility, foster trust, and create a positive reputation that resonates with clients who value authentic and meaningful interactions.


Law firms must understand the importance of effective PR and marketing strategies in the competitive legal profession. From the difficulties of promoting their business to managing their reputation and handling crises, it is clear that a strategic PR approach can make a significant impact. This article will help PR firms better understand their legal clients. 

Irina Weber
Irina Weber is a content strategist at SE Ranking. She loves helping brands create, publish, repurpose, and distribute content through marketing channels. She regularly contributes to media outlets like SEW, Adweek, SME, SMT, CMI, etc. Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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