
3 tips to improve product value and visibility—and profit margins

by | Nov 12, 2020 | Marketing, Public Relations

Your business’s profit margins are clearly a metric you should always keep in mind. There is a good reason for this. It helps you answer critical questions about your business, such as if you are making money or if your products are priced appropriately.

However, you must note, your profit margin is not just something that you should measure. It is also one you need to take steps to improve regularly. If you do not have profit margins that are rising, then your business is (probably) not thriving.

The good news is, there are steps you can take to improve your business’s profit margin. From better understanding, using ASC 606 to practice the tips below, keep reading for helpful information.

Increase the perceived value of merchandise by elevating your brand

Did you know that cosmetic retailers have some of the top margins in all of retail? According to some experts, one of the reasons for this is that cosmetics and beauty brands excel in creating emotional and personal connections with their customers.

This product category has created a unique connection with its shoppers. This is something that many other consumer brands have been unable to do. The price evaluation is considered high, and cosmetics make people feel much better about themselves while fostering a stronger sense of customer loyalty. Also, the merchandising methods help to create a sense of exploration, which is something that many off-price retailers have achieved. Depending on the marketing, packaging, and brand, the profit for each item is often high.

Avoid markdowns and improve inventory visibility

One of the fastest ways to kill your profits is with markdowns. If possible, avoid these. You may wonder how to do this. Begin by improving the way you are managing your inventory. Make sure you have a full grasp on the merchandise that you have on-hand, along with what your fast and slow-moving products actually are. With this, you can make better decisions related to sales, marketing, purchasing, and help you sell more products while reducing the need to mark anything down.

An effective method of maximizing margins is by ensuring 100 percent visibility of your inventory. By doing this, you can reduce markdowns and margin erosion. Another method you can do to maximize margins is by establishing an effective PIM—Product Information Management system.

Reduce operating expenses and streamline your operations

Some retailers are focused on pricing strategies when they begin searching for methods to increase their profits. However, a better option is to streamline operations first.

For example, cut excess staffing and reduce overtime as much as you can. After that, focus on areas where there is a lot of waste. Try to minimize your supply spend as much as you can and ditch all the fancy shopping bags, excess packaging, and tissue fill when possible. If you are not using a point-of-sale system that is tied to marketing, sales, and inventory altogether, you should make a switch. This helps ensure your entire business and team can operate more efficiently.

Another method you can use to streamline your operations is by automating certain tasks within your business. When you put certain repetitive activities on autopilot, it is possible to reduce your manpower, operating expenses, and time wasted on unnecessary processes.

Take some time to go through all your tasks to see if any can be automated. Are there any time-consuming activities that require a lot of your time? Are you having to re-enter data or complete some steps again and again? Try to find solutions that will handle this for you.

Improving your business profit margins

When it is time to improve your business’s profit margins, you must consider an array of factors. In most cases, using the tips and information here will help ensure that you take the right steps and achieve success. If necessary, seek help from the professionals, which will ensure you create a plan that meets your business’s unique needs, regardless of size or industry.

Jeremy Sutter
Jeremy Sutter is a freelance writer and former mobile marketing manager at Adobe.


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