
Social video influences consumers most—how are communicators responding?

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Public Relations

Research has shown that video offers brands the best content opportunity for connecting with consumers, especially influential Millennials and Gen Zers. A pair of new reports from professional marketing video firm Animoto explores how consumers are influenced by brands on social media, and how marketers are reacting to the growing demand for video.

Video was ranked number one by consumers as the preferred form of content that they want to see from brands on social media, according to the 2018 State of Social Video: Consumer Trends Report. Video ads were ranked as the top medium through which consumers have heard about a new brand or product on social media. Forty-six percent of consumers stated that they watched more video ads on social media than they do commercials on television, with 57 percent of millennial respondents reporting they do so.

Meanwhile, the accompanying 2018 State of Social Video: Marketer Trends Report uncovered that video content has the best return on investment for marketers on social media. Eighty-eight percent were pleased with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media. Ninety-three percent reported having landed a new customer or client thanks to a video on social media.

Social Media: The Visual Storefront

Having a compelling social media presence is important as more consumers check out brands’ social pages to learn more about them before purchasing.

  • 73 percent of consumers stated a brand’s social media presence has had an impact on a purchase decision.
  • 32 percent of consumers also report visiting a brand’s social media page before visiting a brand’s website.

Social video influences consumers most—how are communicators responding?

Opportunity for Branded Video on Instagram

On Facebook’s Earnings Call in January 2018, it was stated that two-thirds of people looking at a brand’s Instagram business profile are not yet following that brand. With consumers craving video from brands, Instagram has emerged as a place for brands to drive sales and engage with video.

  • 48 percent of consumers stated that a brand’s video on Instagram has affected a purchase decision. This rose from 31 percent when Animoto asked thesame question in 2017.
  • 49 percent of consumers on Instagram have watched a video on IGTV. Of those who have, 70 percent have watched a video on IGTV from a brand.

Social video influences consumers most—how are communicators responding?

Marketers Embrace Video on Social Media

The video-first environment on the major social media networks is changing the way marketers communicate. Marketers are now regularly turning to video to get their messages across.

  • Social media is the top reason that marketers have created videos in the last 12 months.
  • 73 percent of marketers create at least 2 videos a month for social media.

DIY Video Marketing on the Rise

This report underscores the importance of video marketing as a skill set for marketers. As the demand for video content increases, marketers are leaning on internal staff more than ever before.

  • 84 percent of marketers stated that video creation skills are important when hiring for a new marketing role at their organization.
  • 69 percent of marketers also reported they have created more in-house marketing videos this year than they did last year.

Social video influences consumers most—how are communicators responding?

Animoto surveyed a representative sample of U.S. adult consumers and adult marketers at companies that have created at least 2 videos in the past year to learn about social media and video marketing practices. The web-based survey was fielded August 25, 2018 through September 5, 2018, with a sample size of 1,017 consumers 18 years or older and 501 video marketers (at companies of 3 employees or larger). For the consumer survey, the margin of error was 3.1%; for the marketer survey, the margin of error was 4.4%.

Richard Carufel
Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter


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