
How businesses use Instagram Stories—30 case studies to learn from

by | Aug 22, 2018 | Analysis, Public Relations

Launched in 2016, Instagram Stories became an instant hit, adored by 300 million daily users.

On average, users under 25 spend around 32 minutes a day on Instagram, while those in older age groups spend more than 24 minutes per day.

Considering these stats, it’s clear that this feature offers an amazing opportunity for businesses to reach a broader range of audience and promote their brand, taking the engagement to a whole new level.

In fact, according to Instagram, 1 in 3 of the most viewed Stories are from businesses. So, not using Stories could mean you’re left behind your competition.

99firms created the infographic below so you can learn more about how other businesses use Stories to give voice and personality to their brand.

How businesses use Instagram Stories—30 case studies to learn from

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