
4 ways that video marketing boosts your brand

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Analysis, Public Relations

Looking for ways to strengthen your brand’s reputation in the world? Consider video marketing. Consumers are more easily influenced by video than any other marketing method. In fact, 70 percent of YouTube viewers acknowledged making a purchase after being introduced to a brand on the platform.

Here are 4 reasons video marketing will give your brand a boost.

1. Videos are more engaging than text

It’s one thing to capture someone’s attention, but when your goal is to get conversions, you need to hold your audience’s attention. Compared to text, video holds attention better and receives more engagement as a result.

What makes a video engaging?

While the storyline and quality of a video matter, videos need to be engaging. Piehole.tv provides examples of eleven popular video styles that are engaging and entertaining. These styles include:

  • Motion graphic videos, including 3D. This is a professional animation style, but not a cartoon.
  • Character animation videos, including 3D. These are classic, friendly explainer videos.
  • 2D with 3D elements.
  • 3D realistic videos for product demos.
  • Screen or software demos in 2D and 3D.
  • Screen demos with stock footage.
  • Screen demos that present a screen recording.
  • Live action with an actor/presenter or motion graphics.
  • Live action without dialogue, just A-roll.
  • And more.

When engagement is your goal, you need videos that are creative, fun, and informative. The style you choose is up to you.

2. Videos project your company’s personality

People want to see a brand’s personality reflected in a video – it helps them make the decision to buy (or not). When someone needs a product no matter what, they’re going to make a purchase anyway. However, when they’re on the fence, brand shopping, or not yet convinced it’s time to buy, a video full of personality can sway their decision.

Every video is an opportunity for you to put your company’s personality on display. Having a lovable personality and public image will strengthen your brand reputation.

When you make your marketing videos, whether it’s a product demonstration, an informational video, or a sales pitch, try to add some personality to the video to show viewers what you and your company are like.

For instance, are you laid back? Happy? Energetic? Make sure your actors convey your intended personality with their lines, tone of voice, and body language.

3. Videos generate website traffic

To get sales and other conversions, you need traffic. There’s nothing more powerful than using video to generate traffic to your website en masse. When you publish videos on your website, those videos get indexed in the search engines. Many people use search engines to specifically search for videos on a given topic, so you’ll get clicks when your videos come up in search results.

According to data published by Unbounce, companies that use videos in their marketing campaigns get 34 percent more conversions. That’s more than enough reason to start using videos today. However, the benefits don’t stop there.

Search engines rank pretty high in the search engines, which means the more videos you publish, the better chance you have at coming up in the search results. According to Advanced Web Ranking statistics, videos are 45 percent more likely to rank on the first page of search results compared to webpages with text.

4. Videos support a higher brand recall rate

People are busy and often multi-tasking when they browse the internet. Capturing and maintaining attention is great, but you also want to have a strong recall rate; that’s how you’re going to gain exposure and a positive reputation.

Increasing brand awareness relies heavily on your ability to get people to remember your brand after seeing your marketing materials, whether it’s your website, your PPC ads, or your branded videos.

The difference between text and video is massive. According to stats published by Pop Video, people retain 95 percent of a message after watching a video, compared to 10 percent after reading text. That’s huge! That means videos are the ideal way to get people to remember your brand.

Raise your brand up with video marketing

It’s time to bring your brand to the next level and become known in your industry. Video marketing will help you achieve these goals, so get in touch with a marketing agency and find out how you can get started.

Larry Alton
Larry Alton is a freelance tech and computer writer


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