
5 fundamental goals for your digital PR

by | Sep 25, 2020 | Public Relations

Digital PR is a useful tool that more and more businesses are making the most of, but what outcomes can you expect from a successful campaign? Here are some of the goals you should be looking to achieve when you reach the right people with the right message.

Brand awareness/ trust

The fundamental goal of PR is to make people aware of your brand and have positive feelings for it. This is exactly the same with digital PR; you’re just using a different means to achieve it.

People’s lives are so closely intertwined with the internet that the online sphere has become the perfect place to grow your brand. If you’re doing your online PR well, then people are going to start to recognize and identify with what you’re doing.

Increase website visits

You might be reaching out to online publications so you can introduce your brand to their audience, but the result might be that you turn the other website’s audience into your own audience.

When you do your press releases well or produce great content, then people are going to be intrigued by it and click through to your website. If the host site is big enough, then it can result in some serious traffic for your website. Of course, getting traffic is one of the main reasons we start a website in the first place, so this is a pretty good benefit of digital PR.

Boost your SEO efforts

Digital PR can have an amazing effect on your SEO. Backlinks are still one of the most important ranking factors in the search engines’ algorithms, and good digital PR will get you some strong links.

If you’re consistent with your PR and build strong relationships, then you will find you will be able to get links from authoritative sites in your industry, and the search engines love this. While there are lots of factors that ultimately decide where you will rank for a certain search query, the quality of your backlinks will play a part.

With the right SEO strategy from a company such as clickintelligence.co and strong digital PR, you can make sure you’re dominating your target keywords.

Create leads

If you’re reaching the right people with your digital PR, then you are going to create leads.

PR is more about maintaining a brand image, but if you’re getting your message across as you wish, then you’ll find you build leads as well. Once people have clicked through to your site, then you’re in charge of leading them through your funnel and making sure they become a lead.

Make sales

Of course, the more leads you create, the more likely you are to make sales.

You might have simply put out a press release to enhance your brand image, but if people identify with your message, then you will find they end up buying your products. It might not be the primary focus of PR, but it’s certainly a welcome offshoot.

Steve Conway
Steve Conway is a content marketing professional and inbound marketing expert. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software start-up. He is passionate about discovering new software that will that will advance his already well-honed digital marketing techniques.


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