
Which media & entertainment brands lead in COVID brand intimacy?

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Marketing, Public Relations

Brands that made effective emotional connections with consumers during COVID saw the most success and growth during the period, according to the 2021 Brand Intimacy COVID Study from marketing intimacy agency MBLM (pronounced Emblem). In fact, the media & entertainment industry once again ranks first out of the 10 industries featured in the firm’s latest study of brands based on emotional connections during the pandemic.

Which media & entertainment brands lead in COVID brand intimacy?

MBLM uses emotional science to build and manage more intimate brands. Disney is the #1 category brand, rising from third in the last COVID study, followed by Amazon Prime and YouTube, respectively. Brand Intimacy is the emotional science behind the bonds we form with the brands we use and love.

Brands in this sector also improved by 68 percent compared to last year’s study on the “can’t live without” measure, further demonstrating how essential they are to consumers’ lives.

“Media & entertainment remains the most intimate industry in our COVID Study,” said Mario Natarelli, managing partner at MBLM, in a news release. “These brands provide escape, comfort and instant gratification, all growing needs in our society today. With competition increasing, brands should find ways to deepen their bonds with users. This should not only be through introducing strong products, but by building stronger customer relationships, finding ways to connect.”

Which media & entertainment brands lead in COVID brand intimacy?

The study reveals that the remaining brands in the top 10 for the industry are PlayStation, Netflix, Xbox, WWE, Nintendo, ESPN, hulu, and HBO. During the second year of the pandemic, daily usage of media & entertainment increased by 7 percent, which suggests many continue to rely on this sector even as sheltering in place measures have lifted. Top intimate brands have also continued to outperform leading brands in the Fortune 500 and S&P indices in profit, and stock price growth over the last year, generating an additional $16 billion in profit.

Which media & entertainment brands lead in COVID brand intimacy?

Additional significant media & entertainment industry findings include:

  • Media & entertainment brands perform better with men than with women, and with consumers under 35 years old versus those older than 35.
  • Disney, which previously ranked #3, is the top brand overall and with women, while YouTube is the top brand for men.
  • Amazon Prime is the top brand for those making over $100,000

MBLM also analyzed the industry in an article entitled “Fun & Games.” The piece looks at the rise of Disney into first place, as well as the communications from media and entertainment brands during COVID.

To view the media & entertainment industry findings, click here.

Download the full report here.

Richard Carufel
Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter


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