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Four words of responsibility

"Will not vote!"- three simple words that I am starting to hear more often, and this should concern us. All of us! Let's accept that they are part of reality, democracy, and the freedom to express opinions or actions. So ... »

Maxim Behar and James Shields, Estero, Florida, January 2024

James Shields, the re-discoverer of Bulgaria...

"Hey Max, they told me your company can make business cards..." Even though I was still in the early stages of my business and my office had only one assistant who hadn't even finished a university degree yet, those ... »

Multiple identities…

There's a piece of great absurdity in Bulgarian electoral legislation, which, after nearly 35 years of Bulgaria wandering through the mazes of democracy, is now time to be resolved. And that, of course, is the possibility for a candidate in ... »

Keep it modest, please...

Snap elections have been routine in Bulgaria in recent years, and with this year's upcoming elections, our politicians suddenly transformed again. As if within minutes, they became sweet, kind, promising… and somehow more modern and prouder. Shortly, the glossy, photoshopped ... »

Easy money? Come on!

They say easy money is easy to spend. However, when we talk about it casually over coffee or in serious meetings, as people in business, we don't recognize that concept. People like me never heard about easy money and never ... »

PR and the little charms...

The phone rang, and there was no way for me to know that this call would be strange. But it was exactly that. "I saw your website online, and I understand that you work in PR - Good, good..." ... »

From Crisis Point to Turning Point

“The Global PR Revolution” is delving into ethics, morality, accuracy, and transparency — but the fact is that the gist of our job has always been to tell the truth, and this is what we’ve been doing in our everyday ... »