4 things to remember before writing a PR brief to your PR partner

A nicely written PR brief is key to find a good match PR partner. Identifying a right PR partner for your business is one of the hard tasks, but writing a PR brief may probably be harder than this.

As reflected in the name itself- A PR brief should be concise, specific and most importantly articulated. Briefly, you should write to-the-point about what all you want to achieve by partnering with a PR agency.

It’s pretty simple, if you know what you are looking for, it will be easier to find it.

So, if you have gone through our “Press Release Writing Guide”, we are all set to discuss the key elements of writing a good PR brief to a PR agency.

Background/ Overview

If you are looking for a PR partner to develop a strong PR strategy for your upcoming projects, it is important for them to understand your background first.

We recommend that you provide the most up-to-date key company information such as your current position in the market, competitors analysis, your top clients, service area, services offered and USPs of your business. Concisely, you need to create a fact-sheet of your company, which is important for anyone, who wishes to understand your business.

Include these key-questions to make it more understandable-

● What are your long-term and short-term business goals?

● How long will this campaign last?

● What results are you expecting from this PR project?

● What audience are you targeting?

● What are your brand’s current strengths and weaknesses?

Goals & Objectives

Here comes the most important purpose of writing your PR brief.

In a simple sentence you need to mention, what you are trying to achieve and where would your brand like to be and why you chose public relations services?

If you are expecting tangible results from the campaign which can meet your business objectives, you need to summarize them first in the PR brief.

You can include your brand’s existing key message to trigger inspirations, also it would give a solid base to your PR partner to develop strong PR pitches for your brand.

Key questions outline-

● Are you trying to build your brand from scratch?

● What message do you want to convey to your end users?

● What is your current positioning and target positioning?

● How would you measure the performance of your campaign?

Research & Measurement

A good PR partner will always ask you about your previous PR relationships and projects. It requires you to answer honestly how they were for you?

From your part, you need to spend some time on research and have some suitable PR agencies in your list. This article will help you identify the right PR partner for your business. Don’t just go after the major names but identify those who are experts in your industry niche and fit in your budget.

To ensure the transparency of the campaign from beginning to end, it is crucial to mention metrics and measurement of success in the PR brief on first hand. You can learn from your past projects what worked for you and
what not. To grow a long-term relationship between brand and PR agency, the measurement and reporting should be on utter priority.

Key Questions outlines-

● What does success look like to you and how you want to measure it?

● Have you researched about PR agencies before writing a PR brief to them?

● What has worked in the past for you and what hasn’t?

● Have you identified your targets and KPIs to measure success?

● What are your current statistics?

Timing and Budget

A pre-decided timeline for any project is important to analyze its performance.

You should mention-

-How much time do you require delivering the prerequisite from your side?
-How much time the partner agency should take to prepare their proposal and PR pitch?

It helps a PR agency to properly plan and collect resources for the project if you clearly have guidance on campaign start date, key timings and milestones. A clearly defined timeframe is always appreciated and allows smooth delivery of campaigns within the decided deadline.

Having a clear indication of PR budget is really important for a PR agency to understand your business objectives and then developing strategies for the same. Some brands choose to give no budget indication because they want to see what an agency comes back with. It’s really not a great idea. We recommend stating a budget or at least a range in your PR brief.

Key questions outline-

● What is the timeline you’ve decided for this project?

● How much budget are you willing to allocate on this?

● How much time do you need to provide the prerequisites?

● Have you specified start and end dates for this project?


As a brand, you should do your homework before reaching out to an agency with your PR brief. Sometimes, PR briefs don’t communicate what we intend them to. There should be an interactive process of communication between a brand and PR agency and for that you need to specify a point of contact from your company.

Finally, your PR brief should be a brief, strategic and transparent checklist of All the things you are looking for from a PR agency which fulfils your business objectives.

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