Silence is Complicity; Words Matter

The second speaker in the Arizona Speaker Series was Vice President Joe Biden.  Taking the stage just a few minutes past the posted starting time, he spoke nonstop for just over an hour.  Mostly from behind the podium, stepping across the stage occasionally when he wanted to be sure we were paying attention.
And yes, he told stories of his lengthy political career. And, of course, addressed the ongoing “bromance” with President Obama. He spent a few moments remembering his friend and colleague, Sen. John McCain.
And he discussed the need for civil discourse.
I don’t want this post to turn political, so I’m going to paraphrase a bit.

  • The United States is a vibrant democracy. What makes us great is that no one branch of government has all the power.
  • Basic ideals will always come out on top. We need to rally around our similarities and civilly discuss our differences.
  • Do what we say, say what we mean. Our silence makes us complicit. But our words matter.  Choose them wisely. Be honest, forthright and deal with each with integrity and commitment.

He answered submitted questions for close to 30 minutes.  Of course, he was asked about running for president in the upcoming election.
His response was not unexpected.  He said he and his family will be discussing it in the coming weeks.  The reason why?  His family has served alongside him throughout his decades of public service.  It is not just him that will be running.  It will be his entire family.
He closed the session with some words from his grandparents.
He told us that his grandfather would always tell him to “keep the faith, Joey, keep the faith.”  But his grandmother would remind him to “share the faith, Joey, share the faith.”
And after all, grandparents know best.

Written by
at Dec 5, 2018

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