3 “12” Eternity Law

René C.W. Boender, author of Generation Z & The 4th Industrial Revolution, Great to Cool and Cool is Hot, was a guest speaker at the recent Public Relations Global Network  meetings. In addition to being an accomplished author and speaker, he was named ”Brainagent” by people at  Apple and has incorporated that among his many innovative terms “to make it happen!”
Boender is the “inventor” of the 3 “12” Eternity Law, a new ROI concept that leaps from return on investment to return on involvement.
He says we, as the publishers of our clients’ ideas, must be aware of this:  we have three seconds to hook our intended audience; if we make it through the next 12 seconds of evaluation, our messaging has landed there forever. It’s a progression that flows from top-of-mind awareness to top-of-brand awareness to top-of-person awareness.
He also noted that as the publishers, the tone we use in our messaging will fall into one of four categories, that of a poet, professor, promoter or performer, each with its distinct differences.
The poet’s tone will be subtle.  The professor’s will be educational and credible. The promoter will utilize more hype and the performer will incorporate various tactics into the messaging, so, make your point.
That all sounds pretty smart to me. Boender supported that by stating “Public Relations is actually Smart Relations.” “We must give energy to the brand!” he stressed. “And be ready for change,” which is demonstrated here .

Written by
at Jun 11, 2019

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