Twitter is the New Facebook

TwitterMost people who know me know how much I love Twitter (along with using #hashtags). So, yesterday I about lost my mind when I came across the article Twitter Doubles Tweet Length for Some Users by Selena Larson in CNNtech.
Larson’s first quote states “If brevity is the soul of wit, Twitter is about to get a lot less clever,” and I couldn’t agree more.
I use Twitter because of the limit on the amount of characters and if I wanted to read more I would go to Facebook.
My favorite thing to do when I wake up?
Scroll through Twitter and look for current news (fake or not), sports (usually tennis) and entertainment topics. I like the brevity of the posts because I can read what I want and scroll easily.
I think this change is a poor branding decision by Twitter as brevity is at the core (or at least what I thought was the core) of what it started out as and what it is.
According to Larson “Twitter noted in a blog post that cramming thoughts to fit Twitter character counts is more of a hassle for some users in specific language and tweets sent in Japanese use 140 characters just 0.4% of the time, while English-language tweets hit 140 characters 9% of the time.” Also that  “research shows us that the character limit is a major cause of frustration for people Tweeting in English, but it is not for those Tweeting in Japanese.”
If you can’t fit what you are going to say in 140 characters why aren’t you just posting on Facebook?
If Twitter wants to become Facebook making this move might be good for its brand, but I am pretty sure Twitter doesn’t want to be Facebook.
Thoughts? Do you agree?

Written by
at Sep 28, 2017

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