5 Essential Tips for Solo PR Pros Hiring Their First Employee

Living the Life

Man in wheelchair at desk interviewing woman for job

 5 Essential Tips for Solo PR Pros Hiring Their First Employee

Aug 1, 2023 | Living the Life

 5 Essential Tips for Solo PR Pros Hiring Their First Employee

Aug 1, 2023 | Living the Life

Hiring your first employee as a solo PR Pro is a significant milestone. However, the process can be overwhelming if you're unfamiliar with the necessary steps and resources involved. To ensure a smooth and successful hiring process, we gathered five essential tips for solo PR Pros looking to bring on their first employee, along with valuable resources to help you along the way.

1. Define the Role and Required Skills: Before diving into the hiring process, take some time to clearly define the role you want to fill. Think about the tasks and responsibilities that are currently overwhelming you and identify where an additional team member could provide the most value. Create a list of specific skills and qualifications needed for the job. Additionally, consider the traits and characteristics that would complement your work style and fit well within the company culture.


2. Develop a Comprehensive Job Description: Craft a well-written job description that includes a clear overview of your business and the role's purpose. Provide detailed information about the responsibilities, qualifications, and essential skills required. Be transparent about the working hours, potential growth opportunities, and any perks you offer. A well-defined job description not only attracts the right candidates but also helps you filter out those who might not be a good fit.


3. Prepare a Competitive Compensation Package: As a small business, you may not be able to offer the same salary packages as larger corporations. However, you can still attract top talent by being creative with your compensation package. Consider offering competitive base pay, performance-based incentives, flexible working hours, remote work options, or other benefits like professional development opportunities, health insurance, or retirement plans. Remember, the compensation package is not just about money; it should also emphasize the unique aspects of your workplace that make it an attractive and rewarding environment.


4. Be Thorough in the Hiring Process: As a solo business owner, your time is valuable, and you can't afford to make a hasty hiring decision. Take the time to thoroughly review applications, conduct interviews, and check references. Look beyond just technical skills and experience. You will want to assess the candidate's adaptability, enthusiasm, and potential to grow with your company. Consider implementing a small test project or trial period to test their capabilities on the job. Involving trusted colleagues or advisors in the interview process can also provide valuable second opinions.


5. Prepare for the Onboarding Process: Once you've found the right candidate, don't underestimate the importance of a proper onboarding process. Prepare a structured onboarding plan that includes introducing the new hire to your business's values, goals, and internal procedures. Ensure they have access to the necessary tools, software, and training to be successful in their role. Moreover, encourage open communication during the onboarding period and beyond to address any concerns or questions the new employee might have.


Hiring your first employee is an exciting step in your solo business. It can set the stage for you to elevate your business to new heights. Hiring a new employee will take time, so it is worthwhile to ensure that you hire the right person and set the foundation for their success. Hiring the right employee can bring fresh perspectives, skills, and enthusiasm to your business, helping it grow and thrive as you embark on this new phase of your entrepreneurial journey.

Photo Credit:VioletaStoimenova

Written By Karen Swim
Karen Swim is the President of Solo PR and Founder of public relations agency, Words For Hire.