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What it means to be a resource for others

By Jacob McKimm

Being a resource can benefit both you and your company.


Jason Mudd talking about how to be a resource.Running into issues is a fact of life in the business world. No matter how smooth your operation is, at points something will break, questions will need answers, a team will run into roadblocks, and other issues will strike. Any proficient company has methods to clear these problems, but a productive way to handle them is being a resource to others.


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Being a resource means helping whenever you can. It sounds simple, but it can have major impacts on your company, such as solving issues more easily, establishing a reputation as an expert, and carving out a niche for your company.



How to be a resource

The essence of being a resource is willingness to assist others when the opportunity arises. There are plenty of ways you can help, including:

  • Being the person who knows how to fix office equipment
  • Knowing how to do an important company process
  • Giving advice about brainstorming new ideas
  • Answering someone’s questions while out of the office
  • Looking over others’ ideas, then suggesting ways to stick with those goals

How being a resource can help others

If your company works with clients, being a resource means partnering with a company to answer questions related to your expertise. For example, if your company does IT, you should be willing and eager to correctly answer any questions clients may have about IT and technology. Doing so builds trust between you and them.


The ultimate goal of being a resource is to establish your company as a trusted expert others can rely on. This will help you create a reputation that reflects your competency, which encourages others to use your services over your competitors’ services.


Being a resource can help you personally

Being a resource also benefits you on a personal level. By establishing yourself as someone who can help with a variety of things, you’ll increase your value. When budget cuts and layoffs hit, being the resource everyone depends on means a lower chance of you getting cut because you keep things working smoothly.


Become a resource

Establishing yourself and your company as a resource is a beneficial strategy. For employees, it helps them carve out a niche that could save them, while companies can establish a solid reputation by being a resource to their clients and customers. If you or your company prefer to stay in your lane at work, today’s a great day to start venturing out to become a resource others can rely on.


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McKimm_Jacob-1.jpgClients love Jacob’s speed. Jacob is an inbound marketing-certified webmaster. He earned an integrated communications degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville. Jacob joined Axia PR as an intern in August 2015 and earned his way into a critical role at our PR agency.

Topics: PR tips

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