How to Write a Great Press Release: Best Practices, AI Tips & Examples

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They say all press is good press, but is it really?

“All publicity is good publicity” supposedly comes from the 19th century circus owner, Phineas Barnum. And that’s exactly where we should leave it. In the 19th century.

In reality it is crucial to shape your narrative and deliver it to the right media, not just anywhere. And to get your spotlight, your press releases really have to be top notch.

In this article, you will find press release best practices and learn how to use AI to ease the creation process.

If you don’t want to wait, start writing your press release with AI support right away to create well-formatted and engaging material in just a few minutes.

15 best practices to get your press release noticed

Feeling like your press releases are gathering dust in editors’ inboxes? It’s time to transform your announcements into newsworthy gems that grab attention and earn press coverage.

Well-written press releases can get you the buzz you (or your client) dream of. And with the right tools, you can create a newsworthy press release in almost no time and benefit from it for weeks or even months.

Ready? Let’s get to the essentials – press release tips:

#1 Use visual storytelling

Words are powerful, but visuals can be downright magical.

In today’s attention-grabbing world, only a press release rich in captivating images, infographics, and videos can break through the noise and leave a lasting impression. Make it catchy but keep it in line with your brand’s messaging.

Check out the visuals from the press release example below:

Although ChatGPT is one of the big topics recently, many have used it to catch attention.

And Klarna clearly knows that words might not be enough.

Takeaways: In the example above, Klarna not only says it “brings smooth shopping to ChatGPT,” but also uses a photo at the very top of the press release to illustrate how it works, catching the attention of the reader from the very first moment.

#2 Utilize Interactive Content

Have you ever tried interactive content? In the dopamine rush era we live in, it can make sharing news more engaging for your audience. We’ve all seen press releases with a normal photo already, so try giving your recipients something more.

Takeaways: Try exploring interactive content formats, such as interactive graphics or multimedia experiences. Such content will surely stay with your audience longer.

With Prowly’s Press Release Creator, you can easily embed your social media posts instead of using basic screenshots or add your videos straight from YouTube with a single click. Just choose the right block, add a link, and you’re all set!

Prowly Press Release Creator screenshot using the an art exhibition press release template

#3 Optimize for Mobile Devices

Take care of your press release distribution as well as creation. Before you submit a press release, ensure that it will look good on mobile.

Truth is: most of us check the news via smartphones, so make your content responsive and fast-loading. This also happens to be one of the press release UX best practices you should keep in mind.

#4 Include Visualizations of Your Data

Complex data and statistics can make your press release more trustworthy, but at the same time it may feel like a snoozefest for readers, burying your message under a mound of raw data.

But fear not, there is a way to have one’s cake and eat it too! Transform numerical clutter into visually captivating charts and graphs that inform, impress, and leave a lasting impact. Easy as that.

Here’s how we visualized data for the article “How US Media Covered Depp vs. Heard Defamation Trial In 2022“:

Bonus points? If your infographic covers a hot topic, other people might share it in their posts or articles, giving you greater reach. Just make sure to add your logo to the visual, because sometimes people forget to tag the information source.

#5 Personalize Outreach

Speaking of personalization – when crafting a press release keep both your readers and journalists in mind.

You should tailor your message and outreach efforts to specific journalists or media outlets.

This way you can demonstrate a genuine understanding of their interests and preferences. This is not just our opinion – PR pros surveyed in the State of PR 2024 study stressed personalization as one of the key trends of 2024.

#6 Offer Exclusive Content

Feeling like one in a million is great, isn’t it? So before you submit a press release, add a special touch.

Exclusive content and insights are your secret weapons for securing coverage and building strong relationships with editors and journalists.

Takeaway: When distributing exclusive content, try pitching directly to journalists instead of using newswires.

#7 Deliver Social Proof

Consumers rely more on regular people’s testimonials than some experts, which confirms the rising demand for UGC content.

So while creating your press release structure, try to cover social proof to back up your words. It can be a testimonial, user review, or a quote from an industry expert.

#8 Highlight Human Interest Stories

Numbers and facts are important, but they rarely stir our souls.

In today’s information overload, capturing your audience requires a spark of humanity. And storytelling isn’t dead, quite the contrary – building great narratives it’s one of the rising trends mentioned in both the State of PR 2023 and 2024 studies.

Takeaway: Include a space to show the human face of the organization in your press release template. Include the story of an employee or a personal anecdote. People will appreciate it.

#9 Address a Current Problem

Connect with people on the level of their daily concerns. Just like Starbucks did in the news release example below.

What’s great about this press release?

  • Starbucks declares its dedication to achieving “resource positivity,” with goals to sequester more carbon than it releases, eradicate waste, and preserve more water than it consumes. This establishes an ambitious standard for sustainability within the coffee sector.
  • Notice that they use very specific numbers.
  • They also address the current issue which is balancing economic growth with environmental responsibility. It is a critical issue for many businesses, and Starbucks’ efforts to do so resonate with a wide audience.
  • Plus, they also used a decent press release headline. It might not spark curiosity, but it’s short, sweet and straight to the point.

#10 Offer a multimedia press kit

Offer some extras, ie. comprehensive multimedia press kits encompassing a range of assets.

It can include images, videos, fact sheets, and quotations to equip journalists with all necessary resources to thoroughly cover your story. This can also be a way to deliver some exclusive content.

You can add all this and more to your press release easily with the Press Release Creator or go one step further and add a presskit to your Online Newsroom – where journalists can find trustworthy resources about your client.

#11 Utilize Influencer Partnerships

Engage in collaborations with social media influencers, industry personas, or brand ambassadors to extend the reach and influence of your press release across their platforms. Use any shoutout you can possibly get.

#12 Monitor Hot Topics

Keep your finger on the pulse with what’s new across the web. How to do it?

social media monitoring flow for PR social listening flow

Check out our Social Media Monitoring Guide and stay informed about all the trendy topics. Incorporate them as a cherry on top and boost your press release’s relevance and visibility.

#13 Emphasize Your Statement by Leadership

Readers and media crave deeper insights, informed perspectives, and genuine leadership. So engage the C-level people. This way you can get your audience “behind the scenes” information as well as insightful commentary or analysis on the topic.

Check out how Under Armour used quotes and more tactics in their press release.

#14 Highlight Diversity and Inclusion

Guarantee that your press release underscores a dedication to diversity and inclusion by showcasing a variety of voices, viewpoints, and representations in both content and visuals. Everybody wants to hear their representative’s voice.

But remember to make it a part of your PR strategy and show that it truly is your core. Don’t do it just to make your client look good. Someone would eventually see it was just a PR game and you shouldn’t risk such a crisis.

#15 Monitor and Measure Results

You can only show stakeholders that the time you spent on creating and distributing press releases was well invested if you track their perfomance.

Monitor and assess critical metrics like media exposure, domain rank, backlinks, social media interactions, and sentiment analysis to gauge the impact of your press releases. Add these metrics and PR Clippings to your PR Reports with just a few clicks.

Keep an eye on your campaigns and media mentions to measure your PR success. While the client might want to see the vanity metrics such as advertising value equivalency or UVPM, we recommend their alternatives – all of which you can easily track with tools such as Prowly.

💡 Advanced tip: Optimize for SEO and Voice Search

Do you use Siri or Alexa?

Consider optimizing your press release content for voice search queries.

Include natural language phrases and answer common questions that users may ask virtual assistants. This could be particularly necessary if you intend to publish on your personal Online Newsroom as well.

Press release don’ts: examples

How to write a media release and avoid common mistakes that may diminish its success?

Take a look at this list of practices you should stay clear of when you draft a press release:

Hidden Lead

Stay focused on your topic and do not conceal the most crucial information deep within your press release. It may result in journalists losing interest before they uncover the vital details. Use the inverted pyramid method.

Too Salesy

Journalists may disregard press releases that appear too promotional or sales-oriented, perceiving them as biased or lacking credibility.

Neglect Personalized Pitches

As mentioned, distributing generic pitches to journalists without tailoring them to their beat or interests can lead to low response rates and minimal media coverage. You can easily personalize your material with Prowly’s pitching features.

Forget Multimedia Assets

Failing to incorporate pertinent multimedia elements like images or videos can lessen the visual attractiveness and shareability of the press release, thereby diminishing its overall impact.

Miss Out on AI

Make use of some help and get the benefits of an AI assistant. With Prowly’s AI, you can draft your press release or a pitch in just a few clicks.

Take your press releases to the next level with AI

So, how to create a press release that will make you reach your goals? How to submit a press release to the right media outlets?

We (and artificial intelligence) have got your back.

1️⃣ Writing a draft

Sometimes creating your first draft can take you hours. And it’s just the beginning.

To deliver insightful and quality content, as well as overcome writer’s block, you can easily use AI.

It can help you cover all the most important aspects of your story and take care of crucial aspects, such as press release quotes or not-so-salesy language.

2️⃣ Delivering the message

It’s common to lose sight of the primary goal amid various other pieces of information you want to share. AI can help you to stay on track.

With Prowly, all you need do is to write down your three key messages and you can be sure your story is clear.

Ready to see if Prowly’s AI suits your needs? Try it for 7 days free.

3️⃣ Answering crucial questions

To enhance the informativeness of your content, Prowly’s AI utilizes the initial information you provide and prompts you to answer a series of questions to deliver key details for users.

4️⃣ Adjusting the Tone of Voice

The way you speak with your audience also depends on the story angle.

Being coherent with your ToV is crucial for your brand PR. You can adjust this by simply choosing the option that’s the closest to your own, just like is shown below.

For example, a press release of an upcoming charity event can sound:

👉🏼 more friendly and excited about event’s activities (evoking positive emotions, such as hope, which makes people more eager to participate), OR

👉🏼 more empathetic and highlight the event’s importance (evoking emotions such as sadness, which makes people more generous).

Examples of great press releases by type

Product press release

  • The press release example from Apple is written in a concise yet informative style.
  • It follows the press release structure and thus effectively generates hype and anticipation.

Here’s a full guide that will show you how to write a new product press release step by step.

Book press release

  • This book release gains points for storytelling which engages recipients.
  • Moreover, it ends with a thought-provoking question so it stays in readers’ minds longer.

Check out this article and see how to nail your book press release.

Sample album music press release

  • Here we have a clear statement endorsed with some numbers.
  • There are also links to other materials if one wants to explore the topic further.

Need more examples of music press releases to get inspired by? Check out this guide.

Send press releases using personalized pitches and AI

Once you create your press release there is one crucial question which may still be on your mind. How to send out a press release?

Draft pitches with AI, add human touch, and connect with journalists with enhanced personalization.

📝 Step one: Craft the pitch

Navigate yourself to the “Emails” section, choose the recipients you wish to pitch, and either attach or embed your press release.

While you have the option to craft your pitch from the very beginning, AI can generate an email for you based on the content of your press release. You can consider this a preliminary pitch.

The email will feature four key messages presented in bullet points, making it easier for journalists to quickly scan and identify the most newsworthy aspects.

✍🏼 Step two: Choose a catchy subject line

In the last step, AI assists in creating compelling subject lines and preview text.

Choose from various suggestions and customize them to fit your press release.

This not only saves time but also enhances recipient engagement by utilizing an algorithm designed to capture journalists’ attention.

Who wants to spend hours crafting the perfect subject line? With AI-generated suggestions, you’ll stand out in any crowded inbox, minimizing the struggle of generating fresh ideas.

✉️ Step three: Find the right media contacts

You may have a list of media outlets in mind but there is no harm in expanding it. How to do so?

You can use one of available media databases on the market, such as Prowly. Then manually search through our database of 1 million contacts. It’s a wide range of choices that you can filter based on language, topics they cover, and more.

However, it may take some time to find the perfect ones. AI can take care of that for you with smart suggestions and accelerate the process.

Simply type the first 100 words of your pitch and Prowly’s AI will start suggesting journalists you can pitch to based on the keywords found in your press release. It’s just as easy as it sounds.

Start crafting your best press release ever

Appreciate the power of a well-crafted press release. It can boost your brand, drive traffic, and build trust. But creating them can feel overwhelming. Fear not! Press release creators and distribution tools are here to help, not to replace your expertise. Use them to craft captivating headlines, optimize your pitch, and track results.

So share your incredible story and let the world know all about it!