How Best to Twitter: Everything You Wanted to Know, But Didn’t Have Time to Find Out

TwitterWe’re all swamped. Besides living our lives, there are millions of us who want to keep up with our activities on Twitter and to know we’re doing a good job about it. But are we using it in the best way we could? That is, in the most efficient ways to benefit and strengthen the relationships we foster in our social media communities?

This awareness has been compounded by the fact that friends and clients often ask me for Twitter guidelines and more about different social media (which I’ll deal with in separate posts). They prefer a range of information, all of which they’re hoping will help them, but in their own time, at their own speed and in their own way, which is fair enough.

So I thought it was about time to share this bundle of informative Twitter joy to the wider world. You’ll save yourself stress, precious time, money and effort in learning to use Twitter effectively, simply by reading and reviewing the content listed here.

All the material is accessible, featuring some of the best educational, how-to material on the use of Twitter. sources high-quality articles and videos, guidelines and more, which have been created over the years by social media practitioners, journalists and other communications professionals that I admire and appreciate. I hope you will like them, too.

For those of you who love infographics (I’m one of them), you will also find the following:

If you come across any other helpful articles or infographics, it would be great if you could post me a comment, and I’ll look to add it into the bundle.

In the meantime, here’s to your increasingly stress-free proficiency in – and enjoyment of using – Twitter.

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