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3 tips for promoting infographics on social media

By Becca McClure

Infographics are a great resource if used correctly.

An infographic is a way to present information or data visually with an image. To begin, decide the information you want to include in your infographic, where it will live (e.g., on your website) and where you’ll promote it. Then, send the copy you’ve created to a peer or a copy editor to proofread your work. Once the copy is ready, send it to a designer, or you can use a site like Canva or PicMonkey to create the infographic yourself.

Here are three tips for uploading and promoting infographics:

1. Infographics are usually laid out vertically, so you’ll need to keep that in mind when uploading an infographic to social media. Pinterest is one of the most popular sites that allow you to upload large vertical images. Other sites might resize or crop the file, which can distort the image.

2. Crop your infographic, save it as a .PNG or .JPEG (make sure that you have the right size) and then upload it to the social networks that you desire. Link to the full infographic if it lives on your website or upload the cropped infographic as multiple images.


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According to HubSpot, companies that publish infographics grow their traffic an average of 12 percent more than those that don't. And, people like and share infographics on social media three times more than any other type of content. If your company isn’t creating and publishing infographics to its social media profiles, reach out to our social media team to see how we can help increase your social media engagement today.

becca-final.jpgClients love Becca’s cooperative spirit and work ethic. She excels at telling stories. Becca oversees blogging and social media campaigns and has earned her certification in inbound marketing. Becca joined Axia in February 2016. Learn more about Becca.



Featured Image Credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

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