How You Know Its High Time to Quit Your Job

By Erika Rykun

All employees sometimes have bad days at work, no matter if it is remote working or office. Usually, such bad days result in considerable emotional tension, a great deal of stress, and loud promises to quit.

Consider yourself a lucky person if you cannot remember the last bad day you had at work. But if you cannot remember the last good day you had at work, it might be a moment to consider quitting seriously. For instance, PR has one of the highest job satisfaction rates among major professions, but it also can be one of the most stressful jobs and career paths. Therefore, you need to find what you love doing.

But how do you know when it is high time to quit or give your job a second chance? There are a number of warning signals you should recognize to choose a good time for leaving. Here is a list of questions you should ask yourself before deciding and packing up that miserable desk for good.

1.  Do you dread working?

One of the most critical and disturbing signals is feeling dread. If you go to sleep feeling anxiety about the upcoming workday every night, it is time to quit. No matter if you are going to the office or you just press the strat button on your home computer, you will never mix up dread with some other feeling.

The job that makes you feel stressed, unmotivated, bored, or useless will not bring any achievement and improvements to your life most likely. A usual Sunday night blues, a standard for all people starting their business week on Mondays, should never turn into depression. Through dread, your body keeps telling “no” to your current position.

2.  Are your skills tapped?

We all sometimes face challenging situations at work. Usually, it takes us some time and effort to figure out the way out. Such a situation often becomes an opportunity to show your skills and prove you can manage more responsibilities to your boss.

But if you have been doing this for a while and your efforts are not recognized and appreciated, there is no point in continuing. Being stuck in one position for a long time means it is high time for considering other options.

3.  Are you procrastinating more than working?

Everyone procrastinates on occasion, and it is normal. One cannot concentrate on the task for a whole day. It is only natural to get distracted and fool around for some brief moments.

But if there is nothing you find engaging about your work, your current position may not be a good fit for you. A lack of enthusiasm and motivation does not say you are a bad or lazy employee. If nothing is interesting about your job now, do not waste your time as it will not show up in the future.

4.  Do your employer’s goals and your mission match up?

Nowadays, there is a common tendency to consider whether you invest your time, the most precious resource, into the right company.  Working with the leaders you admire and contributing to a common goal are the best motivators.

Asking yourself if the company goals match yours is a reliable and straightforward way to learn if it is time to quit. Are you stuck in a rut, or do you feel ambitious and know which direction to follow?

5.  Do you feel overqualified?

Sometimes employees just feel stuck because they are overqualified for the positions they take. If there is no challenge in completing tasks and your work does not require any extra knowledge or training, it is not a good option for you.

However, being overqualified does not mean being too smart or skilled. It means you are not in the right place. Start with getting aware of your potential and aptitudes for the position. Undoubtedly, some jobs would be more fulfilling for you.

6.  Is your work environment healthy?

A hostile work environment is toxic and harmful. It is almost impossible to feel job satisfaction when the air in the office is electrified. Moreover, a pessimistic atmosphere will probably damage your personal life vibes as well.

An unhealthy work environment cannot be isolated from your personality unless you leave it for good. If you find yourself in an environment where colleagues are not frank, they have no freedom to speak up, there are tension and aggression — make your way out as fast as you can.

7.  Do you find yourself justifying your job?

Finally, here comes the most silent killer. Employees often tend to repeat phrases like: “Well, the pay sucks, but my benefits are okay.”

“My working environment is as good as I expected, but at least my salary is decent.”

“I don’t feel inspired by my job, but my boss is a good guy.”

Looks like your case? Most likely you are suffering from Corporate Stockholm Syndrome. If the job requires justifying, it has more negative than positive. Don’t fool yourself. You can always find a position that will offer more.

Final thoughts

Quitting the job is a tough decision to make. For sure, there should be some important reasons and prerequisites for such a step. However, there are situations when you have to leave straight away. The sooner, the better.

In case you got interested in the title of this article, and you find yourself reading it till this very moment, undoubtedly you have already been thinking about quitting. Don’t be afraid, and try to be strategic about your next steps. Understanding the problem is half the solution.

Erika Rykan is a career and productivity copywriter who believes in the power of networking. In her free time, she enjoys reading books and playing with her cat, Cola. Find her at WikiJob.

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