Time for a New Website?

Websites are important and can create new opportunities for your business. With so many people’s first impression of you coming from your website, it might be time to think about a redesign if you notice any of these signs.

Slow Website

Speed is important and whether a prospective client or potential partner is browsing on a computer or on their phone, it is imperative to prioritize the speed of your site and regularly test how fast your website is performing. There are a number of reasons your site could be running slow like unoptimized images, excessive flash content, too many ads and more. Don’t let a slow site be the reason your content can’t shine, try changing it up.

Not Mobile Friendly

As I have covered previously on the blog, a mobile-friendly site is essential for a number of reasons and according to Statista, mobile browsing accounts for approximately half of web traffic worldwide. Without a mobile site, you are limiting your reach and impacting how you reach your audiences.

Content is Outdated

Whether your client news section is not up to date, your blog lies dormant or your staff page lists previous employees, there are a few different ways your site is outdated and no longer represents what you do. A website redesign is the perfect time to remove unwanted pages from your site, create new ones or revamp your content to being posting regularly again.

Technology is Outdated

If your website was created a while ago, it’s possible it lacks to technology to function for users and keep up with search engines to boost your online presence. Try checking for updates on your website plugins or video players on your site to create an efficient website experience for visitors.

In addition to these reasons, there are other key signs to watch out for on your website that could be holding you back like lack of SEO optimization, high bounce rate, outdated branding and more. Try asking a colleague to take a look through your site to determine if it might be time for an upgrade.

Redesigning your business site is a big move that can yield big results. Could it be right for you?

Photo by Tranmautritam on Pexels.

Written by
at Feb 22, 2023

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