How to Share Good News

So, your business won that prestigious industry award, was accepted into a distinguished networking group or made an impact through community relations, but what’s next? Sharing the news of course! While it may feel awkward to publicize your business’s achievements, telling the world your positive news is essential to building a positive reputation. Plus, receiving compliments is always nice.

Include Your Stakeholders

When sharing the good news, don’t forget to include your audience, too. While the news may be big for your business, it is important to explain how your news positively impacts others as well, whether it be an investor, employee or customer.

Consider All Formats

News releases, blog posts, email blasts and social media posts are just a few ways you can help share your good news. Consider how a new achievement can be displayed across all your channels of communication.

Create A Strategy

Like all other forms of business communications, a strategy is a must. Be sure to tell the good news to your PR team and consult with them to find out the next steps. Every action should have a clear intention to shed a positive light on your business and spread your key messages.

Seek More Opportunities

Once you have shared your achievements, it’s a good idea to step back, look at the bigger picture and see how you can turn one success into many through earned media coverage and potential award nominations. This keeps your good news alive and helps you effectively reach more people while possibly gaining more accolades in the process.

Here at HMA we love good news. Contact us to find out how we can help your business shout it from the rooftops.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Written by
at Jun 24, 2022

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