Kidfluencers and Their Impact on Influencer Marketing, Brands, and Parents

October 3, 2023By Craig NoldenBurrelles, Communications, Content Marketing, Marketing, Measurement/Analytics, Media Industry, Media Monitoring, Media Outreach, Media Relations, Mobile Media, News/Media Coverage, Public Relations, Social Media No Comments

In recent years, a new group of influencers has taken the digital world by storm: child influencers, often affectionately referred to as “kidfluencers.” These pint-sized personalities have amassed legions of followers on social media platforms, partnering with brands and making a significant impact on the world of influencer marketing.

I have witnessed the power of the kidfluencer firsthand. Every time my ten-year-old son saves up enough chore money for a new video game, he spends time on YouTube seeking out other kids’ reviews to make sure he’ll like the game. Where I might read Amazon reviews before purchasing a product, my son goes right to the source that is most relatable to him.

While the kidfluencer phenomenon is undoubtedly intriguing, it raises critical questions about the ethics, regulations, and responsibilities surrounding the children in the spotlight, as well as the implications for the digital marketing companies and parents involved.

The rise of kidfluencers

Before diving into the implications, I wanted first to look at what has led to the rise of kidfluencers. In a world increasingly dominated by social media, the appeal of authenticity has never been more significant. Enter child influencers who, by their very nature, exude genuine innocence, charm, and unfiltered spontaneity. This authenticity captivates audiences and has led to a surge in the popularity of kidfluencers.

Child influencers are reshaping digital marketing. The global toy industry sees kidfluencers as a lucrative advertising channel, especially through techniques like “stealth advertising,” such as advertorials framed as reviews. This phenomenon prompts critical discussions about the pros and cons of this digital marketing strategy, showcasing the enduring influence of youthful voices in consumer behavior.

“Where children’s television once reigned supreme as a vehicle for sales of kids’ brands, the marketing of children’s toys now often hinges on having the right social media influencer, many of them children themselves,” says Dr. Catherine Archer of Edith Cowan University.

Impact on influencer marketing

Child influencers have transformed the overall landscape of influencer marketing in several ways:

  • Authenticity and relatability: Unlike their adult counterparts, kidfluencers have an unparalleled ability to connect with their audiences on a personal level. Their authenticity and natural approachability make them relatable, helping brands foster consumer trust.
  • Niche markets: Kidfluencers often cater to niche markets, specializing in areas like toys, children’s fashion, and family-friendly content. Brands can easily tap into these specific markets, reaching a highly targeted audience.
  • Virality and shareability: The innocence and charm of child influencers make their content highly shareable. Viral videos of kids playing with toys or reacting to surprises can generate immense engagement, leading to increased brand visibility.
  • Extended lifespan: Child influencers often grow up alongside their followers, potentially offering brands a long-term partnership. This continuity can create a lasting impact on consumers’ perceptions of a brand.

The profits and pitfalls for brands

For companies, collaborating with child influencers can yield substantial benefits, including increased brand awareness and product sales. However, this territory comes with its own set of challenges:

  • Ethical concerns: The ethics of using children to promote products or services is a contentious issue. Critics argue that it blurs the lines between genuine enjoyment and commercial exploitation. Companies must be mindful of ethical considerations and prioritize the child’s well-being.
  • Legal regulations: Various countries have implemented regulations to protect child influencers, requiring parental consent, limiting working hours, and safeguarding earnings. Companies need to navigate this legal landscape to avoid potential legal issues.
  • Long-term effects: The impact of early exposure to the limelight on a child’s mental and emotional well-being remains a topic of concern. Companies must be aware of their role in a child’s development and ensure a supportive and responsible working environment.

Related read: The Rise of Dadfluencers: How brands are harnessing diverse perspectives on fatherhood

Parents and the balancing of fame and childhood

 group of kids taking a selfieBehind every child influencer is a parent or guardian. Their role is pivotal in shaping the child’s experience. Parents must strike a delicate balance between supporting their child’s budding career and safeguarding their childhood. Maintaining a ‘normal,’ nurturing environment amid fame and fortune is challenging.

Education often takes a backseat when a child becomes an influencer. Parents need to ensure their child continues to receive a well-rounded education and exposure to different experiences.

Parents must exercise their responsibility to protect their child’s interests — both financially and emotionally. This includes negotiating fair compensation with brands and carefully selecting partnerships.

My home state of Illinois recently became the first state in the US to enact a groundbreaking law safeguarding child influencers and social media stars, guaranteeing their rightful compensation for appearances in monetized content on platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. This historic legislation, known as SB1782, was unanimously approved by the Senate in March and was recently signed into law. It goes into effect on July 1, 2024.

The new law introduces amendments to the state’s Child Labor Law, ensuring that influencers and social media personalities under age 16 are fairly compensated. Under this law, children featured in online content filmed within Illinois will be entitled to a portion of the earnings.

To qualify, the content must meet specific criteria, including featuring the minor’s likeness, name, or photograph in at least 30 percent of the compensated video content produced within a 30-day timeframe. This landmark legislation marks a significant step towards protecting the rights and well-being of young content creators in the digital age.

The way forward

Child influencers have disrupted the influencer marketing landscape, offering a unique blend of authenticity and charm. However, their rise also necessitates a nuanced and ethical approach. Companies must prioritize ethical considerations and comply with legal regulations, while parents must safeguard their child’s well-being.

As the world of influencer marketing continues to evolve, it is essential that the industry collectively addresses the challenges and responsibilities posed by kidfluencers. Striking the right balance between profit and ethics will determine the long-term sustainability of this influential trend.


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