5 Press Release Templates and How to Effectively Utilize Them

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Did you know that the traditional press release is still used, more than ever? Even though there are a lot of myths surrounding whether or not they are effective, press releases are a great way to get the word out about your company.

They’re an effective marketing tool that you can use for both internal and external communications. A press release is perfect

press release templates

for announcing new products, services, or partnerships. An effective PR template can also highlight milestones in your business or share information with the media.

Here’s how you can write a successful press release using our easy-to-use press release templates!

Template 1: New Product or Service

If you have a new product or service that you’re launching, the first thing you’ll want to do is publish a press release. This could include announcing an app launch, publishing your company’s annual report. Here’s an example:

For Immediate Release

XYZ Company announces the launch of its new product, SuperWidget.

Today, XYZ Company announced the release of its newest product, SuperWidget. The announcement comes on the heels of several successful years in the industry and will serve to strengthen their foothold as one of America’s Top 100 Companies.

SuperWidget is a smart home appliance that both adults and children can operate using voice commands. SuperWidget features an easy-to-use interface touchscreen panel and it can connect to the user’s smartphone, allowing them to operate it from anywhere in the world.

“We are thrilled to introduce this new product into our line,” said CEO of XYZ Company, Sarah Smith. “Our customers have been asking for a new and innovative product and we believe SuperWidget fits the bill.”

This is just one of many products in XYZ Company’s wide range of smart home appliances and the company plans to continue pushing the envelope within this market with future releases.

SuperWidget is available in the XYZ Company store for $399.99 with a special launch price of $349.99, which will last for one week only.

For more information about SuperWidget, please visit: www.xyzcompanyproducts.com/superwidget

To arrange an interview with Sarah Smith, CEO of XYZ Company, please contact the company at (123) 456-7890 or email [email protected].

Key Points:

  • Introduce your new product and why it’s innovative
  • Make sure to include relevant information about how it works and how it benefits consumers

Template 2: Company Milestone

Do your company’s sales figures glisten brighter than the stars? Does your organization have a 20th anniversary? Have you just opened a new office in Utah? Don’t let these milestones go to waste! Here’s an example:

For Immediate Release

XYZ Company announces a new milestone in its 20-year history.

Today, XYZ Company announced that it had reached an important business milestone: after twenty years of service, the company has surpassed $100 million in annual revenue. The announcement comes on the heels of several successful quarters and will serve to strengthen their foothold as one of America’s Top 100 Companies.

“It’s been a long road, but we’re thrilled to have reached this milestone,” said CEO of XYZ Company, Sarah Smith. “Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our customers and dedicated employees.”

This is just one of many products in XYZ Company’s wide range of office equipment and the company plans to continue pushing the envelope within this market with future releases.

Key Points:

  • Introduce your milestone and why it’s significant for your business
  • Include relevant information about how you’ve reached this point and how it will impact your success moving forward

Template 3: Company Profile

You’re not just a cog in the wheel of capitalism – you’ve got your own story to tell! Here’s an example:

For Immediate Release

Views, News, Tips & More on XYZCompany.com!

It is with great excitement that today XYZ Company announces the launch of their new site for media professionals!  The site features an easy-to-use interface with exclusive breaking news, views & insights into XYZ Company.

“We created this site because we know how important it is for members of the media to stay engaged with their audiences,” said Sarah Smith, CEO of XYZ Company. “Now journalists can go to one central location for round-the-clock updates on our company and the latest news from the tech industry.”

Key Points:

  • Introduce your company and what makes you unique
  • Provide a general overview of your products or services

Template 4: Tips & Tricks

Everyone knows that social media is a powerful tool for engaging with your target audience, so why not use it to share tips? Here’s an example of a Tips & Tricks press release:

Tips & Tricks on XYZ Company.com!

It is with great excitement that today XYZ Company is announcing the launch of their new site for media professionals!  The site features an easy-to-use interface with exclusive breaking news, views & insights into XYZ Company.

“We created this site because we know how important it is for members of the media to stay engaged with their audiences,” said Sarah Smith, CEO of XYZ Company. “Now journalists can go to one central location for round-the-clock updates on our company and the latest news from the tech industry.”

Key Points:

  • Introduce your topic; provide relevant information in a helpful format
  • List your contact info and website where readers can learn more
  • End with a call-to-action (CTA) for media

Template 5: How To’s

This is just like a Tips & Tricks press release, but with more in-depth information and step-by-step instructions that can help customers or clients learn how to do something.  Here’s an example:

For Immediate Release

How to Reach Your Sales Goals!

It is with great excitement that today XYZ Company announces the launch of their new site for media professionals!  The site features an easy-to-use interface with exclusive breaking news, views & insights into XYZ Company.

“We created this site because we know how important it is for members of the media to stay engaged with their audiences,” said Sarah Smith, CEO of XYZ Company. “Now journalists can go to one central location for round-the-clock updates on our company and the latest news from the tech industry.”

Key Points for this PR template:

  • Introduce your topic
  • Provide relevant information in a helpful format
  • List your contact info and website where readers can learn more
  • End with a call-to-action (CTA) for media, such as an invitation to interview the company spokesperson

Get Started With Press Release Templates Today

Using these 5 press release templates, you can create a unique press release for your company. They can help you begin getting targeted media coverage. Use these press release examples as a starting point and add your flavor.

For more help, be sure to contact us for a consultation!

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