How to Choose a Press Release Topic for Small Businesses

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About 65% of journalists believe audience metrics have changed how they evaluate news stories. If you want journalists to pick up your press releases, they need to stand out. Choosing the right press release topic is crucial.

Otherwise, journalists might not feel interested in your press release. You’ll start struggling when distributing press releases as a result. 

Without press releases, you’ll need to find other ways to boost brand credibility and awareness. Consumers might turn toward your competitors instead.

Don’t let it come to that! Instead, use this guide to choose the best press release topic every time.

These tips can set your press release and content marketing strategies up for success. Journalists will pick up your stories more often. Then, you can boost brand exposure and reach new customers.

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Discover how to start choosing press release topics with these tips today. 

Why Should You Send a Press Release?

Writing press releases can help you generate brand awareness and recognition. Beyond that, it can also:

  • Increase brand exposure
  • Help you gain media coverage from news outlets in your industry
  • Boost your brand’s reputation and credibility
  • Help you manage a crisis and control the narrative
  • Help you build backlinks from trusted media sites
  • Boost your search engine ranking
  • Generate fresh leads and sales

Writing press releases is also a cost-effective marketing strategy. You can experience these many benefits while improving your ROI.

You could set your business up for long-term growth and success as a result. 

It’s essential to choose the right press release topic, though. Otherwise, media outlets might not decide to publish your press release. If the right publications don’t share your release, it won’t appear in front of your target audience.

Instead, you can develop a plan for brainstorming, writing, and distributing press releases.

When Should You Send a Release?

Nearly 80% of content marketers incorporate press releases as part of their content marketing strategy. That doesn’t mean you should start sending press releases at random, though. Instead, you need to time it right. 

Think about any newsworthy events or accomplishments you can share. The keyword there is newsworthy. If it’s not newsworthy, publications won’t share it with their readers.

For example, you might want to share a breaking news announcement. Media outlets will want to cover the story before anyone else. You can leverage their fear of missing out by giving relevant publications the exclusive. 

Think about how you plan on growing your business within the next few months, too.

For example, are you hiring new executives? Maybe you’re about to launch a new product.

These moments can help you build a buzz. People will want to learn about who you’re hiring or the new product you’re offering. You can even tease the content to build anticipation.

When choosing your press release topics, keep your target audience in mind. What will they care about? What news is relevant to your readers?

Those are the stories publications will want to pick up. 

How to Select a Topic

Journalists have about 300 emails waiting for them on average every morning. Choosing the right press release topic can help you stand out from the stack. Otherwise, you could end up in the trash bin. 

Meanwhile, 100% of journalists said press releases were their number one way of finding stories. Developing relevant ideas for press releases can help you gain media coverage. You can even develop lasting professional relationships with journalists in your industry.

Here are a few tips that can help you select the right press release topic to boost your media coverage. 

1. Consider the Last and Next Six Months

First, think about the last six months. You might want to look at old emails and documents. Consider the content you’ve already created in that time as well.

What has your company done lately? There’s a chance you forgot to announce an important piece of information.

Reviewing the last six months can help you find potential topics. Noting the stories you missed can help you avoid missing those stories in the future, too.

Then, take a look at the future. What’s going on in the next six months? Make a note of any upcoming events or developments.

For example, maybe you’re about to announce a conference, launch party, or another event.

Maybe you’re about to merge your company with another.

Look through your calendar. Even if the event isn’t official yet, write it down. 

2. Make a List

Make two separate lists: the events that happened in the past six months versus events occurring in the next six months. Then, take a look at the latter.

Can you organize these events in chronological order? Which piece of news is the most time-sensitive? Try to prioritize working on that press release.

Save the list of events you didn’t cover for later. The next time a similar event pops up, you’ll know to write a press release for it.

3. Talk to Your Team

If you’re still struggling to come up with topics, that’s okay. Talk to your team. Working with your team can help you gain an outside perspective.

It helps to speak with leaders in every department. For example, your sales team might tell you the company exceeded sales goals for the year. You can write a press release about your company’s growth. 

What about your research and development team? Have they made a recent discovery? Are they working on a new product?

Think about how you’re disrupting or innovating the industry, too. Innovation is newsworthy and time-sensitive. You’ll want to announce these developments before your competitors catch up.

Writing these press releases can help you demonstrate your competitive advantage and value. Consumers will see the waves you’re making in the industry. You’ll differentiate yourself from competitors and position yourself as a thought leader. 

4. Map Out Your Ideas

Once you have a list of potential topics to pursue, map them out.

Determine when you want to distribute each time release. You won’t want to wait until the last minute. However, sharing information too soon might cause anticipation to drop.

People might forget all about an event or the new product you teased.

Put every press release topic on a calendar. That way, you won’t forget to write it.

5. Adjust as Needed

It’s normal for new events to pop up throughout the year. You might need to bump one press release for another.

Make sure your press releases are always timely and newsworthy. You can change your schedule as needed to remain relevant with your audience. 

Example Press Release Topics

Still struggling with choosing press release topics? That’s okay. We have a few examples that might help.

Reviewing these examples might help you come up with new ideas for press releases, too. 

Here are a few example press release topics you might want to consider for the next year:

  • Announcing new products or services
  • Starting a new sister company
  • Making a charitable contribution
  • Adding a new business location
  • Redesigning your website
  • Rebranding your company
  • Celebrating an important anniversary
  • Receiving an award or endorsement 
  • Changing the company name or a product name
  • Sponsoring an event
  • Signing on a large, recognizable client
  • A merger, acquisition, or expansion
  • Exhibiting at an upcoming trade show
  • Speaking at an upcoming conference or event
  • Launching an affiliate/referral program
  • Gaining new certification and credentials
  • Hosting a tour of your facilities
  • Announcing a special event
  • Developing new technology for your industry
  • Hosting a contest
  • Offering an internship program or scholarship
  • Providing pro bono work
  • Partnering with another business
  • Hiring a new executive
  • Changing the ownership of the company

We’ve gone into detail with a few of these press release topic ideas to offer more insight.

1. Responding to a Crisis

It’s important to respond to a crisis immediately. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to control the narrative moving forward.

You can let people know if a product was defective or get in front of a scandal. Responding to a crisis will help you remain transparent. You can minimize how much the event will disrupt your brand’s reputation. 

2. Upcoming Events

Think about the events you plan on hosting or participating in this year. For example, maybe you’ll attend a tradeshow or conference. Let people know.

You can mention online classes and webinars, too.

Did you recently file a lawsuit? Maybe you’re offering your stock to the public. If any legal shifts are occurring, let people know.

Make sure to focus on why it’s providing the public with value. 

4. Community Involvement

If you have a charity or community involvement coming up, use it to portray your brand in a positive light. Let people know if you’re involved in local events, sports teams, or other inspiration events. 

5. New Products, Promotions, and Contests

New products and services are always exciting. Focus on the benefits and features you’re offering customers. Focusing on your value will help spark excitement.

6. Company Achievements and Milestones

Think about the milestones your company has achieved this year. For example, have you reached an anniversary? Maybe you’ve reached a new revenue figure.

These accomplishments can demonstrate your company’s value and growth. 

7. Rebranding

It’s important to let people know if you’re rebranding. Otherwise, loyal customers might fail to recognize the changes you’re making.

They might think your company disappeared. 

Expanding Brand Exposure: How to Choose a Press Release Topic

Choosing the right press release topic can set your content marketing strategy up for success. Keep these tips in mind. With these tips, you can choose topics journalists will want to share with their readers.

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