8 Tips to Optimize Content Writing for People and Search Engines

September 5, 2023By Hamza HanifBurrelles, Communications, Content Marketing, Marketing, Productivity, Public Relations, Social Media, Technology No Comments

In today’s digital landscape, content writing plays a pivotal role in attracting and engaging both human readers and search engines. With millions of websites and blogs competing for visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs), content writers need to master the art of optimizing content for both human readers and search engine algorithms.

This article presents eight practical and effective tips to help content writers strike the perfect balance between user-friendly content and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

Understand your target audience

Before diving into content creation, it’s crucial to identify and understand your target audience. Knowing your audience’s preferences, needs, and pain points will guide you in crafting relevant and engaging content that resonates with them. Conducting market research, internet research, analyzing customer feedback, and monitoring user behavior on your website are effective ways to gain valuable insights into your target audience’s preferences.

In recent surveys of marketers, more than 50% have reported that personalized content based on audience segments had a significant impact on their marketing success. This highlights the importance of tailoring your content to specific target audiences to maximize its effectiveness, there are also affiliate marketing tools that may you have to learn.

Conduct keyword research

Keyword research is pivotal for effective content optimization. Alongside identifying relevant keywords, it’s essential to recognize the significance of high intent keywords. High intent keywords signify strong user intent and often lead to conversions. They’re the queries users make when they are close to making a decision, such as “buy now” or “best of.” Incorporating high intent keywords strategically into your content can boost its conversion potential.

Keyword research is the foundation of effective content optimization for search engines. Identify relevant keywords and phrases that align with your content’s theme and your audience’s search intent. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, or use techniques like Google scraping to find high-ranking keywords with moderate competition. We can also view it from an entrepreneur’s perspective.

Abhishek Shah, Founder, TestlifyTo optimize content writing for both people and search engines, focus on producing high-quality, valuable, and engaging content that meets the needs of your target audience. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and popular terms to incorporate naturally into your content, aiding search engine visibility. Utilize informative headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability. Maintain a consistent and conversational tone, avoiding excessive keyword stuffing. Integrate multimedia elements like images and videos to enrich the content. Prioritize mobile responsiveness and quick loading times to improve user experience. Lastly, promote your content through social media and reputable platforms to increase its reach and visibility, ultimately driving organic traffic and search engine rankings.”
— Abhishek Shah, Founder, Testlify

To monitor your rankings, adjust your content strategy for improved search visibility, and drive organic traffic, consider tracking your keywords with the right tool, such as the Serpple keyword rank tracker. These tools provide accurate keyword rank tracking details, customized ranking reports, and can even assist with featured snippets and more

Create high-quality, engaging content

Search engines prioritize high-quality, informative, and engaging content. Write for your audience, not just for search engines you can use tools like Writing Metier. Focus on providing value, solving problems, and answering questions within your content. Well-crafted content not only keeps readers on your page but also encourages them to share it with others and increases the likelihood of earning backlinks, a crucial factor in SEO. Several trending SEO ChatGPT prompts can help you with SEO content creation.

To give a simple example, Mr. Ovi Tanchangya has created a lot of content in the field of outdoor recreation that is useful for every outdoor enthusiast.

Personalized content can lead to higher transaction rates. According to a study by Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations.

On-Page SEORelated read: Significance of Quality Content in the Age of AI

Optimize on-page elements

According to Niket Sharma, Co-founder of My Comparision Guide, “On-page optimization involves fine-tuning various elements on a webpage to enhance its visibility to search engines.”

Ensure that your target keyword appears naturally in the title, meta description, headers, and throughout the content. In addition, use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs, as they contribute to search engine rankings.

Mobile optimization

With the increasing use of mobile devices, optimizing your content for mobile is no longer optional. Mobile-friendly content improves user experience and plays a vital role in search engine rankings. Ensure your website is responsive, loads quickly, and has an intuitive mobile layout. An expert shared important insights on a topic. A holistic approach is vital to understand it. His comments were insightful and thought-provoking.

Zeeshan Akhtar, Head of Marketing, Mailmodo“Optimizing for Search Engines is relatively easy than optimizing for humans. After all, it’s an algorithm. The way it judges content is objective and thus can be performed easily. The only condition is knowing what to optimize. However, with people, it’s completely different. Humans understand a piece of content and perceive its meaning. This basically means that optimization for humans is more than just putting the right keywords or semantics in place. For this, the content writer has to actually understand the subject matter to a certain depth. The style, the tonality, the wit and humor, and the soundness of arguments all become very important.”
Zeeshan Akhtar, Head of Marketing, Mailmodo

Incorporate internal and external links

Link building is an essential aspect of SEO, including in press release distribution. Include internal links to other relevant pages on your website to guide users to more valuable content. Additionally, add external links to authoritative sources, as they signal search engines that your content is well-researched and credible. Incorporating press release links within your content can enhance your online visibility and reach a broader audience, increasing the chances of media coverage and further distribution. Remember to optimize your press releases with relevant keywords and anchor texts to improve their SEO value and overall effectiveness in driving traffic and engagement.

Related read: The Press Release is Not Dead, But It Has Evolved

Focus on readability and user experience

Creating content that is easy to read and navigate enhances the user experience and encourages visitors to spend more time on your website. Use clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the text. Consider using visual elements such as images, infographics, and videos to make the content more engaging and digestible. Do not hesitate to rely on creative automation tools to automate the creation of rich graphic design for your piece of content. Regarding this topic, a senior content marketer has shared her perspective. Let’s listen to her insights.

Danielle Antosz Senior Content Marketer at Close“One thing I see a lot of is folks relying too heavily on optimization tools like Yoast or Clearscope. Those can be really useful tools, but they don’t always get it right. For example, when optimizing a post on SMB (small medium business) some of the optimization tools included keywords like “server message block”–which is a totally different topic. Instead of relying entirely on those tools, I recommended searching the keyword in Google itself (in incognito, so you are getting somewhat objective results) and looking at the top search results, ‘people also ask’, and related searches. These questions and keywords will help you better understand the search intent and make sure you’re covering the topic completely.”
— Danielle Antosz Senior Content Marketer at Close

Analyze the performance of your content

Analyzing data after publishing blogs is crucial for content writers as it offers valuable insights into the effectiveness and impact of their work. By studying metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, writers can determine which topics resonate most with their audience and adjust their future content strategies accordingly. Data analysis also aids in understanding user behavior, enabling writers to optimize content for better user experiences. Identifying trends and patterns through data using search-based analytical tools like Explorazor allows for informed decisions, leading to improved content quality and more targeted, relevant pieces.

Regularly update and refresh content

Search engines favor fresh and updated content. Regularly review your existing content, update it with the latest information, and refresh it to maintain relevance. Google’s algorithm tends to prioritize recently updated content, giving it an edge over outdated material. It is worth noting the perspective of a founder who operates her own business. I recommend you closely observe her words and actions.

“Knowing your audience’s preferences is key. Conduct keyword research, create great headlines, and focus on producing high-quality content. Format content for readability, include internal links, optimize meta tags, and ensure mobile responsiveness for increased traffic and engagement. Neglecting these steps can negatively impact search engine rankings.”
— Lana Gerton Founder, lanagerton


Optimizing content for both human readers and search engines is an art that requires a strategic approach. By understanding your audience, conducting keyword research, creating high-quality content, optimizing on-page elements, focusing on mobile optimization, incorporating links, prioritizing readability and user experience, and regularly updating your content, you can strike the perfect balance between catering to your readers’ needs and appeasing search engine algorithms. With these eight tips in mind, content writers can propel their content to the top of SERPs while delivering value and relevance to their audience.

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Hamza HanifGuest Contributor: Hamza Hanif is an experienced SEO specialist, marketing executive, and content marketer with a passion for writing about technology and news. With over 3 years of experience in this field, Hamza is committed to delivering high-quality content that engages and informs his audience.

You can connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

The copy and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Burrelles, our employees, partners or affiliates.

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