What is media monitoring used for?

July 11, 2022

Written by Kimberly Monitto

In our current digital age, media monitoring is needed more than ever. Long gone are the days where small mentions in a publication were the basis of success. Now, brands are constantly in the public eye, amassing hundreds to thousands of clicks per day. A single tweet could be the cause of an eruption of attention, so media monitoring tools are essential when it comes to keeping track and analyzing any media coverage that may come a brand’s way. 

The online world can be tricky. With so many media platforms, how is a brand to stay on top of every piece of news that contains their name? That’s where media monitoring comes in. 

What is media monitoring?

Media monitoring allows users to track the global digital landscape for any mentions, events, or relevant topics as soon as they appear and quickly provide helpful insights and analyses. NewsWhip’s real-time media monitoring platform Spike combines real-time feeds of web & social content with public engagement data to identify and predict the content that matters to you. 

So what exactly can media monitoring be used for? Let’s take a look at some of the many uses. 

Stay ahead

Illustration of prediction

Media mentions can catch us off guard. Have you ever logged onto Twitter just to see over 100 notifications? Digital news doesn’t have a clock, so your brand can be talked about 24/7. With media monitoring, you can stay ahead of the game with customizable alerts. NewsWhip Spike not only allows real-time alerts as mentions are coming through, but also enables predictive alerts that can help you see which stories are expected to reach a certain number of interactions. This feature also comes in handy when it comes to tracking brand reputation. Seeing what is being said at the moment it happens allows ample time to attack the root of the problem if a dilemma occurs. 

Compare incidents to establish benchmarks

Media monitoring allows you to track and analyze competitor data to understand exactly how your audience is reacting to it. Spike allows you to look at the type of content your target demographic is responding to, helping you establish benchmarks in terms of how to qualify successful interactions in regards to other brands.

Learn what your audience is reacting to, but more importantly, why they are reacting to it and how you can spot potential opportunities for yourself. 

Calm a Crisis

Because of NewsWhip’s unique predictive media monitoring technology, it’s easy to predict the impact a story that mentions your brand may have in both the short and long run.

Watch and monitor what is being said about your brand in real time, gauge just how many interactions it will end up with, and understand the sites, stories, and posts influencing the conversation. With these tools, you can create a proper crisis plan and prepare yourself for any future mishaps.

Learn and adapt

Media monitoring tools absorb data and store it for years to come. From this, it’s simple to see patterns and trends that have brought success to even the smallest of brands.

NewsWhip Analytics has been monitoring news sources on the web for almost a decade, which allows you to compare and contrast historical data up to a year at a time. These insights will ultimately guide you in the right direction when it comes to learning from past mistakes and adapting towards the future. 

By measuring news mentions, published stories, and social media posts, media monitoring can help any organization improve their brand. The data speaks for itself – any brand can benefit from media monitoring in order to stay ahead of the pack.

If you’re interested in seeing how you can monitor for your brand, request a demo here.

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Kimberly Monitto

Kim began her journey at NewsWhip as an intern and still hasn’t found a reason to leave. She enjoys using NewsWhip’s technology to explore brand insights, spot advertising trends on the rise, and monitor public engagement in an ever-changing digital world. She is especially passionate about sports, specifically her favorite soccer team who tend to always find their way onto NewsWhip’s leaderboards, F.C. Barcelona.

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