Reaching Consumers Through the Right Channels

Public Relations
marketing channels 06.08.21

Creating an effective marketing campaign that converts often means a lot of trial and error for businesses.

Companies have to understand their target audience, their interests, values, habits, and pain points, to provide them with truly useful products or services.

The research process also involves understanding where the consumers already are and meeting them there with any promotional efforts.

Once companies have figured out all of the different elements regarding their marketing plans, they have to figure out how they’ll reach the consumers.

Aside from the main traditional marketing channels such as broadcast and print, there are three main digital marketing channels that many companies should be utilizing.

Social Media Platforms

These days, social media platforms have become an essential element of any marketing plan, mainly because all of the different types of consumers are already on social platforms. Now, whether that means Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter it’s up to the business to figure out.

However, directing most promotional efforts in places where consumers already are and are spending the majority of their time is the best way to reach them on social media.

Reaching those consumers includes creating and executing a content strategy that will interest the target audience and many members of it will find value in that content.

Mobile Marketing

Another important channel for companies is mobile, especially with the popularity of tablets and smartphones.

Many people have their phones nearby and with them pretty much all the time, which makes smartphones an efficient and fast way for companies to reach out to the target audience.

Another benefit to mobile channels is that they’re very interruptive, which means businesses are bound to get the much sought-after attention that everyone is vying for.

Although at the end of the day it’s the consumers that hold all the power in terms of whether they opt-in to receive notifications from an app or not, it’s still an excellent way to reach audiences and get them to re-engage with the brand.

Email Marketing

Finally, the last channel is something that many business owners believe is an old or outdated practice, but the popularity is increasing in recent years.

Email marketing is another effective way for companies to reach, connect, and engage with consumers, especially when it comes to small businesses. Another great thing about email marketing is that there are many different strategies and techniques that companies can implement in their campaigns.

Brands and corporations have been using newsletters, transactional emails, and promotional emails for years and they’ve always been very effective. To truly reach the right audiences, email marketing requires audience segmentation, because not every consumer is interested in receiving all company emails.

Not only is this useful for metrics, analytics, and engagement, but it also helps businesses decrease the number of people that unsubscribe from the newsletter. Finally, segmentation is also essential in increasing the open and click-through rates, which impact the return on investment (ROI).

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