Ecommerce for Social Media 2024: Ultimate Guide

February 13, 2024By Tim RobinsonAdvertising, Communications, CSR/ESG, Cybersecurity, Marketing, Measurement/Analytics, Media Monitoring, Mobile Media, Press Releases, Public Relations, Social Media, Technology No Comments

Once upon a time, businesses hopped on social channels to amp up their brand presence and chat with customers. Fast forward to today, those very channels have donned a new hat – they’ve become vibrant marketplaces, offering the joy of online shopping with a social flavor.

Being on social media is the online pastime that everyone loves. In 2023, more than 4.89 billion people were using social media globally. By 2027, that number’s set to skyrocket to nearly six billion!

Even if you can only catch a tiny slice of that audience, you’re in for a big win. So, it’s a no-brainer for e-commerce (aka ecommerce) brands to team up with social media to make those sales happen.

In this read, we’re diving into social commerce and its power as a game changer in the ecommerce industry. Plus, we’re arming you with practical strategies to make the most out of social media for your ecommerce endeavors.

Let’s first start by clarifying some terms.

Understanding Social Media Ecommerce Marketing, Social Selling, and Social Commerce

Social Selling

Social selling is the process of forging relationships that lead to sales later. Think of it as using social media to find and cultivate potential customers interested in your offer. It involves all those steps you take on social media before making a sale—building relationships, researching, discussing products, and interacting directly with brands.

Social Commerce

Social commerce, a subset of ecommerce, is when shoppers seamlessly buy from social media platforms. This covers the entire spectrum of activities, from product discovery to the ultimate checkout process– without switching the app. Unlike social media marketing, social commerce lets buyers find products while strolling through their feeds.

To make a social commerce strategy work like a charm, brands must guarantee that social commerce transactions are swiftly followed by an efficient order fulfillment system that customers expect from any ecommerce purchase. Any hitches during the fulfillment and delivery journey can easily erase the seamless and convenient experience that social commerce aims to provide.

Social Media Ecommerce Marketing

Imagine this as a big umbrella that covers lots of stuff—building up your brand’s popularity, guiding customers to your website, advertising and selling products, and even the art of social selling and social commerce.

2 Social Commerce Definitions[SOURCE]

The Concept of Social Commerce

As we said earlier, social commerce is about brands selling products on social media platforms. Shoppers can connect with brands, explore, and buy the products all in one place.

In contrast to social media marketing, social commerce goes the extra mile. It lets customers shop and checkout directly within social platforms—without needing to hop to another website. Sometimes, these platforms might have links that take buyers to the retailer’s product page. That’s where they can finish up their purchase.

A blue square with a white logo in a shopping cartImagine this: you’re scrolling through your go-to social app, and you come across a sponsored post by a coffee brand showcasing a limited-edition blend that promises to awaken your taste buds. This post boasts a “Discover Now” label. Click on it, and it leads you to a page with all the details about the coffee and its pricing. Once you pick your grind preference, hit “Savor Yours,” and in just a few taps, your purchase is complete within the app. The convenience? Impeccable.

Major social media platforms are stepping up their game by providing retailers with specialized tools for social commerce. Big names like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok are all in on this. These tools make creating your very own digital store on these platforms a breeze.

You don’t necessarily need your ecommerce site to use these tools. But, if you’re an online retailer with your website and store, you can also lead customers to your site for extra benefits.

Is Social Commerce the Same as Ecommerce?

No, it’s not. Social commerce and ecommerce might seem like twins, but they have their own styles.

While social commerce involves selling rights within social media platforms, ecommerce casts a broader net. It covers online selling across various digital channels, such as standalone websites, online marketplaces, and retailer apps. Unlike social commerce, ecommerce transactions aren’t inherently tied to social media platforms.

Benefits of Social Commerce for Ecommerce Brands

1. Convenient Path to Purchase. Social commerce holds a key advantage—it eliminates unnecessary steps that often slow down purchases. The elements such as in-app checkout, buy buttons, and instant messaging tools make shopping on social media effortless and frictionless.Tikitoro Advertisement

Take Facebook, for instance. Instead of whisking users away to your website, they have a “checkout on Facebook” option. Shoppers can browse, buy, and stay right where they are – no need to leave social media.

When users smoothly transition from discovering something they love to purchasing it, the chances of them abandoning the cart drop significantly. You elevate trust and boost sales by smoothing the shopping journey, minimizing bumps, and offering swift buying options.

2. Mobile-friendly Platforms. The fact isn’t exactly surprising, but the numbers might catch your attention: 99% of individuals are accessing social media via tablets or smartphones. And 78% of them exclusively use their phones for this purpose.

That’s because one of the biggest reasons and the plus of social commerce is how it fits right into your mobile.

These social media platforms optimized for mobile devices transform shopping into a hassle-free experience, no matter where the shoppers are. Whether waiting for their morning coffee, riding the subway, or winding down before bed, they can easily browse products, explore deals, and make purchases with just a few taps.

It’s like carrying a store in a pocket. Social commerce connects brands with customers whenever it fits their schedule. Whether a quick treat or a planned buy, mobile-friendly social media platforms make shopping super easy.

3. Access to a Vast Market. Social media’s global reach provides access to diverse markets, transcending geographical boundaries.

As per an eMarketer report, the wave of social commerce is catching on particularly strong among Gen Z adults. Over half of US social media users aged 18 to 24 have shopped through social platforms. Meanwhile, millennials in the US lead the pack in using social media networks for their shopping choices.

US Social Buyers, by Age 2021[SOURCE]

No wonder the opportunity to reach a global target audience is too huge to miss for businesses.

4. Precise Targeting of Customer Personas. Social commerce revolves around meeting your customers right where they hang out. This strategy lets you connect with your existing customers uniquely and authentically by infusing your brand’s personality into creative content.

Furthermore, social commerce empowers brands to spotlight exclusive, ready-to-buy products in front of the right audience.

Plus, most social platforms have analytical tools to track users’ social and buying behaviors over time. They provide a treasure trove of data about users’ interests, behaviors, and preferences. This wealth of information helps you to create customer personas that are incredibly detailed and accurate.

With these finely-tuned customer personas, you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach the right people at the right time. This means your promotions and offers resonate deeper, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Social commerce takes the guesswork out of reaching your audience, ensuring your products are showcased to those most likely to love them.

5. Simultaneous Growth of Brand Awareness and Sales. Social commerce is not a standalone sales channel; it’s also about boosting your brand’s visibility. Every interaction, purchase, and share contributes to growing your brand’s reputation.

You’re creating a buzz around your brand while you’re out there engaging with customers, showcasing products, and facilitating transactions. Word spreads, and your brand gains traction among a wider audience.

So, while you’re busy making sales, you’re also making a name for yourself.

What are the Top Social Media Trends in 2024

In this digitally-driven business landscape, where businesses are quick to embrace new tools, it’s no surprise that 77% of businesses harness social media to engage with customers. Small businesses are leading the pack, using social media to establish a brand presence (44%) and generate revenue (41%).

If you find yourself in this category, understanding the key social media trends in 2024 could help you unlock significant growth opportunities. So, let’s focus on trends particularly relevant to ecommerce and social media integration.

1. Continued Growth of Social Commerce. Social commerce’s persistent growth is underpinned by its seamless integration of shopping into our daily digital lives. As it grows worldwide by observing more developed markets, it can pave the way for a broader landscape of shopping-enabled media.

Case in point: By the time 2025 rolls around, social commerce in China is projected to hit a two trillion US$ mark, expanding at an impressive annual rate of about 18% between 2021 and 2025.

A graph of different colored bars

As per the Sprout Pulse survey 2023, nearly half (47%) of consumers intend to utilize shopping features within platforms such as Instagram Shops, Facebook Shops, TikTok Shopping, and the like. This means finding new products, making payments, and completing purchases become simpler and quicker across digital platforms.

Looking beyond 2023, many online experiences could become “shoppable.” The easy tap-to-buy action we use on social media might also become possible with other online services.

Social commerce is poised to extend beyond social media and into various domains like streaming video platforms, gaming services, music, and podcast platforms, and potentially across the evolving digital landscape — the metaverse.

So, if you haven’t jumped on the social commerce train yet, your competitors are likely already in the process of doing so.

Here’s your playbook for harnessing this trend:

  • Integrate in-app shopping tools on your social media profiles.
  • Connect with your customers on their preferred social shopping platform.
  • Offer exclusive in-app discounts to social shoppers.

One thing to note here is that when you provide customization and acquire customers’ details, you must ensure you’ve got excellent cybersecurity measures.

Remember, customers are sharing their addresses, card details, names, emails and phone numbers. Therefore, it’s vital from the brand’s standpoint to secure this confidential information at all costs.

Getting all the cyber risks measured and assessed is required for a better user experience. Effective vendor risk management systems become essential for solid cybersecurity measures as businesses expand their presence into these diverse digital ecosystems.

Nescafe Posts2. Increasing Importance of Sustainability. As global temperatures continue to climb and individuals directly experience the consequences of climate change, there’s an escalating concern about our impact on the planet. This compels every brand to take proactive steps toward making a positive difference.

Gone are the days when consumers were satisfied with buzzwords like sustainability, green, or net zero. What they now seek is tangible action that genuinely addresses the issue. Notably, around 82% of consumers are calling for companies to prioritize the well-being of people and the planet over profit.

However, a shift is underway, with many now adopting a more subtle approach to showcase their environmental sustainability goals on social media. This strategy, called “green-hushing,” is a response to the growing apprehension of being accused of greenwashing.

You may recall the controversy when the Changing Markets Foundation called out H&M, a high-street fashion brand, for not holding up its sustainability claims.

So, the key lesson for brands would be approaching each communication about your company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) as if it were an official press release.

Collaborate with CSR and public relations (PR) experts to review the content and claims, ensuring accuracy and identifying any potential risks associated with the social media post.

3. Emphasis on Brand Authenticity. One key factor gaining traction in 2024 is the increasing focus on authentic brand representation. In an era where consumers value honesty and transparency, authenticity has become a cornerstone for building trust and fostering meaningful connections.

Consumers are no longer content with polished marketing messages and picture-perfect images. They crave genuine interactions and brands that align with their values. This shift in consumer behavior has prompted businesses to step away from overly curated content and scripted communications.

In response, brands are leaning into authenticity by showcasing their true colors, embracing imperfections, and sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses into their operations.

4. Dominance of TikTok SEO. The exceptional popularity of TikTok in recent years makes it imperative for brands to leverage this short-form video platform for business growth and increased visibility.

TikTok SEO involves optimizing videos to rank higher in search results, making your content more discoverable when users search for specific keywords in the TikTok search bar.

As TikTok continues to shape the social media landscape, understanding and utilizing its distinct SEO dynamics will remain a prominent trend in 2024. Brands and creators who master TikTok SEO can establish themselves as influential figures in a space where creativity and strategic algorithms combine to reshape digital engagement.

5. Rise of Short-Form Video Content. HubSpot’s 2024 Social Media Marketing Statistics states that short-form video content is the most leveraged form (of content), as evidenced by 31% of social media marketers who intend to prioritize it over other formats.

Which format offers marketers the highest ROI (top 5)[SOURCE]

The explosive popularity of apps like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts is a testament to the growing appetite for bite-sized, visually captivating content.

How to Implement Social Media Strategies for Ecommerce in 2024

1. Express Your Unique Persona. Social media is perfect for building your brand’s personality and connecting with buyers. It is about being real. How? By being yourself and showcasing your personality.

Use humor, support causes, or be super responsive – whatever suits you. The goal is to stick in the minds of potential customers, so they remember and know you.

Starbucks Posts2. Leverage User-Generated Content. UGC covers customer reviews, product unboxing, or any content where customers talk about their purchases.

User-generated content contributes to the value of positive reviews, social validation, and influencers. It’s real people giving feedback about your product. That’s like a treasure trove for brands to use on social media. Encourage your customers to post photos and videos using your products on social media platforms. Ask them to mention your brand. When they do, share their content on your own profile.

This strategy also helps customers feel connected to your brand. It builds interaction and demonstrates that you listen to and appreciate your customers—a win-win situation.

3. Use Hashtags. Add hashtags to your social media posts for better results. Hashtags drive sales and traffic to your brand. They connect your posts to people interested in what you offer. But choose the right hashtags to reach a broad audience of potential customers.

Three types of hashtags connect you with your clientele: brand or campaign-specific hashtags, product-specific hashtags, and trending hashtags. Using these types of hashtags enhances your customer visibility and elevates your conversion rates.

4. Limit Salesy Approaches. Traditional pushy marketing tactics are outdated. People aren’t interested in constant sales pitches. Instead, they seek genuine connections and relationships.

Building trust is the key. Once people trust you, they’ll consider buying from you. Bombarding consumers with promotions can turn them away.

5. Embrace Social Listening. By adopting social listening, you can unearth insights about your rivals’ approaches and understand your target market’s conversations.

These discussions can spark innovative ideas for products, tactics, and enhanced customer support. Social listening becomes a must in the online realm, where interactions shape strategies. This differentiation is crucial in the crowded online landscape.

More Organic Social Media Approaches for Ecommerce

  • Leverage Product Reviews — Highlight customer reviews on your social media profiles.
  • Personalized Interaction — Engage with customers personally on their accounts and yours.
  • Superior Customer Support — Deliver exceptional social customer service.

Some Paid Social Media Approaches for Ecommerce

  • Paid Advertisements — Invest in targeted ads and promoted posts.
  • Influencer Marketing — Collaborate with influencers to endorse your brand.
  • Ambassador Program — Establish a brand ambassador initiative.
  • Forge Partnerships — Form alliances with other brands.
  • Referral or Affiliate Program — Introduce programs rewarding customer referrals.
  • Amplify Organic Tactics — Enhance organic methods through paid boosts and ads.


In the world of social media and ecommerce, 2024 brings exciting trends. The trends we’ve explored here pave the way for businesses to harness the power of social media in their ecommerce strategies.

With the rise of social commerce, the emphasis on authenticity, the dominance of TikTok SEO, and the surge of short-form video content – the future looks promising.

By staying informed, adapting to trends, and unleashing your brand’s unique persona, you’re not just riding the wave of change – you’re defining it.

Track your competitors and understand the sentiment in real-time from all media – print, online, broadcast, and social.
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Tim RobinsonGuest Contributor: Tim Robinson is Digital Marketing Manager at PACK & SEND, a 25+ years old and respected brand in ecommerce, logistics, and freight delivery solutions. Tim has 20 years of combined experience in sales and marketing. Logistics, D2C, franchising, business planning, and operations management are his core expertise.

Connect with Tim on LinkedIn.

The copy and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Burrelles, our employees, partners, or affiliates.


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