Influencer Marketing

Leveraging an Influencer Marketing Agency to Tap into the Buying Power of Gen Z

May 17, 2023

In today’s digital age, influencer marketing has become essential for brands looking to reach Gen Z. This generation is a force to be reckoned with, with a buying power that’s set to reach billions of dollars in the coming years. To tap into this purchasing power, brands must embrace new marketing strategies that resonate with the younger generations. In this article, we’ll explore how your brand can effectively leverage the power of influencer marketing to reach and engage the highly lucrative Gen Z audience, through authentic and compelling campaigns that resonate.

Influencer Marketing Agency Insight: Why Influencer Marketing is a Must-Have for Reaching Gen Z

Gen Z represents a unique generation unlike any before them, characterized by their digital fluency and early adoption of mobile technology. With smartphones, social media, and the internet at their fingertips from a young age, they are highly connected and engaged in the online world. They are also extremely discerning when it comes to marketing messages, and are more likely to trust recommendations from influencers than traditional advertising. According to Hubspot’s “How Each Generation Shops in 2023” report, 33% of Gen Z have bought a product based on an influencer’s recommendation in the past three months. This means that brands that ignore influencer marketing are missing out on a massive opportunity to reach this generation.

Additionally, 1 in 2 Gen Zers want companies to take a stance on social issues. When companies advocate for these issues, it has a strong impact on Gen Z’s purchase decisions. Therefore, it’s crucial to work with influencers who support your brand’s values and share your beliefs on social issues. When influencers share content that aligns with their personal beliefs and values, they are more likely to resonate with Gen Z audiences who also prioritize social responsibility. This can help build a stronger connection between the influencer and their audience, which can lead to greater trust and loyalty towards your brand. By partnering with influencers who support similar ideals as your brand, you can showcase your brand’s values and positively impact Gen Z’s purchase decisions.

The Top Social Media Platforms Used by Gen Z According to an Influencer Marketing Agency

To effectively reach Gen Z, brands must first understand where this generation is spending their time online. Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are the top social media apps among Gen Z, according to Hubspot. Instagram is particularly popular among Gen Z, with 76% of respondents saying they use the platform. Meanwhile, YouTube is the go-to platform for long-form video content, with 70% of respondents saying they use it, with TikTok close behind emerging as a major player in recent years, with 63% of Gen Zers saying they actively use the platform. Brands that want to reach these generations must have a strong presence on these platforms, and create content that resonates with their audiences. This can involve partnering with influencers who have a deep understanding of their audience and can help create content that is not only entertaining but also aligns with the brand’s values and messaging. By doing so, brands can effectively capture the attention of Gen Z and build a loyal following on these platforms.

Creating Authentic Influencer Campaigns for Gen Z

Creating authentic and genuine campaigns that resonate with audiences is crucial for the success of influencer marketing, particularly with Gen Z and Gen Alpha. These generations value authenticity and are more likely to trust influencers who they perceive as genuine rather than overly promotional. It’s not just about finding influencers with large followings, but also those who align with your brand values and target audience. This requires extensive research and vetting to ensure the influencer’s content and message aligns with your brand. Brands should work closely with influencers to co-create content that feels genuine and resonates with their audiences. This involves taking the time to understand the influencer’s style and voice, as well as their audience demographics and interests. By doing so, brands can tailor their messaging and content to match the influencer’s tone and style, resulting in more authentic and relatable campaigns.

It’s also important for brands to give influencers creative freedom when developing content. While it’s necessary to ensure that the campaign aligns with the brand’s values and messaging, influencers are experts at creating content that resonates with their audiences. By giving them creative control over the campaign, brands can tap into the influencer’s unique perspective and creative skills, resulting in content that feels more authentic and engaging. Finally, brands should aim to build long-term relationships with influencers to ensure that campaigns are consistent and sustainable over time. This involves working closely with influencers to develop ongoing campaigns and partnerships for continued collaboration and co-creation.

Key Elements of a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign for Gen Z

Creating a successful influencer marketing campaign for Gen Z requires careful planning and execution. Here are key elements to consider incorporating into your influencer marketing strategy:

  1. Identify the Right Influencers: The first step in any successful influencer marketing campaign is to identify the right influencers who align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience. This requires thorough research and vetting to ensure that the influencers you partner with have a strong following amongst Gen Z.
  2. Create Authentic Content: Gen Z is highly perceptive when it comes to marketing messages, and they are more likely to trust influencers who come across as authentic and genuine. Brands must work closely with influencers to create content that feels authentic and resonates with their target audience.
  3. Leverage Multiple Platforms: Gen Z is active on multiple social media platforms, so it’s important to leverage a variety of platforms in your influencer marketing campaigns. By creating content that’s tailored to each platform, you can reach a wider audience and drive engagement with your brand.
  4. Embrace Video Content: Video content is particularly popular among Gen Z, with YouTube and TikTok being two of the most popular platforms. Brands must create video content that’s entertaining, informative, and authentic to drive engagement with Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
  5. Measure Results: Finally, it’s important to measure the results of your influencer marketing campaigns and initiatives to determine their effectiveness. By tracking metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates, you can optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Influencer Marketing Agency Recommendations for Tapping into the Buying Power of Gen Z

Gen Z and Gen Alpha’s combined purchasing power is set to reach trillions of dollars in the coming years, making them the most influential generation to date. Brands that want to succeed in the coming years must understand the unique needs and desires of these generations, and create marketing campaigns that resonate with them. Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for reaching these generations, as it allows brands to tap into the authenticity and trust that influencers have built with their audiences.


Influencer marketing will continue to be an essential tool for reaching Gen Z and Gen Alpha, who are digital natives with significant buying power. By partnering with influencers who are popular among these generations, brands can create authentic campaigns that resonate with their target audience. To succeed with influencer marketing, brands must identify the right influencers, create authentic content, leverage multiple platforms, embrace video content, and measure their results. By following these key elements, brands can tap into the buying power of both Gen Z and Gen Alpha and drive engagement and sales with their products or services.

Looking for an influencer marketing agency? Konnect with us to learn how we’ve helped other brands reach Gen Z through strategic influencer marketing campaigns.

Kalista is a seasoned marketing professional with over seven years of experience directly in the influencer industry. As the Director of Influencer Marketing at Konnect Agency, she develops effective influencer strategies and helps lead successful client campaigns and programming. With her expertise, Kalista has partnered with renowned corporations major creating impactful influencer initiatives across various industries. Notable clients include St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Sally Beauty, Henkel, P&G, Unilever, Foot Locker, Kroger, Samsung, ONE Brands and more. She has also worked directly with TikTok to empower brands to seamlessly integrate influencer initiatives into their advertising campaigns.

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