How do you stay a team when working remote?

Working from home this past month has become the reality for most of us. Which can be big change from working in an office setting every day. During a typical office day at HMA, it isn’t abnormal for us to yell across the office about what everyone is eating for lunch or to come together in the HMA “living room” for a mid-day chat.

But now with all of us working from home to stay safe, how do we adapt to stay connected as a team and keep our normal company morale?

For us, we began having daily video check-ins the first day of working from home. For me, and I think everybody else can agree, these are refreshing because they keep us in the loop of what everyone has going on, a chance to bounce ideas off each other, and of course provide great Netflix recommendations (currently, binge watching Ozark).

Next, we communicate a lot and not by strictly email but by phone with each other and clients. Prior to this, I can’t think of talking to anyone on the phone consistently every day except my mom, but now I think Abbie and she are neck and neck! As communicators, we know that communication is key, so I appreciate the clarity a phone call can provide. Plus, outside of work responsibilities it can be great to hear someone’s voice and have them check on how you are doing.

Lastly, we remember to have fun like we would in the office. For us this can be anything from virtual happy hour to virtual team lunches or playing games during Monday morning meetings.

What are some other ways you have stayed connected with your colleagues and clients while working from home?

Written by
at Apr 17, 2020

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