Using Press Release Quotes: Best Practices and Examples

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Do you want to make your press release stand out in the competitive world of media? Allow us to introduce you to a valuable ally: press release quotes.

These concise snippets aren’t just embellishments. They can transform your announcement from yet another press release into front-page news. Quotes humanize a press release and lend credibility to its message.

Our best practices will turn your press release into a captivating read for journalists and your target audience. Keep reading to learn how to use press release quotes.

What Are Press Release Quotes?

Press release quotes are snippets of text within a press release where a representative of a company or organization provides a statement. These quotes serve several crucial purposes in the world of media communication.

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First, quotes make a press release more interesting to read. They give it a human touch that resonates with readers. Press release quotes also add credibility. They provide a voice from within the organization, someone who is directly involved or knowledgeable about the subject.

Importance of Press Release Quotes

Your audience wants to hear directly from people in the company. That’s why quotes are vital. In a sea of formal language and facts, quotes help readers resonate with the contents of the release. A well-crafted quote can convey passion or a strong point of view. It also establishes an emotional connection with the reader.

Quotes can also be used as strategic tools designed to grab a journalist’s attention. Every day, journalists receive a flood of press releases. To stand out, your content needs to be genuinely newsworthy.

Quotes play a pivotal role in achieving this by offering a fresh angle, a unique perspective, or a compelling insight. When journalists see attention-grabbing quotes, they are more likely to delve deeper into your press release. This increases the chances of your story making it into the news cycle.

However, not all press release quotes are created equal. Journalists have developed a discerning eye for spotting ineffective or irrelevant quotes. It’s essential to navigate the delicate balance between providing valuable information and avoiding the pitfalls that can turn journalists away.

Common Mistakes in Press Release Quotes

Unfortunately, many journalists disdain press release quotes. They wish writers would leave them out altogether. This sentiment has its roots in some common mistakes made by press release writers.

Understanding these mistakes is crucial, as it ensures that your quotes capture attention and contribute to the narrative.

1. Wasting Space on Meaningless Quotes

Many writers miss the mark by including quotes that add nothing to the narrative. These quotes are often generic and devoid of emotion. Let’s take a closer look at an example:

“We are excited about this new product,” says the CEO.

Journalists despise quotes like this one that add zero value. In this instance, the quote lacks insight and emotion. Unfortunately, it becomes a missed opportunity to provide the journalist with a compelling reason to cover your story.

Here’s an example of a CEO press release quote that hits the mark:

“Our team poured their hearts into this innovation,” the CEO shared, brimming with passion. “This isn’t just a product. It’s a testament to our dedication to pushing boundaries and making a real difference in people’s lives.”

Whether it’s a perspective on the product, the company, the market, or even competitors, the writer should aim for a quote that sparks curiosity. Press release quotes should serve as powerful nuggets of information. They should not be mere placeholders in the narrative.

2. Using Too Many Quotes

In press releases, less is often more – especially when it comes to the number of quotes. It’s a common pitfall to include an excessive number of quotes from different people.

While it might seem like a way to showcase various perspectives, it can have the opposite effect. Too many quotes can overwhelm the reader, diluting the impact of the key messages you’re trying to convey.

Journalists, in particular, prefer to sift through concise, targeted information that gets straight to the point. A press release flooded with many quotes makes it challenging for journalists to discern the core narrative. The key here is to keep your press release succinct. Only include the most impactful snippets that add value to your story.

A helpful guideline to remember is to keep quotes to less than 12% of your total word count. This ensures that each quote serves a specific purpose. It contributes meaningfully to the narrative without overwhelming the reader.

By adhering to this guideline, you maintain a balanced and readable structure. You also increase the likelihood that journalists will engage with and extract the most crucial information from your press release.

3. Using Made-Up Quotes

Nothing erodes trust faster than the use of fabricated quotes. Readers can quickly identify disingenuous content. This leads to a loss of credibility for the entire press release.

Consider a quote like this:

“Our groundbreaking technology will change the world,” claims an unnamed source.

Such statements, attributed to unidentified individuals, create a credibility gap. Readers, including journalists, are likely to question the authenticity and reliability of information when the source remains anonymous. In media, transparency is key. Vague or unnamed sources can compromise readers’ trust.

Fabricated quotes risk damaging the immediate credibility of a press release. They can also have lasting consequences on the trustworthiness of the organization or individual behind the communication.

Best Practices When Using Press Release Quotes

Now, let’s shift our focus to actionable best practices. These can transform your quotes from mere placeholders to attention-grabbing highlights.

1. Keep Quotes Short (Less Than 20 Words)

Modern readers are busy. A concise quote is more likely to capture attention and leave a lasting impression. The shorter, the better. Take, for instance, this exemplar:

“Our innovation speaks for itself,” says the CTO.

This succinct quote not only exudes confidence but also acts as an invitation for further exploration. It shows that a few carefully chosen words can pack a substantial communicative punch in a world where time is of the essence.

2. Limit Quotes to One Sentence

Press release writers should aim to keep quotes to one sentence or at most two. Lengthy quotes can be overwhelming. Capture attention with a short, impactful statement that leaves room for curiosity.

For instance: “This partnership exemplifies our commitment to innovation,” remarks the Chief Marketing Officer.

In just a few words, a powerful insight is conveyed. Illustrating how a succinct statement can carry significant weight in delivering a compelling message.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Keep Things Punchy

Condensing verbose quotes into concise, engaging statements is crucial. It is a strategy to sustain your reader’s interest.

Consider this lengthy original quote: “We are excited to announce our quarterly earnings exceeded expectations.”

Now, witness the shortened, punchy version: “Our earnings soared beyond expectations.”

By encapsulating the information in a single sentence, the message’s essence remains unchanged. It preserves the speaker’s words while ensuring brevity.

This approach captivates your reader’s attention. It also amplifies the overall effectiveness of your communication.

4. Leave Quotes Out and Assess Impact

Occasionally, a press release might be more effective without quotes. Evaluate the impact of exclusion. Choose the version that aligns best with your message. Take a moment to compare your press release with and without a quote.

Choose the version that seamlessly aligns with your intended narrative. This thoughtful approach ensures that every element, whether included or excluded, serves the overarching goal. It delivers a compelling and resonant message to your audience.

5. Make Quotes Sound Natural

Choosing a compelling quote goes beyond mere words. It’s about infusing a genuine human voice into your message.

Authenticity is the cornerstone. Avoid robotic or overly scripted statements.

Instead, opt for quotes that resonate with the natural pattern of human speech. Take, for instance, this quote: “Our journey has been challenging, but we’re not backing down,” shares the project lead.

Authentic language establishes a stronger connection. It creates a quote that not only communicates a message but also resonates with the sincerity of human expression.

6. Quote Formatting

Clean and consistent formatting acts as the unsung hero that not only enhances the visual appeal of your release but also plays a pivotal role in effectively delivering your message. When incorporating quotes, ensure they are prominently set apart from the surrounding text. Use quotation marks and attributions to provide clarity on the speaker.

Additionally, consider using italics or bold formatting for added emphasis on key phrases. A well-formatted quote not only aids in comprehension but also lends a professional and polished look to your press release text. This leaves a lasting impression on both journalists and readers alike.

Leveraging the Power of Press Release Quotes

Press release quotes can be the deciding factor that either propels your story to the forefront or consigns it to the sidelines. Understanding the mindset of journalists and employing these best practices can make your quotes powerful allies in the quest for media coverage.

As you embark on your journey to master the art of press releases, consider partnering with us for unparalleled press release services. Our expert team is poised to elevate your communications, ensuring that your press releases get the attention they deserve. Contact us today and let your press releases become the compelling narratives that journalists can’t ignore.

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