What Are the Perks of Working in Public Relations?

Many jobs offer perks. For example, if you work in a restaurant, you likely get to sample new and interesting food trends before the public, thanks to the chef and mixology team. Or, if you work in the spa industry (as I did in college), you likely have the chance to enjoy free treatments from time to time.

Public relations is no different as there are many perks.

My favorite, however, are the meaningful relationships you develop as a PR person. We actually tell folks often that we do public relationships not just public relations.

One such relationship, (thank you to Fred and CHASSE Building Team, long-time clients and friends), made this week extra-special for the team at HMA Public Relations as it allowed our own Scott Hanson to throw out the first pitch during a Spring Training game as part of his 60th birthday celebration year. The moment was magic; the memory one none of us will soon forget.

Written by
at Apr 6, 2022

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