Getting The Correction

Getting it right the first time is important.

Every now and then, we are tasked with having to go to a reporter or editor to request a correction of something they may have incorrectly reported.  Mistakes happen.

When the correction appears, it’s usually a day or two later if it’s a daily, or even longer if the publication has a weekly or monthly frequency, so it doesn’t really do much good.  On top of that, the “corrections section” of most publications is in a non-descript, hard-to-find place.  It’s a cumbersome process to begin with – with not much satisfaction

It’s like putting the toothpaste back in the tube. You can do it, but you lose so much of it in the process.

The company that takes care of the landscaping for Whitton Place, where HMA Public Relations is located, recently received a request from the property management company to trim oleanders that line the southern border of the property.

Somewhere along the line, “trim” was misconstrued as “cut down.”  As you can see from the photo – the oleanders went from looking like a hippie to looking like a marine before the proper instructions were recommunicated.

The on-site supervisor said, “They’ll be healthier in the long-run and will look great in a year.”   I guess like a bad haircut, it will grow back.  We’ll have to wait on nature to get this correction.

Written by
at Nov 19, 2019

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