Integrate PR, social media and content marketing

Are you integrating PR, content marketing and social media for better results?

Something’s becoming clearer than ever these days.

If you fail to connect PR to social media and content marketing, you’re missing an opportunity.

Before we delve into why, let’s take a minute to look back. 

If a tree falls in the forest…

Even before there were social media platforms to consider, it was always true that once you’d earned a media placement through public relations, you needed to share it. You’d post it on your website, maybe send it out through your customer newsletter, and share it internally with your employees.

Today, in addition to earned media, we have owned media, which includes content we’re self-publishing.

And, we have social media, which makes it so much easier to share our media coverage and our content with all the audiences we need to nurture.

Of course, this should be a significant boon to our public relations efforts. But, alas, it doesn’t always work that way.

I often hear this: “Oh, we just need you to handle our PR. We’ll handle social media.” Or: “Self-published content? Oh, we just post that to our site. Visitors will find it if they need it.”

Hmmm….well, anything that’s generated by our PR efforts through earned media needs to be shared on social media. And any content we self-publish may NOT be found randomly – unless we promote it to help the people that can benefit from it find it.

It reminds me of the famous quote, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Squeezing more juice from your content

Media coverage earned through public relations efforts or self-published content simply doesn’t go as far without amplification. It must be shared to get all the mileage you can from it. Or, as influencer Andy Crestodina might say, to squeeze all the juice from it.

Besides, it just makes sense. You need content for your social media channels. PR and content marketing are great ways to help fill your social media calendar. One without the others just doesn’t work.

Don’t silo – integrate

The point is, the three can’t exist in silos. You can’t partition social media, content or public relations off in their own little corners of the world. EVERYTHING you do should be feeding into the PR/social media/content pipeline. All content generated either internally or through earned media should be part of that.

It’s like a lifecycle:

  • A PR placement is earned or content is generated internally – a customer story or infographic, for example.
  • It’s posted on the website.
  • It’s shared on social.
  • A potential customer sees the social media post, visits the site, reads more of the brand’s content and starts following it.
  • A few months later, they come on board as a customer, after following the brand on social—and seeing all the great content it shares.

See how it all works TOGETHER?

So, don’t silo it and miss the boat. Integrate your PR, content and social media efforts for better results.

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2 thoughts on “Are you integrating PR, content marketing and social media for better results?”

  1. Michelle, I agree with your approach and shared a blog post that references other opportunities to build awareness across platforms. Regards. Janet

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