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What’s the difference between social media reach, reactions, and clicks?

By Clarissa Schearer

A picture of a mouse.Measuring your social media pages based on reach, reactions, and clicks is a must when evaluating your ROI. Building a company social media page isn’t something you do for fun; it’s to connect with your customers. Your ROI from social media comes from generating new customers based on your social pages. These measurements reveal the initial steps followers take as they interact with your brand. When you understand these metrics, you are able to understand your audience and what they do with the content you share on social media. For this reason, you’ll want to make sure your company has developed a successful social media strategy.




Reach refers to the number of unique people who have seen your post content. This is a good metric for understanding how well you can connect with audiences outside your bubble of followers. That being said, reach is a basic vanity metric with no real substance. Why? Because even though outside audiences may be seeing your social media posts, they’re not all necessarily engaging with your company or brand. When boosting a post, we recommend not spending money on reach since it doesn’t guarantee any form of engagement.



Every time someone clicks the like button on a Facebook post, it’s measured as a reaction. Post reactions are part of engagement. Focusing on building the number of reactions to your posts is a good start toward meeting your social media engagement goals because when people react to your post, it means they’re paying attention to your content rather than blindly scrolling through their social feeds. Encouraging positive reactions to your social media content can help build connections with your followers.



A page follower clicking on a link you’ve posted can be the highest compliment. Clicks are another form of engagement measured simply by the number of times followers click on your post. If you’ve posted a link to one of your landing pages and someone clicks on it, that’s great! It means someone took the time not only to engage with your social media, but also to take real action to learn more. That’s why it’s important to have most of the links that you post refer back to your website so customers can learn more about your services and make purchases.


As social media experts, Axia’s team can help your company develop a social media strategy that grows your business and establishes your company as a thought-leader in your industry. Learn more about our social media services and how we create content that resonates with your target audiences.


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Clarissa Schearer is a fall associate at Axia Public Relations. She works in news and social media. Clarissa has worked for Axia since August 2019.

Topics: social media

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