Iliyana's Blog

Making Inbound PR Happen [Video]

[fa icon="calendar"] 21-Aug-2018 10:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva

making inbound pr happen webinar video

Inbound PR was born from experience. 

I come from a PR background. I spent three years working in PR across Germany and the UK. Having studied International Business and not PR I really needed to work on my writing skills. 

Because let's face it, what PR people excel at really is storytelling, often in the written form. That's what PR pros study when they go to university and that's what they do day in and day out.

But when I joined HubSpot and had to master inbound marketing, I had to nail down on the numbers game and think with measurement in mind from the start. And I think we all agree that measurement is not PR's forte. 

These two realisations - that PR people excel at content but they suck at measurement - gave birth to Inbound PR.

I started writing about it. I started doing public speaking about it. The concept and the interest in it grew very quickly.  

I developed a whole methodology around Inbound PR and multiple other how-tos to make Inbound PR happen. 

With so much content all over my blog or from presentations, people wanted even more - a certification or a book. And that's how the Inbound PR book was born which has now been available as a hardcopy, digital version or audiobook since April of this year. 

My dear friends at Prowly are some of the biggest book supporters and they recently asked me to do a webinar with them. 

I decided to share some practical tips on how to make Inbound PR happen and I want to make sure that you too have the chance to learn how to do Inbound PR. 

Below you can find the recording of my webinar with Prowly. 

Making Inbound PR Happen [Video]


Have you tried Inbound PR? 


Topics: Inbound PR

Iliyana Stareva

Written by Iliyana Stareva

Iliyana Stareva is the author of Inbound PR - the book that is transforming the PR industry. She's also a keynote speaker and a consultant in inbound and digital for fast-growing companies and agencies. Currently, Iliyana is Chief of Staff to the EMEA President at ServiceNow. Before that, she held global and EMEA-wide positions at Cisco and HubSpot. She is also certified by the PMI as a Project Management Professional (PMP)®. In her free time, you can find Iliyana writing for her blog, dancing salsa or travelling the world.

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